March 14, 2025

Scientific Activities July 1, 2003-June 30, 2004

General Scientific Activities

2003 - 2004 Thematic Program on Partial Differential Equations

Courses -
Course on Partial Differential Equations
Course on Wave Propagation
Course on Optimal Transportation & Nonlinear Dynamics
Course on Asymptotic methods for PDE
Course on Applied Nonlinear Equations
Course on Inverse Problems

  • (associated activity) Workshop on Resonances in Linear and Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
  • Workshop on Calculus of Variations: Geometric Problems, Superconductivity, and Material Microstructures
  • Fields Colloquium in Applied Mathematics
  • Fields Institute Seminar
  • Short Course on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Dynamics
  • Symposium on Inverse Problems
  • Coxeter Lecture Series -- Speaker: L. Craig Evans (Berkeley)
  • McMaster University Britton Lectures, H. Brezis (Paris VI & Rutgers)
  • Workshop on Patterns in Physics
  • Fields Mini Symposium in Applied Mathematics
  • (associated activity) Workshop on Bifurcation Theory and Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation in PDE
  • Young Mathematicians Conference in PDE and Dynamical Systems
  • Short Course in Isoperimetric Inequalities for Eigenvalues of the Laplacian
  • Workshop on Nonlinear Wave Equations
  • Short Course in Kinetic Theory
  • Workshop on Kinetic Theory
  • Fields Colloquium in Geometric Analysis
  • Coxeter Lecture Series Speaker: Sergei Kuksin (Heriot-Watt)
  • Distinguished Lecture Series Speaker: Jean Bourgain (I.A.S., Princeton & Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
  • Short Course on Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations
  • Workshop on Integrable and Near-integrable Hamiltonian PDE (joint with the CRM)
  • Workshop on Hamiltonian Dynamical systems (at CRM, Montreal)
  • Workshop on Semi-classical Theory of Eigenfunctions and PDEs (joint with CRM)
  • Workshop on Free Surface Water Waves

General Scientific Activities

On going Seminars and Lectures

June 22, 2004
Public Lecture by Hendrik Lenstra (Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden)
Escher and the Droste effect

June 21 - 25, 2004
The Fourth Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information
University of Waterloo

June 20-25, 2004
Canadian Number Theory Association VIII Meeting
University of Toronto

June 17-19, 2004
Conference in Honour of Dale Brownawell
University of Waterloo

June 17, 2004
Fields Annual General Meeting
Speaker: Lisa Jeffrey, University of Toronto
Introduction to String Theory

June 11-13, 2004
Mathematics of Learning Objects Symposium
Online mathematical investigation as a narrative experience
University of Western Ontario

June 7-26, 2004
Fields Institute Summer School
Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data
University of Ottawa

May 25-27, 2004
Model Theory Workshop
Fields Institute

May 19-23, 2004
The 2004 Canadian Operator Theory and Operator Algebra Symposium
University of Waterloo

May 18, 2004
Workshop and Symposium on Quantum Information Geometry and Quantum Computing
McMaster (May 8-17) Fields Institute (May 18)

May 17-18, 2004
2004 Canadian Symposium on Abstract Harmonic Analysis
University of Western Ontario

May 14 -- 18, 2004
Conference: Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
McMaster University

May 12-16, 2004
The Coxeter Legacy: Reflections and Projections
University of Toronto

May 12-15, 2004
Workshop on Large Scale Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming
University of Waterloo

May 12-14, 2004
Workshop: Shape optimization and applications
University of Ottawa

May 6 - 8, 2004
MOCAA 2004 -- Mathematics of Computer Algebra and Analysis
University of Waterloo

May 5 - 9, 2004
Workshop on Representation Theory of p-adic Groups
University of Ottawa

April 23-24, 2004
Workshop on Mathematical Oncology
The Fields Institute

April 24, 2004
Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Math Day 2004
Carleton University

April 2-4, 2004
Midwest Several Complex Variables Meeting
University of Western Ontario

March 27--28, 2004
Seminar on the Arithmetic and Geometry of Higher Dimensional Varieties
with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry

March 8, 2004
CRM-Fields Prize Lecture -John McKay
The Fields Institute

March 13-14, 2004
Weekend Meeting on Operator Algebras
Fields Institute

February 29, 2004 -- 3 p.m.
Royal Canadian Institute Lectures
Lila Kari, Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, University of W estern Ontario
DNA Computing
Co-sponsored by The Fields Institute, held at Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto

February 23-25, 2004
Workshop on The Point of Point Processes
University of Ottawa

January 15-19, 2004
QIP 2004 - The Seventh Workshop on Quantum Information Processing
University of Waterloo

December 11-13, 2003
Workshop on Bifurcation Theory and Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation
The Fields Institute

November 22, 2003
Graduate School Information day
The Fields Institute

November 16, 2003 -- 3:00 p.m.
Royal Canadian Institute Lectures
held at J.J.R.Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto
Speakers: Chandler Davis, Univ. of Toronto and Ian Hacking, Univ. of Toronto, College de France
Is Mathematics Made in Heaven, or is it just a Language Game ?
Co-sponsored by The Fields Institute

November 8--9, 2003
Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
(with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varities)
The Fields Institute

November 8-9, 2003
MidWest Model Theory Meeting
The Fields Institute

November 6-7, 2003
12th CACR Information Security Workshop & 4th Annual Privacy and Security Workshop
Privacy and Security: The Next Wave

November 5, 2003
CRM-Fields Prize Lecture
Speakers: John McKay, Concordia, and Edwin Perkins, UBC (joint winners)
(the talk by John McKay has been postponed)

October 24, 2003
Day Celebrating New Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada
The Fields Institute

October 20-22, 2003
Mini-conference and Workshop on Concentration Phenomenon, Transformation Groups, and Ramsey Theory,
University of Ottawa

October 13-15, 2003
SIAM --Mathematics for Industry Conference- MI03 Toronto

Oct. 14, 2003 -- 7:30 Talks at Fields
Daniel Kobler and Elizabeth Tillier
Mathematics in Biotechnology Industry
The Fields Institute

October 4-5, 2003
Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
(with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varities)
The Fields Institute

September 27-28, 2003
Workshop on The Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture
held at McMaster University

September 25-27, 2003
Workshop on Adaptive Designs
The Fields Institute

September 19-20
CanQueue 2003 Workshop
The Fields Institute

September 3-5, 2003
National Program on Complex Data Structures (NPCDS)
1st Canadian Workshop on Statistical Genomics
The Fields Institute

September, 2003
Fields Institute Program on Homotopy Theory and its Applications
University of Western Ontario

August 22, 2003
Workshop on Resonances in Linear and Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
McMaster University and Field Institute

Aug 11 - 13, 2003
The 7th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC 2003)
University of Waterloo

July 30 - August 1, 2003
3rd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 03)
McMaster University

July 21-28, 2003
Applications of Mathematics in Medicine Summer School and Workshop

July 27-28 -- Applications of Mathematics in Medicine Workshop
Fields Institute
July 21- 26 -- Summer School Program - Introduction to Mathematical Medicine
University of Waterloo

July 17-25
Workshop and Conference on Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory and Its Applications
Workshop July 17-19, 2003 -- Conference July 21-25, 2003
The Fields Institute

July 17, 2003
McMaster Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
McMaster University

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