On the afternoon of November 20, The Fields Institute will be hosting
an information session for universities to display information on their
graduate programs in mathematics, statistics and some computer science
programs. As part of the day's activities there will be two keynote
lectures aimed at undergraduate students in the mathematical sciences.
Please join us for this event and this opportunity to talk to representatives
from the various university graduate programs.
All are welcome.
We are making a table (and poster board if requested) available to each
university. Universities who wish to participate, and who have not already
contacted The Fields Institute to confirm their participation should do
so by sending an e-mail to the address listed below. Universities with
several departments are asked to cooperate on using the space.
Fields can assist Universities with renting a van or bus to facilitate
student travel for the afternoon, to request assistance please contact
12:30-1:00 p.m.
Open time--Information available
1:00-2:00 p.m. |
Speaker:Deirdre Haskell,
An infinite pigeonhole principle
The pigeonhole principle tells us that no finite set is
bijective with itself minus a point. On the other hand, every
infinite set is -- this can be taken to be the definition of a
set being infinite. However, the function which gives the bijection
may not be natural in some sense to the category of sets under
consideration. In this talk, I will define a certain ring of equivalence
classes of sets under allowable bijections, which measures whether
or not the category has an infinite pigeonhole principle.
2:00 p.m. |
Reception and information sessions |
3:00 p.m. |
Speaker: Achim Kempf, (Waterloo)

Discreteness vs. Continuity: From Music Recordings to Cosmology
Prof. Haskell's area of research is in Model
theoretic algebra.
She is interested in applying the techniques of model theory, which studies
algebraic structures in a very general setting, to the examination of
particular algebraic structures, especially valued fields.
Prof. Kempf is the Canada Research Chair in the Physics of Information,
at the Department of Applied Mathematics within the Faculty of Mathematics
in the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
Prof. Kempf is also cross-appointed to the Department of Physics at
Waterloo, a member of the Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute, a member
of the Institute for Quantum Computing and an affiliated member of the
independent Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
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