March 15, 2025

Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras
May 12--14, 2005
at the Fields Institute, 222 College St. , Toronto

Yun Gao (York University),
Oleg Smirnov (College of Charleston),
Yoji Yoshii ( North Dakota State University)


The aim is to bring non-associative people, in particular, Jordan, alternative and related Lie algebraists worldwide, to the Fields Institute to explore the forefront of nonassociative algebras. This workshop will be dedicated to Professor Bruce Allison from the University of Alberta in the occasion of his 60th birthday.


A banquet is planned for Thursday May 12 after the talks, one banquet ticket is available with registration. If required additional tickets may be purchased when registering.

Invited Speakers:

José A. Anquela (Universidad de Oviedo),
Saeid Azam (University of Isfahan),
Georgia Benkart (University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Stephen Berman (University of Saskatchewan),
Yuly Billig (Carleton University),
Teresa Cortes (Universidad de Oviedo),
Alberto Elduque (Universidad de Zaragoza),
John R. Faulkner (University of Virginia),
Skip Garibaldi (Emory University),
Noriaki Kamiya (University of Aizu),
Issai Kantor (Lund University)
Michael Lau (University of Ottawa),
Antonio Fernandez Lopez (Universidad de Malaga),
Consuelo Martinez (Universidad de Oviedo),


Kevin McCrimon (University of Virginia),
Fernando Montaner (Universidad de Zaragoza),
Jun Morita (University of Tsukuba),
Erhard Neher (University of Ottawa),
Susumu Okubo (University of Rochester),
Arturo Pianzola (University of Alberta),
Susanne Pumplün (Universität Regensburg ),
Michel Racine (University of Ottawa),
George Seligman (Yale University),
Ivan Shestakov(University of Sao Paulo)
Oleg Smirnov (College of Charleston),
Shaobin Tan (Xiamen University),
Yoji Yoshii (North Dakota State University),
Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier University)


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