March 15, 2025

List of Attendees


Abolghasemi Ladan Manchester University 2/9/2002 - 2/19/2002
Abou-Assaleh Tony University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Achan Kannan University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Adjerid Slimane Virginia Polytechnic Institute 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Adolph Torsten Rechenzentrum der Universität Karlsruhe 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Afif A. Université Cadi Ayyad 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Aiffa M. Texas A&M University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Ainsworth Mark Strathclyse University 8/3/2002 - 8/8/2002
Akila Ramadan University of Guelph 12/3/2001 - 12/3/2001
Akinyomi Abayomi Betalise Institute 1/7/2002 - 2/19/2002
Albanese Claudio University of Toronto 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Alefeld Götz Universität Karlsruhe 9/7/2001 - 9/15/2001
Alexandrov Natalia M. NASA Langley Research Center 5/12/2002 - 5/24/2002
Almendral Ariel Norwegian Computing Center 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Almgren Robert University of Toronto 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Ameur El Bachir University of Mohamed First 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Amiraslani Amirhessein The University of Western Ontario 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
An Yuan University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Andersen Leif General Re Securities 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Anderson C. Lindsay The University of Western Ontario 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
10/3/2001 - 12/5/2001
Anderson Jason University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Antwi Daniel B. Sc. Mathematics 8/13/2002 - 8/20/2002
Aoki Takayuki Tokyo Institute of Technology 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Aruliah Dhavide The Fields Institute 8/15/2001 - 8/1/2002
Ascher Uri University of British Columbia 12/1/2001 - 12/8/2001
Babuska Ivo University of Texas 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Baertschy Mark University of Colorado, Boulder 10/28/2001 - 11/3/2001
Bai Zhaojun University of California, Davis 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Bank Randolph E. University of California, San Diego 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Barber Duncan Ontario Power Generation 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Bauer Andrew University at Buffalo 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Bauschke Heinz University of Guelph 1/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Beamish Dan York University 11/30/2001 - 12/20/2001
Behrens Jörn Technische Universität München 8/5/2002 - 8/16/2002
Bélair Jacques Université de Montréal 11/30/2001 - 12/7/2001
Belanger Amelie University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Bernard Samuel Université de Montréal 11/29/2001 - 12/7/2001
Berz Martin Michigan State University 5/27/2002 - 5/31/2002
7/30/2002 - 8/12/2002
9/6/2001 - 9/20/2001
12/8/2001 - 12/20/2001
Bespalov Alexei Russian Academy of Sciences 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Beylkin G. University of Colorado 8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Böehmer Klaus Philipps Universitat Marburg 11/19/2001 - 12/8/2001
Boland Jeff Scotiabank 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Bonaventura Luca Max Planck Institute for Meteorolgy 8/10/2002 - 8/15/2002
Bondarenko Alexander Scotiabank 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Bourlioux Anne Université de Montréal 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Boyd John University of Michigan 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Bradbury Emma University of Toronto 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
9/11/2001 - 12/5/2001
Branch Dwayne Ontario Power Generation 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Braziunas Darius University of Toronto 9/1/2001 - 12/3/2001
Breckenridge Jason Royal Bank of Canada 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Brunner Hermann Memorial University of Newfoundland 4/18/2002 - 4/21/2002
8/5/2002 - 8/11/2002
12/3/2001 - 12/8/2001
Bussmann Marcus University of Toronto 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Butcher John University of Auckland 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Cai Tom Ontario Power Generation 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Campbell Alec University of Toronto 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Campbell Lucy University of Toronto 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Campbell Steve North Carolina State University 9/3/2001 - 9/14/2001
Campbell Sue Ann University of Waterloo 12/3/2001 - 12/8/2001
Canale Vincent Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Cao Yongqiang York University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Capon Rachel Met Office Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meterology 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Cardenas German University of Toronto 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Carney Dan University of Toronto 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Caron Richard J. University of Windsor 5/14/2002 - 5/30/2002
Carpenter Mark H. NASA Langley Research Center 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Carr Peter New York University 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Carrington Tucker Université de Montréal 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Champneys A. University of Bristol 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Chang Xiao-Wen McGill University 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Chechelnitsky Michael Edison Mission Marketing and Trading 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Chen Oliver University of Toronto 10/3/2001 - 12/5/2001
