MathEd Forum: February 24, 2024
In and Of the World: Framing Mathematics
Mathematics contributes to, shapes, and narrates world issues and crises. Perspectives about mathematics contribute to, shape, and narrate educational issues. What we as educators mean by the word mathematics differs, and our discourses about mathematics can enrich or diminish the lives of individuals. This month’s forum invites participants to explore and think deeply about what we mean by mathematics, and what impact our meanings of mathematics have on our students and on the world.
Please find the agenda here.
09:55 to 10:05 |
Welcome to the Forum
10:10 to 11:00 |
Eva Thanheiser (Portland State University) |
11:05 to 12:00 |
Richard Barwell (University of Ottawa) |
12:00 to 13:00 |
13:00 to 14:00 |
Limin Jao (McGill University), Steven Khan (Brock University) |
Registered Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Paul Alves | Peel DSB |
Mallory Andrews | Nipissing University |
Charles Anifowose | Vretta Inc. |
Annie Antonenko | |
Cal Armstrong | Appleby College |
Richard Barwell | University of Ottawa |
Alfred Benn | |
Stephanie Boragina | York University |
Pamela Brittain | The Fields Institute |
Chantal Buteau | Brock University |
Rosalind Carson | University of Calgary |
Becca Carter | Queen's University |
Alexandre Cavalcante | University of Toronto |
Paulina Chin | Maplesoft |
David Cobo | Toronto Metropolitan University |
Cat Cou | |
Cristina De Simone | York University |
Francis Duah | Toronto Metropolitan University |
Ramsel Eclarin-Guillermo | |
abdoul aziz Fall | University ALIOUNE Diop |
Olga Fellus | |
Martyna Fojcik | |
Barbara Forrest | University of Waterloo |
Viktor Freiman | Université de Moncton |
Jimmy Frickey | |
Howard Goodman | |
Shana Graham | University of Regina |
Salwa Hafid | |
Qiye Huang | Nipissing University |
Abdulkadir Hussein | University of Windsor |
Jeff Irvine | Nipissing University |
Everton Jacinto | |
Limin Jao | McGill University |
John R Jungck | University of Delaware |
Ann Kajander | Lakehead University |
Victoria Kayser-Cuny | International Network of STEM for the Blind and Low-Vision |
Zahra Khanzad | York University |
Anjali Khirwadkar | Brock University |
Minnie Liu | Simon Fraser University |
Jelena Loncar-Vines | Conestoga College |
Miroslav Lovric | McMaster University |
Ami Mamolo | Ontario Tech University |
Joyce Mgombelo | Brock University |
Cameron Morland | University of Waterloo |
Teresa Mosher | BHNCDSB |
Awa Ndiaye | |
Cynthia Nicol | University of British Columbia |
Mavis Okyere | Catholic University of Ghana |
Mollie O’Neill | |
Laila Oubenaissa | |
Jimmy Pai | OCDSB |
Jimmy Pai | OCDSB |
Prangya Parida | University of Ottawa |
Randall Pyke | SFU |
Leili Rafiee Sevyeri | University of Waterloo |
Marjan Rajabi | QIAU |
Tina Rapke | York University |
Cameron Redsell-Montgomerie | Mohawk College |
Sheree Rodney | Ontario Tech University |
Ricardo Scucuglia | Sao Paulo State University |
Min Seo | |
Lindsey Shorser | University of Toronto |
Gurnoor Singh | Prayag College |
vahid soleimani | |
Frosina Stojanovska-Pocuca | Mohawk College |
Chris Suurtamm | University of Ottawa |
Liisa Suurtamm | District School Board of Niagara |
Henry Tam | Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. |
Peter Taylor | Queen's University |
Eva Thanheiser | Portland State University |
Jennifer Venalainen | Charles G Fraser P.S. |
Satoshi Watanabe | Trent University |
Zack Wolske | Ontario Tech University |
Kitty Yan | OISE/UT |
Kate Zhang | Humber College |
Organizing Committee
Ami Mamolo -
Ontario Tech University