Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science
and Engineering Program
Graduate Course Information
Summer 2002
July 29 - August 2 (2002)
Short Course on Numerical Solution of Advection-Diffusion-Reaction
Prof. Jan Verwer and Martin Berzins
(this course not available for credit)
Starting Winter 2002
Numerical Solution of PDEs, Prof. Robert
Numerical Solution of Optimization Problems,
Prof. Henry Wolkowicz
Course on Numerical and Computational Challenges in Environmental
Modelling, Prof. Zahari Zlatev
Starting Fall 2001
Numerical Linear Algebra, Prof. Christina
Numerical Solution of ODEs, Prof.'s Wayne Enright
and Ken Jackson
Numerical Solution of SDEs, Prof. Kevin Burrage
Short Course on Matrix Valued Function Theory,
Prof. Olavi Nevanlinna
Short Course on Numerical Bifurcation
and Centre Manifold Analysis in Partial Differential Equations,
Prof. Klaus Böhmer
Numerical Linear Algebra
Instructor: Christina
Christara, University of Toronto
Day/time: Tuesdays, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Start date: Tuesday, September 11 - December 4, 2001
Location: The Fields Institute, room 230
This course focuses on the efficient solution of large sparse linear
systems. Such systems may arise from the discretisation of PDE problems,
approximation problems or other science and engineering problems.
We briefly introduce some standard linear solvers, then proceed to
study selected developments in the area of Numerical Linear Algebra,
iterative solvers
acceleration techniques, such as semi-iteration
and conjugate gradient
preconditioning techniques, such as domain decomposition
(Schur complement and Schwarz splitting methods)
multigrid schemes and fast direct solvers, such
as Fast Fourier Transform methods
applications to PDEs
Prerequisites: Calculus, basic Numerical
Linear Algebra, Interpolation, some knowledge of PDEs,
programming (preferably in MATLAB or FORTRAN).
Web page:
Numerical Solution of ODEs
Instructors: Wayne
Enright, and Ken Jackson,
University of Toronto
Day/time: Mondays, 10:00 am -1:00 pm
Start date: September 10 - December 3, 2001
Location: The Fields Institute, room 210
1. Mathematical Setting [1.1, Chapter 2]
- Solution of perturbed systems
- The defect of a numerical solution
- General error bounds for perturbed systems
- Tight bounds using log-norm
2. General Properties of Numerical Methods [3.1-3.3]
3. Standard Classes of Methods [Chapters 4 and 5]
- One step methods, Taylor series and Runge-Kutta
- Derivation of Runge-Kutta formulas
- Local error estimates for Runge-Kutta formulas
- Multistep methods, Adams formulas
- Derivation of variable step formulas
- Implementation issues for multistep formulas
- Survey of existing software
4. Difficulty of Stiffness [3.4-3.6]
- What is a `stiff problem' and where do they arise
- What are the difficulties/complications that affect computation
5. Special methods for Stiff problems [4.7, 5.1.2, 5.4.3]
- Implicit Runge-Kutta methods
- BDF methods
- Exploiting special problem structure
- Survey of existing software
6. Differential/Algebraic Equations [Chapters 9 and 10]
- Problem structure and classification
- Two basic approaches
- Survey of existing software
7. Delay Differential Equations
- Classification of problems and the associated mathematical properties
- Numerical issues
- Survey of existing software
8. Validated Numerical Methods for ODEs
- Guaranteed error bounds/Interval arithmetic
- Limitations and inherent difficulties
9. Parallel Methods for ODEs
- Special Formulas
- Waveform relaxation
- Other approaches
Prerequisites: We assume a solid undergraduate background
in mathematics and computer science.
Such a background would normally involve two years of calculus,
a year of linear algebra, a year of numerical analysis and exposure
to one or more high level programming languages, preferably FORTRAN
or C. A mathematical course on the theoretical or analytic properties
of differential equations would be helpful, although not essential.