Cheng Chi University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Cheng Raymond Ka Wai University of Toronto 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
9/11/2001 - 12/5/2001
Cheng Zhong University of Toronto 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Cheruvu V. University of Colorado 8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Choi Hae-Won University of Toronto 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Christara Christina C. University of Toronto 8/1/2001 - 8/31/2002
Chun Barbara Algorithmics Incorporated 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Clune Thomas NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 8/11/2002 - 8/16/2002
Cockburn Bernardo University of Minnesota 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Coleman Thomas Cornell University 1/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Cordero Elisabetta Met Office 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Corliss George Marquette University 5/22/2002 - 5/31/2002
Côté Jean Meteorolgical Service of Canada 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Craig Walter McMaster University 12/3/2001 - 12/8/2001
Cressman Ross Wilfrid Laurier University 11/20/2001 - 11/24/2001
Csendes Tibor University of Szeged 5/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Curran Mike Algorithmics Incorporated 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Davies Terry Met Office, Bracknell, UK 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Davison Matt University of Western Ontario 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
de Frutos Javier Universidad de Valladolid 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
De Lathauwer Lieven Universite de Cergy-Pontoise 10/7/2001 - 10/31/2001
Demkowicz Leszek University of Texas 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Dennis John National Center for Atmospheric Research 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Devereux Benet University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
d'Halluin Yann University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
d'Halluin Yann University of Waterloo 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Diao Zai-Yun Shandong University 9/5/2001 - 12/5/2001
Diehl Thomas Max Planck Insitutte for Meterology 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Ding Brian TD Bank 3/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Diyankov Oleg Russian Federal Nuclear Center - VNIITF 10/27/2001 - 11/4/2001
Dmytriv Vasyl Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Doedel Eusebius Concordia University 12/2/2001 - 12/8/2001
Drake John ORNL 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Dranev Iouri University of Ottawa 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Driessel Kenneth Colorado State University 8/20/2001 - 11/15/2001
Du Peng McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Dufresne Daniel Université de Montréal 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Dutta Mitrajit University of New Hampshire 12/2/2001 - 12/8/2001
ElKoura George University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Elmer Chris New Jersey Institute of Technology 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
El-Sheikh Ahemd McMaster University 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Enenkel Robert IBM 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Enright Wayne University of Toronto 8/10/2001 - 8/9/2002
Essex Christopher The University of Western Ontario 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Estep Donald Colorado State University 12/1/2001 - 12/7/2001
Eydeland Alex Mirant Corporation 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Fagbemi Joshua McMaster University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Fairgrieve Tom University of Toronto 8/7/2001 - 7/31/2002
Fairweather Graeme Colorado School of Mines 10/29/2001 - 11/20/2001
3/7/2002 - 3/20/2002
Feng Huiyu George Washington University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Fettig Kevin Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Filippenko E.G. Saratov State University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Fischer Paul Argonne National Laboratories 8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Flaherty Joseph E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Forsyth Peter University of Waterloo 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Fortin Charles McGill University 4/29/2002 - 5/10/2002
Fournier Aime University of Maryland at College Park 8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Fox-Rabinovitz Michael University of Maryland 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Freund Robert M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3/24/2002 - 3/27/2002
Fung James Computer Group 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Gagnon Pierre Royal Bank of Canada 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Galan-Vioque Jorge University of Sevilla 12/1/2001 - 12/7/2001
Gansterer Wilfried University of Tennessee 10/8/2001 - 10/30/2001
Gao Benqi University of Manitoba 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Garcia Sonia U.S. Academy 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Gardner Douglas Algorithmics Incorporated 2/7/2002 - 3/1/2002
Gatermann Karin Berlin and ORCCA, London 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Gatsis John University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Georgieva Natalia McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Gerisch Alf The Fields Institute 9/10/2001 - 9/9/2002
