March 15, 2025

The Geometry and Topology of Markets
July 23 - 28, 1994

Organizing Committee

M. Hirsch, U. of California
G. Chickhilnisky, Columbia U.-Standford U. A. Khan, J. Hopkins
S. Cappell, New York U. M. Shub, IBM
J. Detemple, McGill U. M. Wooders, UofT

Recent developments have deepened the connection between topology and the economics of markets. This workshop will allow the presentation and discussion of original results of strong mathematical interest, which have or could lead to useful applications in the economics of markets. The first three days of the workshop will will be devoted to a series of mini-courses aimed at providing the basic background. The remaining time will allow the presentation of new mathematical thereoms, along competitive and cooperative systems, algeabraic geometry and markets with increasing returs, computational complexity, and stochastic processes and financial markets.

Mini-courses will be offered by S. Cappell, G. Chickilnisky adn M. Hirsch and there will be a number of invited lectures and other presentations.