March 14, 2025
Mathematics Outreach Programs Archive
supported by the Fields Institute

Call for Outreach Proposals
Fields Cognitive Science Network

Fields Cognitive Science Network:
Empirical Study of Mathematics and How it is Learned

November 17, 2012
University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind
Sandford Fleming Building, University of Toronto

Elementary and High School Mathematics

May 3, 2013
SNAP Math Fair

Caribou Mathematics Competition @Brock
for grades 3-8 students and teachers.

Math Circles

Windows in Elementary Mathematics
The goal of the project is to provide students, parents and teachers with insights into mathematics how mathematicians think

Math Performance Festival
for grades 4-6 students and teachers.

CEMC Think about Math! Conference
Think About Math! (TAM) is designed to ignite enthusiasm in high school girls for mathematics.
University of Waterloo

Royal Canadian Institute Lectures

For up coming lectures supported by Fields see

Past talks webcasts


The Fields Institute will be hosting a summer research program for undergraduates to be held during the summer of 2012 at Fields in downtown Toronto. The program will support up to thirty students to take part in research programs supervised by leading researchers from the Fields sponsoring universities.

Nathan and Beatrice Keyfitz Lectures

Upcoming Lectures

Fields Undergraduate Network (FUN)

FUN Activites planned for 2012-13

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