March 15, 2025

Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science and Engineering Program

Ross Mitchell, Seaman Family MR Research Center, Foothills Medical Center, Departments of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary


January 23, 2002, 4:00 pm

CS and Math Applications in Medical Imaging Research

The Seaman Family MR Research Center is focused on developing new medical imaging technologies to help diagnose, monitor and treat human disease. The Center grew from a collaboration between the Calgary Heath Region and the University of Calgary. It is strategically located near the Emergency Department at Foothills Medical Center, the major cute care teaching hospital in southern Alberta. This location allows CS and math research in the acute care setting, and close interaction between radiologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, physicists, computer scientists and mathematicians. The Center has leading edge research programs in neurosurgical MRI, imaging and treatment of acute stroke, medical image processing, experimental imaging of animals, and robotic neurosurgery. This presentation will discuss some of the novel applied CS and math research underway, and its impact on patient care. It will be targeted towards scientists who may be interested in medical applications of their research.

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