Ghomeshi Shahin University of Toronto 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Giraldo Francis X. Naval Research Laboratory 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Glass Leon McGill University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Glasserman Paul Columbia University 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Golub Gene Stanford University 9/17/2001 - 12/7/2001
Golubitsky Martin University of Houston 12/2/2001 - 12/7/2001
Gonzalez-Lima Maria D. Universidad Simon Bolivar 11/05/02 - 26/05/02
Gooding Robert J. Queen's University 10/29/2001 - 11/29/2001
5/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Goto Koji Frontier Research System for Global Change 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Gottlieb J.J. University of Toronto 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Govaerts Willy University of Gent 12/1/2001 - 12/8/2001
Gradinaru Vasile Catrinel Universität Tübingen 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Gradinaru Vasile Catrinel Universität Tübingen 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Grasselli Matheus McMaster University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Grau Andreas University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Gravel Sylvie Meteorological Service of Canada 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Greif Chen Parametric Technology Corporation 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Grindlay John University of Waterloo 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Guckenheimer John M. Cornell University 11/30/2001 - 12/4/2001
Gumel Abba University of Manitoba 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Guo Benqi University of Manitoba 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Guo Daniel ORNL 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Gygi Francois Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Haber Eldad University of British Columbia 10/27/2001 - 11/2/2001
Halevy Itamar University of Toronto 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
9/11/2001 - 12/5/2001
Hamdi Samir The Fields Institute 1/15/2002 - 8/9/2002
Hamilton Ian Wilfrid Laurier University 10/1/2001 - 8/31/2002
Hanea Remus Gabriel Delft University of Technology , Faculty of Information Technology and Systems 2/5/2002 - 2/19/2002
Hauptmann Christian McGill University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Hayes Wayne University of Toronto 8/27/2001 - 8/31/2002
He Xuming University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Heard Allison University of Auckland 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Heath Davidson Bank of Montreal 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Heinze Thomas Technische Universität München 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Henderson Michael E. IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 12/3/2001 - 12/8/2001
Henkelman Mark The Centre for Applied Genomics 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Hesthaven Jan S. Brown University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Heuer Norbert Universidad de Concepción 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Higham Des University of Strathclyde 1/29/2002 - 7/10/2002
Hinneburg Detlef Institute for Tropospheric Research 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Hoefkens Jens Michigan State University 9/10/2001 - 9/14/2001
Hortal Mariano European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Howes Karsten National Bank Financial 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Hsieh John University of Toronto 11/19/2001 - 11/24/2001
Huang Hung-Tsai 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Huang Huaxiong York University 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Huang Jianhua York University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Huang Yingfeng University of Western Ontario 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Huang Xin McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Huen Sammy University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Huh Joonghee University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Huhtanen Marko Massachusetts Institute of Technology 10/28/2001 - 11/3/2001
Humphries Tony University of Sussex 8/7/2001 - 12/14/2001
Hurd Tom McMaster University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Hyman James M. University of California, Santa Barbara 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Ibrahim Slim International Centre for Theoretical Physics 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Imamovic-Tomasovic Milena Toronto Dominion Bank 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Iserles Arieh Cambridge University 12/1/2001 - 12/9/2001
Iske Armin Technische Universität München 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Izhikevich Eugene M. The Neurosciences Institute 11/30/2001 - 12/8/2001
Jablonowski Christiane University of Michigan 8/5/2002 - 8/15/2002
Jackson Ken University of Toronto 8/1/2001 - 8/31/2002
Jamal Zahi Faculty of Science 8/11/2002 - 8/16/2002
Janissen LeeAnn TD Securities 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Jimack Peter J. University fo Leeds 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Jorba Angel University of Barcelona 12/1/2001 - 12/8/2001
Junge Oliver University of Paderborn 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Kaas Eigil Danish Meteorological Institute 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Kannan Anitha University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Käser Martin Technische Universität München 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Ke Xiaowu University of Windsor 1/1/2002 - 4/1/2002
Kearfott Baker University of Louisiana at Lafayette 5/23/2002 - 6/2/2002
Keast Patrick Dalhousie University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Keller Herbert B. California Institute of Technology 12/2/2001 - 12/8/2001