The textbook for the course is: Computer methods for
Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-Algebraic Equations,
U. M. Ascher and L. R. Petzold; SIAM, 1998.
Numerical Solution of SDEs
Instructor: Kevin Burrage, The University of Queensland
Day/time: Wednesdays, 10:00 am -1:00 pm
Start date: October 3 - December 5, 2001
Location: The Fields Institute, room 230
Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations
by Kevin Burrage and Pamela Burrage
1. Introduction to sdes
- models
- different noise processes
- stochastic integrals
- taylor series
- expectations
2. Numerical methods and their order properties
- weak and strong order
- stochastic Runge-Kutta methods
- stochastic linear multistep methods
- difficulties with lack of commutativity in the problem the magnus
- numerical results
- B-series and convergence of methods
3. Stability properties and implicit methods
- A-stability
- MS-stability
- T-stability
- stiffness
- composite methods
- implicit methods
4. An application in hydrology - the numerical solution of a stochastic
partial differential equation
- wiener processes in time and space
- computation techniques
5. Implementation issues
- computation of stochastic integrals
- the brownian path
- variable step size implementations
- embedding, extrapolation
- PI control
Background reading: The book by P. Kloeden and E. Platen
on numerical methods for SDES.
There will also be handouts of notes.
Short Course on Matrix Valued Function Theory
Instructor: Olavi Nevanlinna, Helsinki University of Technology
Dates: October 11, 18, 19, 25 and 26th, 2001
Location: The Fields Institute, Room 210
Numerical Solution of Optimization Problems
(C&O 769 Winter Semester 2002)
Instructor: Henry Wolkowicz,
University of Waterloo
Day/time: Monday, 1:30-3:00 pm and 3:30-5:00 pm
Start date: January 7- April 8, 2002
Location: The Fields Institute, room 230
This course provides a rigorous up-to-date treatment of topics in Continuous
Optimization (Nonlinear Programming). This includes a hands-on approach
with exposure to existing software packages.
See Course
Numerical Solution of PDEs
Instructor: Robert
Almgren, University of Toronto
Day/time: Wednesday, 1:30-4:30 pm
Start date: January 9- April 10, 2002
Location: The Fields Institute
This course will cover basic techniques for solving partial differential
equations on the computer, with emphasis on finite difference methods.
Special attention will be paid to how the features of a good discretization
reflect the mathematical properties of the PDE being solved.
- Parabolic equations
- Explict and implicit discretizations
- Consistency, stability, and convergence
- Von Neumann stability (Fourier analysis)
- Variational inequalities and free boundaries
- Multi-dimensional problems
- Elliptic equations
- The maximum principle
- Solution of sparse linear systems
- Hyperbolic equations and conservation laws
- CFL stability
- Flux conservation and shock capturing
- Variational formulations and finite element methods
- Possible special topics (if time permits)
- The Euler and Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics
- Adaptive mesh refinement techniques
- Spectral and pseudo-spectral methods
- Special techniques: random walkers, lattice gas
Applied mathematical knowledge at the level of a first-year graduate
student in mathematics, especially linear algebra and ordinary differential
equations. Previous study of partial differential equations is very
useful. Assignments will be given that require use of the Matlab programming
University of Toronto students may register for this course as CSC446/2310H.
Taking the Institute's Courses for Credit
As graduate students at any of the Institute's University Partners,
you may discuss the possibility of obtaining a credit for one or more
courses in this lecture series with your home university graduate
officer and the course instructor. Assigned reading and related projects
may be arranged for the benefit of students requiring these courses
for credit.
Financial Assistance
As part of the Affiliation agreement with some Canadian Universities,
graduate students are eligible to apply for financial assistance to
attend graduate courses. Interested graduate students must forward
a letter of application with a letter of recommendation from their
Two types of support are available:
- Students outside the greater Toronto area may apply for travel
support. Please submit a proposed budget outlining expected costs
if public transit is involved, otherwise a mileage rate is used
to reimburse travel costs. We recommend that groups coming from
one university travel together, or arrange for car pooling (or car
rental if applicable).
- Students outside the commuting distance of Toronto may submit
an application for a term fellowship. Support is offered up to $1000
per month. Send an application letter, curriculum vitae and letter
of reference from a thesis advisor to the Director, Attn.: Course
Registration, The Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto,
Ontario, M5T 3J1.
Applications for financial support should be received by the following
deadlines: June 1, 2001 for the Fall term, and October 1, 2001 for
the Winter term.
For more details on the thematic year, see Program