March 16, 2025

New Directions in Financial Risk Management

Overnight Accommodation

Conference participants are responsible for securing their own overnight accommodation. To facilitate this process rooms have been block-booked at the following hotels at special conference rates for participants:

Sheraton Hamilton Hotel

116 King St. W.
Hamilton, Ontario
Local reservation number: 905-529-5515
Toll-free: 1-800-514-7101
Fax: 905-529-8266
Web site:
Arrival: April 22, 2001
Check-out: April 24, 2001
# of Rooms Available: 20
Cut-off Date for Reservations at Special Rate: April 1, 2001

Single - $112.00
Double - $112.00
Club Level upgrade - $35.00
Deluxe Guestroom upgrade - $15.00
Additional person - $15.00

*Prices are exclusive of taxes.

When making a reservation at Sheraton Hamilton you must identify that you are participating in the Workshop in Financial Risk Management in order to receive special rate.

Royal Connaught Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel

112 King Street East
Hamilton, Ontario
Ph: 905-546-8111
Fax: 905-546-8144

Arrival: April 23, 2001
Check-out: April 24, 2001
# of Rooms Available: 25
Cut-off Date for Reservations at Special Rate: April 9, 2001

Single - $79.00
Double - $79.00
Overnight parking - $4.25

*Prices are exclusive of taxes.

When making a reservation at Royal Connaught you must identify that you are participating in the Workshop in Financial Risk Management in order to receive special rate.