Kennedy J. Shannon York University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Kevrekidis Yannis G. Princeton University 12/3/2001 - 12/8/2001
Khan Zeina University of Toronto 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Klettke Ken Sunnybrook Hospital 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Knoth Oswald Institute for Tropospheric Research 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Kobler Daniel TM Bioscience 11/19/2001 - 11/24/2001
Kocabiyik Serpil Memorial University of Newfoundland 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Kolkiewicz Adam University of Waterloo 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Korvink Jan G. IMTEK Institute for Microsystem Technology 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Koshyk John Group Risk Management, TD Bank Financial Group 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Kostelich Eric Arizona State University 12/3/2001 - 12/8/2001
Kowara Robert OSFI 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Kramer Walter University of Wuppertal 5/27/2002 - 5/31/2002
Krasnogorov Igor 10/28/2001 - 11/3/2001
Krauskopf Bernd University of Bristol 12/2/2001 - 12/9/2001
Kreinin Alexander Algorithmics Incorporated 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Kreinovich Vladik University of Texas at El Paso 5/27/2002 - 5/31/2002
Krivodonova Lilia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Krunze Herb University of Guelph 12/2/2001 - 12/8/2001
Kunert G. Universtät Chemnitz 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Kuske Rachel University of Minnesota 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Kwan Hon University of Toronto 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Kwok Yue Kuen Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Lai Yongzeng University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Laing Carlo R. University of Ottawa 11/18/2001 - 11/24/2001
Lakhany Asif Algorithmics Incorporated 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Lamba Harbir George Mason University 2/26/2002 - 3/1/2002
8/22/2001 - 12/15/2001
Langford William University of Guelph 8/1/2001 - 12/31/2001
Lara Hugo Universidad Lisandro Alvarado 5/9/2002 - 5/15/2002
Lasserre Jean Bernard LAS-CNRS 5/05/2002 - 5/25/2002
Layton Anita University of North Carolina 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Lee Dongwoon University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Lee Hyun-Chul University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Lehoucq Richard Sandia National Laboratories 10/28/2001 - 11/2/2001
Lewis Gregory The Fields Institute 9/1/2001 - 8/31/2002
Lewis Tim New York University 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Li CoCo Huirong Algorithmics Incorporated 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Li Dawei 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Li Shengtai Los Alamos National Laboratory 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Li Xiaoqiang University of Western Ontario 10/3/2001 - 12/5/2001
Li Xiezhang Georgia Southern University 10/31/2001 - 11/4/2001
Li Yuying Cornell University 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Li Zicai National Sun Yat-sen University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Liang Dong York University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
2/15/2002 - 5/31/2002
Liang Shuqing York University 10/3/2001 - 12/5/2001
1/1/2002 - 4/1/2002
Lin S.J. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Litt Gurjeet The University of Western Ontario 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Litvinov Grigori Independent University of Moscow 06/1/2002 - 06/30/02
Liu Liping Lakehead University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Liu Xia University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Liu Xinzhi University of Waterloo 11/29/2001 - 12/8/2001
Lizak Peter University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Loft Rich National Center for Atmospheric Research 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Logie John Ontario Financing Authority 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Loisel Sébastion McGill University 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Longtin Andre University of Ottawa 11/29/2001 - 12/7/2001
Lucier Bradley Purdue University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Lust Kurt K. U. Leuven 11/28/2001 - 12/8/2001
Ma Jingtang Memorial University of Newfoundland 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Ma Xiaofang University of Toronto 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Machenhauer Bennert Danish Meteorological Institute 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Mackey Michael C. McGill University 11/28/2001 - 12/3/2001
Maday Yvon Université Pierre et Marie Curie 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Madras Neal York University 11/28/2001 - 12/3/2001
Makino Kyoko University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
9/10/2001 - 9/14/2001
5/27/2002 - 5/31/2002
Manders Corey University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Manolis Nikos CIBC 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Mao Yongyi University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Marcozzi Michael D. University of Nevada, Las Vegas 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Markot Mihaly Csaba University of Szeged 5/27/2002 - 5/31/2002
Massey C. State University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Mastronardi Nicola Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 10/28/2001 - 11/5/2001
Mathon Rudolf University of Toronto 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Mavriplis Catherine National Science Foundation 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Maxie Kevin University of Guelph 1/9/2002 - 4/10/2002
