On the approximability of the maximum cardinality stable matching problem with ties of bounded size
The maximum cardinality stable matching problem is central for game theory. If participants are allowed to have ties, the problem of finding a stable matching of maximum cardinality is an NP-hard problem, even when the ties are of size two. Moreover, in this setting it is UGC-hard to provide an approximation for the maximum cardinality stable matching problem with a constant factor smaller than 4/3. We give a tight analysis of an approximation algorithm given by Huang and Kavitha for the maximum cardinality stable matching problem with ties of size two, demonstrating an improved 4/3-approximation factor. For the general case, i.e., for the case of ties of size at most L, we develop a new algorithm with approximation factor (3L-2)/(2L -1). Interestingly, our approximation factor matches the integrality gap for the case of ties of size at most L.
Joint work with Robert Chiang, Jochen Koenemann, Natig Tofigzade.