March 15, 2025

Past Activities in Commercial Industrial Math
July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001

2000 - 2001 Financial Math Seminars

June 25-26, 2001
Mathematical Challenges in Product Development and Manufacture

June 14, 2001
Alternative Investment and Hedge Fund Workshop -SIGMA Analysis & Management

April 23 and 24, 2001
New Directions in Financial Risk Management

January 10, 2001
GARP, Global Associations of Risk Professionals
Deborah Williams, Founder and Research Director, Meridien Research
Technological Solutions for "Real-Time" Risk Management

December 8, 2000
Workshop on Options in Financial Products: Approaches to Valuation

November 29, 2000
GARP, Global Association of Risk Professionals
Dan Pastoric, V-P Business to Business Energy Services, Ontario Hydro Energy Inc.
Trials and Tribulations of the New Energy Marketplace

November 15, 2000
Prof. Gerhard Frey, Institute for Experimental Mathematics, University of Essen
'Fermat's Last Theorem and Cryptography'
Hosted by Univ.of Toronto, Mathematics Dept. and GANITA

November 10, 2000
CACR Workshop
Organizers: M. Gurski, A. Menezes, S. Shannon

October 18, 2000
GARP, Global Association of Risk Professionals
Ron Dembo, President and CEO, Algorithmics Inc.
Where is risk management heading?

October 18-19, 2000
Probability Theory and Modern Finance - a professional introduction