Past Activities in Commercial Industrial Math
July 2003- June 2004
April 28, 2004
Annual IFID Conference on Asset Allocation and Mortality
May 19, 2004
PRMIA Risk Management Seminar
Dr. Lorey Hoffman, Senior Director, Credit Risk, Office of the Superintendant
of Financial Institutions
Implementing Pillar 2 and the role of economic capital models
March 17, 2004 -
PRMIA Risk Management Seminar
Erik A. Heitfield, Monetary and Financial Studies, Division of Research
and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board
Rating System Dynamics and Bank-Reported Default Probabilities
under the New Basel Capital Accord
November 6-7, 2003
CACR Information Security Workshop & 4th Annual Privacy and
Security Workshop
Privacy and Security: The Next Wave
Supported by The Fields Institute
October 13-15, 2003
SIAM --Mathematics
for Industry Conference- MI03 Toronto
- September 19-20
CanQueue 2003 Workshop
The Fields Institute
- July 30 - August 1, 2003
3rd Annual
McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 03)
McMaster University