March 16, 2025

May 5-8, 2005

7th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing

Instructions for preparing papers for the competition

Font size: At least 11 points.
Text height: At most 9 inches or 22 cm (approximately).
Text width: At most 6.5 inches or 15 cm (approximately).
Margins: At least 1 inch or 2.5 cm (approximately) all around.
Spacing: About 1 and a third. (E.g. use \linespread{1.3} in latex.)
Length: There is no explicit limit, however, papers over 20 pages will be considered only in well justified cases.

Indicate title and, for each author, indicate name, affiliation, postal address and e-mail. Include a brief abstract, not to exceed 150 words.

Papers submitted must be a single PS or PDF file, including figures, bibliography, etc.

E-mail your file as attachment to The e-mail body should include a request to consider the paper for the student competition. If e-mailing is not possible, a hard copy of the paper may be submitted by regular post to:
Prof. Christina Christara
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4

All student papers submitted will be considered for oral presentation (as contributed presentations).

Submission deadline for student papers: January 15, 2005.

By submitting a student paper, you are automatically considered for financial support (travel expenses plus registration fee waiver). The Program Committee will review all papers and will inform the winners of awards by 28 February 2005.