Mghazli Z. Université Ibn Tofail 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Milton John The University of Chicago 11/28/2001 - 12/2/2001
Mitchell William National Institute of Standards and Technology 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Mohaplova Dana University of Waterloo 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Mohomed Irbal 9/10/2001 - 12/3/2001
Mongeau Marcel Universite Paul Sabtier 5/14/2002 - 5/22/2002
Moore Peter Southern Methodist University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Morland William Algorithmics Inc. 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Morris Kristen University of Waterloo 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Mousavi Seyed Jamshid University of Waterloo 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Mueller Aurelia Deutscher Wetterdienst 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Müeller Jens IMTEK Institute for Microsystem Technology 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Muir Paul Saint Mary's University 10/28/2001 - 11/9/2001
12/1/2001 - 12/7/2001
8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Mulolani Isaac University of Guelph 1/9/2002 - 4/10/2002
Murdoch Duncan University of Western Ontario 10/3/2001 - 12/5/2001
Murdock Jim Iowa State University 12/1/2001 - 12/8/2001
Nachbin Andre Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada(IMPA) 8/13/2002 - 8/15/2002
Nagata Wayne University of British Columbia 12/2/2001 - 12/10/2001
Nagi Ahmed Algorithmics Incorporated 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Nagy Jim Emory University 10/27/2001 - 11/3/2001
Namachchivaya N. Sri University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 12/1/2001 - 12/5/2001
Ncube Israel York University 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Nedialkov Ned McMaster University 8/7/2001 - 8/31/2002
Neher Markus Universitaet Karlsruhe 9/9/2001 - 9/16/2001
Nenkov Constantine University of Toronto 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Nevanlinna Olavi Helsinki University of Technology 10/2/2001 - 11/1/2001
Nevard Ryan RBC Financial Group 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Ng Esmond G. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 10/23/2001 - 11/9/2001
Ng Kit University of Toronto 9/10/2001 - 12/3/2001
2/25/2002 - 2/26/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Nicaise S. Université de Valencienne et du Hainaut-Cambrésis 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Novo J. Universidad de Valladolid 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Ntasin Louis Clemson University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Nune Gevorgyan Institute of Mechanics of NAS of Armenia 8/6/2002 - 8/16/2002
O' Malley Robert E. University of Washington 10/5/2001 - 12/24/2001
Offin Daniel Queens University 12/2/2001 - 12/7/2001
Oldeman Bart University of Bristol 12/2/2001 - 12/8/2001
Olsen Robert Bard College 12/2/2001 - 12/9/2001
Osinga Hinke University of Bristol 12/2/2001 - 12/7/2001
Padykiewicz Janusz Meteorolgical Service of Canada 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Paffenroth Randy California Institute of Technology 12/3/2001 - 12/9/2001
Paige Chris McGill University 10/28/2001 - 11/3/2001
Pankratz Rob Manulife Financial 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Patra Abani K. University at Buffalo 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Paun Smaranda RBC Financial Group 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Perez Velazquez Jose Luis Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Pernice Michael Los Alamos National Laboratory 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Petzold Linda R. University of California, Santa Barbara 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Pfeffer David Algorithmics Incorporated 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Pham Hang University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/5/2001
Pivato Marcus University of Houston 12/3/2001 - 12/10/2001
Polvani L.M. Princeton University 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Ponnambalam Kumaraswamy University of Waterloo 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Pooley David University of Waterloo 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Poon Andy University of Toronto 9/10/2001 - 12/3/2001
Powojowski Miro Algorithmics Inc 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Pravilnikov Vladislav Russian Federal Nuclear Center - VNIITF 10/27/2001 - 11/4/2001
Protter Philip E. Cornell University 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Prusa Joseph M. Iowa State University 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Przulj Natasha University of Toronto 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Pujo-Menjouet Laurent McGill University 11/29/2001 - 12/7/2001
Pyke Randall Ryerson 1/7/2002 - 4/10/2002
Qaddouri Abdessamad Meteorological Service of Canada 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Qiao Sanzheng McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Quinlan Gerald TrueRisk Corporation 2/25/2002 - 2/26/2002
Randall David A. Colorado State University 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Reid John Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 10/27/2001 - 11/2/2001
Rendl Franz University of Klagenfurt 5/15/2002 - 5/25/2002
Revol Natalie University of Lille and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 5/18/2002 - 6/6/2002
Rickard Yotka McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Rindisbacher Marcel Rotman School of Management 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Ringler Todd D. Colorado State University 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Roose Dirk K. U. Leuven 12/1/2001 - 12/5/2001
