March 15, 2025

Models for Lifecycle Finance, Insurance and Economics (LIFE)
Keynote Presentation by Professor Menahem Yaari
Thursday October 28th, 2010
at Fields Institute

Scientific Committee
Narat Charupat (McMaster University),
David Promislow (York University),
Moshe Milevsky (York University)

The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Science in Toronto, Canada ( is proud to announce the scheduling of our annual conference on Thursday October 28th, 2010, which coincides with the 10th anniversary of the founding of The IFID Centre.

The theme of this year's conference is lifecycle finance, insurance and economics.We are honored that the keynote speaker for the conference is Professor Menahem Yaari (Hebrew University). His presentation will reflect on the impact of his classic and widely-cited 1965 article in the Review of Economic Studies

Other confirmed speakers include S. Richard (Wharton), L. Kotlikoff (Boston), S.F. Leung (Hong Kong), S. Hanna (Ohio State), S. Pliska (U. of Illinois) and T. Kobayashi (Tokyo).

Menahem Yaari (Hebrew University)

Larry Kotlikoff (Boston University)
Implementing the Yaari Model in Practice

Sherman Hanna (Ohio State University)
Positive vs. Normative Approaches to LifeCycle Saving and Spending Decisions

Stan Pliska (University of Illinois at Chicago)
with Discussion by Scott Richard (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
Optimal Life Insurance, Consumption and Investment

Takao Kobayashi (University of Tokyo)
with Discussion by Tom Salisbury (York University)
Human Capital and Asset Allocation

Siu F. Leung (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
with Discussion by Huaxiong Huang (York University)
Consumption and Annuitization

James Feigenbaum (Utah State University)
with Discussion by Jim Davies (University of Western Ontario)
Is it Really Good to Annuitize?

Svetlana Pashchenko (University of Virginia) (Ph.D. Paper Award Winner)
with Discussion by Tom Davidoff (University of British Columbia)
Accounting for Non-Annuitization

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