March 15, 2025

Workshop in Honour of David F. Andrews - May 23 and 24, 2002
Short Course in Microarray Data Analysis - May 25, 2002

On December 31st, 2001 David Andrews retired from the University of Toronto. This wonderful individual will be honoured in a special way on May 23rd, 24th and 25th of 2002, immediately before the annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. On May 23rd and 24th, 2002 a two day workshop is planned to be held at the Fields Institute followed by a short course in Microarray Data Analysis on May 25th. David has a keen interest in statistical genetics and has been extremely supportive of the genetics group at The University of Toronto. The shortcourse being held in concert with the workshop is designed to introduce statisticians and other researchers to the design and analysis of high-dimensional gene expression studies.

Invited Speakers  

David Brillinger

University of California, Berkeley

Sir David Cox

Oxford University

James Robins

Harvard University

Elizabeth Thompson

University of Washington, Seattle

Augustine Kong

deCode Genetics

Michael Newton

Univeritsy of Wisconsin - Madison

Daryl Pregibon AT&T Labs

Rob Tibshirani

Stanford Univerity

Terry Speed and colleagues

Walter & Eliza Hall Institute,
University of California, Berkeley


Thursday May 23, 2002
8:30 a.m. Registration and Coffee
9:00 Introductions

David Brillinger, University of California, Berkeley
An Exploratory Data Analyisis (EDA) of the Paths of Moving Animals
10:05 Discussion
10:30 Coffee Break

Daryl Pregibon, AT&T Labs
Graph Mining: Discovery in Large Networks
11:50 Discussion
12:15 p.m. Lunch Break

James Robins, Harvard University
Optimal Treatment Regimes
2:50 Discussion
3:15 Afternoon Tea

Sir David Cox, Oxford University
Graphical models for the interpretation of data: some recent developments
4:35 Discussion
Friday May 24, 2002
8:30 a.m. Coffee
9:00 Introductions

Rob Tibshirani, Stanford Univerity
Least angle regression, forward stagewise and the lasso
10:05 Discussion
10:30 Coffee Break

Michael Newton, Univeritsy of Wisconsin - Madison
A statistical approach to modeling genomic aberrations in cancer cells
11:50 Discussion
12:15 p.m. Lunch Break

Elizabeth Thompson, University of Washington, Seattle
Monte Carlo estimation of multipoint linkage lod scores
2:50 Discussion
3:15 Afternoon Tea

Augustine Kong, deCode Genetics
A High Resolution Recombination Map of the Human Genome
4:35 Discussion
6:00 Banquet at Hart House

Organizing Committee
Shelley Bull, University of Toronto and Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
Nancy Reid, University of Toronto
Jamie Stafford, University of Toronto
Rob Tibshirani, Stanford University
Sponsored by MITACS (NCE in the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems)

On-campus housing is avaiable during this period, for additional accommodation resources, please see Fields Housing page

For further information please contact Program Coordinator at gensci(PUT_AT_SIGN_HERE)