Rosen Dan Algorithmics Incorporated 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Rosmond Thomas E. Naval Research Laboratory 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Ross David University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Rovinsky Arkady Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Rubinstein Irene York University 2/5/2002 - 2/19/2002
8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Ruuth Steve Simon Fraser University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Sabaye Moghaddam Maria University of Toronto 11/29/2001 - 12/3/2001
Sadeghi Ali Enmax Energy 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Salinger Andy Sandia National Laboratories 12/2/2001 - 12/7/2001
Salisbury Tom York University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Samaey Giovanni K. U. Leuven 11/28/2001 - 12/12/2001
Sandstede Bjorn The Ohio State University 12/2/2001 - 12/9/2001
Sanfelici Simona University of Parma 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Satoh Masaki Frontier Research System for Global Change 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Sauer Tim George Mason University 12/2/2001 - 12/9/2001
Schiesser William Lehigh University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Schöenauer Willi Rechenzentrum der Universität Karlsruhe 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Scott R.K. Columbia University 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Seifi Abbas University of Waterloo 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Sermer Paul Ontario Power Generation 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Seydel Rudiger University at Cologne 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Shadwick Bradley The Finance Development Centre Limited 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Shahbazi Khosro University of Toronto 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Shakoori Azar University of Western Ontario 4/19/2002 - 4/20/2002
Sharp Philip University of Auckland 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Shen Samuel University of Alberta 10/26/2001 - 10/27/2001
12/2/2001 - 12/7/2001
Shi Jianbo Carnegie Mellon University 10/28/2001 - 11/1/2001
Shoucri Magdi Institut de Resherche Hydro-Québec 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Sigurdsson Sven University of Iceland 11/27/2001 - 12/8/2001
Simo Tony CIBC 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Simpson Bruce University of Waterloo 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Siu William Sun Life Financial 2/25/2001 - 3/1/2001
Sladewski Steven University of Guelph 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Smolark Piotr K. National Center for Atmospheric Research 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Sotnikova Julia Emfisys, Bank of Montreal 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Sp William Sandia National Laboratories 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Spiteri Raymond Acadia University 2/25/2002 - 2/26/2002
Spotz William F. Sandia National Laboratories 8/11/2002 - 8/15/2002
Srinivasan Raj University of Saskatchewan 11/27/2001 - 12/10/2001
1/25/2002 - 2/1/2002
Staniforth Andrew Meteorolgical Service of Canada 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Ste-Marie Pierre-Philippe National Bank Financial 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Stockie John University of New Brunswick 12/3/2001 - 12/10/2001
Stoica Cristina University of Victoria 12/2/2001 - 12/10/2001
Stone Emily Utah State University 12/2/2001 - 12/5/2001
Streliski David Deloitte & Touche LLP 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Streliski David Deloitte & Touche LLP 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Stuart Andrew University of Warwick 12/2/2001 - 12/9/2001
Su Hongbing The Bank of Nova Scotia 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Suda Reiji Nagoya University 8/11/2002 - 8/16/2002
Sumetkijakan S. University of Maryland 8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Swarztrauber Paul NCAR 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Tanaka Yukio Frontier Research System for Global Change 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Tang Yun Tsinghua University 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Taylor Richard University of Waterloo 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Teresco James D. William College 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Terlaky Tamas McMaster University 1/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Thomas Stephen National Center for Atmospheric Research 8/6/2002 - 8/15/2002
Tian Tianhai The University of Queensland 11/18/2001 - 11/25/2001
Titi Edriss University of California 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Todd Michael J. Cornell University 5/03/2002 - 5/22/2002
Tomita Hirofumi Frontier Research System for Global Change 8/11/2002 - 8/16/2002
Topper Juergen Andersen 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Traicu Bogdan McMaster University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Trenado Carlos New Mexico State University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Tsugawa Motohiko Frontier Research System for Global Change 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Tuenter Hans Algorithmics Inc. 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Tufo Henry Argonne National Laboratory 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Tunçel Levent University of Waterloo 1/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Tupper Paul Stanford University 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Tzou Leo University of Waterloo 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Untch Agathe European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Uryasev Stanislav University of Florida 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Van Bemmel Trisha University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Van Bussel Frank University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Vanderbei Robert Princeton University 5/1/2002 - 5/31/2002
