Please find the agenda here.
09:55 to 10:05 |
Welcome to the Forum
10:10 to 10:50 |
Agida Manizade, Radford University |
10:55 to 11:25 |
Kwesi Yaro, University of Alberta; Albert Henry Ntarmah, University of Alberta; David Wagner, University of New Brunswick |
10:55 to 11:25 |
Alexandre Cavalcante & Asia Majeed, OISE/University of Toronto |
10:55 to 11:25 |
Sofia Ferreyro Mazieres, Wilfrid Laurier University; Olivia Lu, OISE/University of Toronto; Doug McDougall, OISE/University of Toronto |
11:30 to 11:45 |
Ricardo Scucuglia Rodrigues da Silva, Sao Paulo State University, UNESP, Brazil |
11:30 to 11:45 |
Steven Khan, Brock University, Anjali Khirwadkar, Brock University |
11:30 to 11:45 |
Lynn Pacarynuk, OCDSB |
11:45 to 12:00 |
Anjali Khirwadkar, Brock University, Shannon Welbourn, Brock University |
11:45 to 12:00 |
Cristina De Simone, York University; Marc Husband, St. Francis Xavier University; Tina Rapke, York University |
11:45 to 12:00 |
Bruce McLaurin, University of Ottawa |
12:00 to 12:30 |
POSTER GALLERY - BREAKOUT ROOM 1 - Comparing the Introduction of Programming, Coding, and Computational Thinking in Mathematics Curricula in Norway and Ontario
Martyna Katarzyna Fojcik, Volda University College |
12:00 to 12:30 |
POSTER GALLERY - BREAKOUT ROOM 2 - The Role of Computational Representation in the Meaning of Concepts and Reasoning in Algorithmic Activity in Mathematics: An a Priori Analysis of a Task
Marie-Frédérick St-Cyr, UQAM; Fabienne Venant, UQAM; Hassane Squalli, UdeS |
12:00 to 12:30 |
POSTER GALLERY - BREAKOUT ROOM 3 - Inquiry into the Usage of Indigenous Knowledges in Mathematics Professional Development for Non-Indigenous K- 12 Mathematics Coordinators and Learning Coach
Evra Trought-Pitters, University of Windsor |
12:00 to 12:30 |
POSTER GALLERY - BREAKOUT ROOM 4 - Exploring the Rise of Math Anxiety Among Canadian Students: The Role of Instructional Strategies
Haoyi Wang, University of Pennsylvania |
12:00 to 12:30 |
POSTER GALLERY - BREAKOUT ROOM 5 - Sources of Pedagogical Knowledge: The Views of Eight Faculty Members of an English University
Francis Duah, Toronto Metropolitan University |
12:35 to 12:50 |
Sandy Bakos & Richelle Marynowski, University of Lethbridge |
12:35 to 12:50 |
Olga Fellus, Brock University; Viktor Freiman, Université de Moncton |
12:50 to 13:05 |
Antonia Yip, Western University |
12:50 to 13:05 |
Josh Markle, University of Alberta |
13:05 to 13:35 |
Debrief and Discussion