March 15, 2025

Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science
September 14 -15 2004 - 3:30 p.m.

Sir David Cox

September 14 --
Graphical Models and their Statistical Interpretations

September 15
Graphical Models: Some Technical Developments

Sir David Cox's current affiliation is the Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, where he is also an Honorary Fellow of Nuffield College; he served as Warden of the College from 1988 to 1994. Sir David's academic prizes include Guy Medal in Silver and Guy Medal in Gold, both from the Royal Statistical Society; the Weldon Memorial Prize, University of Oxford; the Kettering Prize and Gold Medal for Cancer Research; and the Max Planck Forschungspreise.

He has numerous academic honors including honorary degrees and fellowships and a Knighthood. He is a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of ASA. Sir David has been President of the Bernoulli Society, the Royal Statistical Society, and the International Statistical Institute. He has authored or co-authored sixteen books and roughly 250 papers. His work on the proportional hazards regression model is one of the most-cited and most influential papers in modern statistics.

The Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science series, was established in 2000 and takes place annually. It consists of two lectures by a prominent statistical scientist. The first lecture is intended for a broad mathematical sciences audience. The series occasionally takes place at a member university and is tied to any current thematic program related to statistical science; in the absence of such a program the speaker is chosen independently of current activity at the Institute. A nominating committee of representatives from the member universities solicits nominations from the Canadian statistical community, and makes a recommendation to the Fields Scientific Advisory Panel which is responsible for the selection of speakers.

Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science Index

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