Varah James University of British Columbia 10/28/2001 - 11/3/2001
Vasilyev Oleg University of Missouri 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Vaz Anthony Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Vaz Anthony Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Vemaganti Kumar University of Cinncinnati 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Verwer Jan Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica 5/1/2002 - 8/6/2002
Vetzal Ken University of Waterloo 2/1/2002 - 2/28/2002
Vincent Ervin J. Clemson University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Vincent Peter Risk 3/1/2002 - 3/1/2002
Vinko Tamas University of Szeged 5/27/2002 - 5/31/2002
Vrscay Edward University of Waterloo 12/3/2002 - 12/7/2002
Vukojevic Branko Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Wada Ryosuke Otaru University of Commerce 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Wahl Lindi University of Western Ontario 11/30/2001 - 12/2/2001
Walker Russell Capital One Financial 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Walster G. William Sun Microsystems Inc 5/25/2002 - 6/1/2002
Wan Justin W.L. University of Waterloo 10/29/2001 - 11/2/2001
Wang Jin York University 10/3/2001 - 12/5/2001
Wang Junping Colorado School of Mines 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Wang Rong Dalhousie University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Wang Shouhong Indiana University 8/10/2002 - 8/13/2002
Wang Ti RBC Capital Markets 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Wang Wei University of Toronto 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Wang Yong RBC Financial Group 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Ware Antony University of Calgary 2/25/2002 - 3/1/2002
Warsi Zeeshan University of Karachi 9/1/2001 - 12/4/2001
Weng Peixuen York University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Whelan Niall Scotia Bank 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
White Jacob Massachusetts Institute of Technology 10/28/2001 - 10/29/2001
Whiteman J. R. Algorithmics Incorporated 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Wiberg Petter University of Toronto 9/6/2001 - 8/31/2002
Williamson David National Center for Atmospheric Research 8/10/2002 - 8/16/2002
Willis Matthew Algorithmics Inc. 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Windcliff Heath University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Wolkowicz Gail McMaster University 11/30/2001 - 12/8/2001
Wolkowicz Henry University of Waterloo 1/7/2002 - 5/31/2002
Wong Peterson University of Toronto 9/11/2001 - 12/4/2001
Wood Nigel Met Office 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Wooff Chris Scotia Capital Markets 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Wouwer Vande Faculté Polytechnic de Mons 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Wright Will The University of Auckland 8/7/2001 - 8/10/2001
Wu Jianhong York University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Wu Lixin University of Science & Technology 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Wu Ping McMaster University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Wu Shen Ford Motor Company 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Xu Jinchao Penn State University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Xu Xiangjin Johns Hopkins University 8/11/2002 - 8/16/2002
Xu Yuesheng University of West Virginia 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Yamaleev Nail K. National Research Council 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Yang Chao Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 10/28/2001 - 11/3/2001
Yang Simon X. University of Guelph 11/19/2001 - 11/24/2001
Yao Weiguang The University of Western Ontario 12/2/2001 - 12/8/2001
Yashkir Dmytro University of Waterloo 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Yeh Kao-San Goodard Earth Science & Technology Center 8/11/2002 - 8/18/2002
Yildirirm Necmettin McGill University 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Yorke James University of Maryland 11/29/2001 - 12/7/2001
Yoshida Hiroshi Tokyo Institute of Technology 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Young Yoon Seong Frontier Research System for Global Change 8/12/2002 - 8/15/2002
Yu Chao University of Toronto 7/29/2002 - 8/2/2002
Yuan Yuan University of Western Ontario 12/3/2001 - 12/7/2001
Zaifman Len The Centre for Applied Genomics 11/29/2001 - 12/2/2001
Zegeling P. Utrecht University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Zeng Zheng University of Toronto 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
7/29/2002 - 8/15/2002
Zhang Guoqing McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Zhang Shuhua Tianjin University of Finance and Economics 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Zhang Wen Oakland University 4/18/2002 - 4/21/2002
Zhang Xuping McMaster University 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Zhang Yin Rice University 5/8/2002 - 5/19/2002
Zhao C. J. Aquila 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Zhao Quan Royal Bank of Canada 2/27/2002 - 3/1/2002
Zhao Yunbin Chinese Academy of Sciences 4/23/2002 - 10/30/2002
Zhu Benren Shandong University 9/5/2001 - 12/5/2001
Zhu Lois McMaster University 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Zhuang Deming Royal Bank of Canada 2/25/2002 - 2/26/2002
Zlatev Zahari National Environmental Research Institute 2/4/2002 - 2/23/2002
Zou Qingsong University of West Virginia 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002
Zsaki Attila University of Toronto 4/19/2002 - 4/19/2002
Zyuzin V.S. Saratov State University 8/6/2002 - 8/9/2002


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