March 15, 2025

The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre at The Fields Institute

Conference on Personal Risk Management
September 24, 2001

The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre is proud to announce the first annual conference on Personal Risk Management to be held at the Field Institute on Monday September 24th, 2001. This one-day event is dedicated to the topic of Personal Finance and Insurance (PF&I) and will focus on applying quantitative financial techniques to the decisions individual's face in their daily life.
The broad objectives of The IFID Centre are to disseminate and conduct applied research in the growing field of financial risk management for individuals. This includes the obvious areas of finance and insurance as well as economics, actuarial science, taxation, operations research, law, psychology, sociology and marketing as they pertain to individual consumers and their financial decisions.

Research projects at The IFID Centre are partially supported by AIG, CANNEX, Manulife Financial, TIAA-CREF Institute, Keyport Insurance, Ibbotson Associates and a variety of other participants and organizations in the financial services industry.

Featured and confirmed speakers for our first annual conference are:

Richard Roll (UCLA)
Zvi Bodie (Boston U.)
Robert Brown (U. of Waterloo)
Pauline Shum (York U.)
Ted Cadsby (CIBC)
Mark Warshawsky (TIAA-CREF)
Mike Orszag (Watson Wyatt)
Larry Kotlikoff (Boston U.)


A block of rooms for participants have been arranged the hotels listed below. Please request the Fields Institute rate when booking (approx. $109 CDN for the Days Inn and $125 CDN for the Quality Inn ); rooms must be reserved before August 24, 2001 to receive the Fields rate.

Days Inn
30 Carleton Street,
Toronto, ON, M5B 2E9
Tel: 416 977-6655
Toll Free 1-800-367-9601 (8:30 am- 6pm)
Quality Hotel
280 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON, M5S 1V8
Tel: (416) 968-0010
Fax: (416) 968-7765

For additional accommodation resources, please see the Fields Housing page

For more information please contact the conference organizer, Moshe Milevsky, at the IFID Centre 416 348-9710 ext. 3010 or by email at: