Alternative Learning Paths
One of the current trends we hear in education is the idea of independent learning paths, artificial intelligence, and intelligent tutoring. These paths through the material could be directly defined by the instructor or, potentially, through some artificial intelligence agent that analyzes a student’s progress. This session will discuss content clusters and how branching on behaviour can be done either manually or using analytics and algorithms.
Bio: Paul DeMarco holds a B.Math degree in Computer Science/Electrical Engineering Electives, from the University of Waterloo. As Director of Development at Maplesoft, Paul is involved in the technical direction of Maple and Maple T.A., with special focus on kernel development, grid and web technologies, and internal infrastructure. As a software developer at Maplesoft since 1996, Paul has been involved in all aspects of development, in particular matrix and polynomial data-structures, algorithms, and connectivity with other products and languages.