The interplay between mathematics and physics has, in recent years,
become so profound that the lines have been blurred. The two disciplines,
long complementary, have begun a deep and fundamental relationship.
I call this blending "physmatics," and illustrate it with
an example of duality from string theory. I then discuss the purely
mathematical interpretation of this symmetry.
Eric Zaslow was named Clay Senior Scholar at the Thematic Program on
The Geometry of String Theory 2004 - 2005 a joint program of the Fields
Institute and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He will spend
November 2004 and two months in Spring 2005 in residence.
Research Area:
Mathematical Physics. Zaslow studies mathematical aspects of string
theory, most recently focusing on mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau threefolds.
This involves enumerative invariants, minimal submanifolds, and the
equivalence of D-brane categories.