March 15, 2025

Fall 2005
Renormalization and Universality in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

September 20-24, 2005
Percolation, SLE, and related topics Workshop

Organizing Committee:
Ilia Binder (Toronto), Steffen Rohde (Washington)

Supported by the National Science Foundation

The workshop covers recent progress in the topics related to Stochastic Loewner Evolution, lattice models (including Percolation, Ising, and Self-Avoiding Random Walk), Gaussian Free Field,Quantum Gravity, as well as other Random Shapes Models.

Audio and slides are available here.

Confirmed Speakers:

Bauer, Robert (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Beffara, Vincent (UMPA - ENS Lyon)
Cardy, John (Oxford)
Chen, Zhen-Qing (Washington)
Dubedat, Julien (Courant Institute)
Duplantier, Bertrand (Saclay)
Kadanoff, Leo (Chicago)
Kang, Nam-Gyu (MIT)
Kozdron, Michael (Regina)
Lawler, Gregory F. (Cornell)
Sheffield, Scott (California, Berkeley)
Werner, Wendelin (Paris-Sud)
