March 15, 2025

Fall 2005
Renormalization and Universality in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

Spring 2006
Holomorphic Dynamics, Laminations, and Hyperbolic Geometry

Winter/Spring Term
All Confirmed Visitors
(updated June 2, 2006)
January 5-9, 2006
Partially hyperbolic dynamics, laminations, and Teichmuller flow Workshop

Confirmed Participants
March 7-11, 2006
Holomorphic dynamics Workshop

Confirmed Participants
May 23-27, 2006
Hyperbolic geometry Workshop

Confirmed Participants

Fall Term
All Confirmed Visitors
September 20-24, 2005
Percolation, SLE, and related topics Workshop

Confirmed Participants
October 18-22, 2005
Renormalization and universality in mathematical physics Workshop

Confirmed Participants
November 29 - December 3, 2005
Renormalization in dynamical systems Workshop

Confirmed Participants

(listing on University of Toronto site)
Winter Spring 2006

Fullname University/Affiliation Arrival Date Departure Date
Agol, Ian University of Illinois at Chicago 22-May-06 27-May-06
Almanza, German UNAM-Cuernavaca 04-Jan-06 12-Jan-06
Anagnostopoulou, Vasso Queen Mary, University of London 05-Mar-06 15-Mar-06
Anosov, Dmitrii V. Steklov Mathematical Institute 03-Jan-06 03-Feb-06
Arghanoun, Ghazaleh Mannheim University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Aspenberg, Magnus The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Athreya, Jayadev University of Chicago 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Avila, Arthur Université Paris VI - Tour 56 - 3éme étage 01-Jan-06 11-Jan-06
Bakhtin, Yuri The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Baladi, Viviane Institut Mathématique de Jussieu 01-Jan-06 11-Jan-06
Basmajian, Ara University of Oklahoma 21-May-06 28-May-06
Batchourine, Pavel Princeton University 04-Jan-06 12-Jan-06
Bedford, Eric Indiana University 04-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Benedicks, Michael The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm 13-Mar-06 24-Apr-06
Benini, Anna University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Binder, Ilia University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Biringer, Ian University of Chicago 22-May-06 28-May-06
Biryuk, Andrey McMaster University 01-Jan-06 30-Apr-06
Bis, Andrzej University of Lodz, Poland 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Bis, Andrzej University of Lodz, Poland 28-Jan-06 27-Feb-06
Bis, Andrzej University of Lodz, Poland 21-May-06 29-May-06
Bisi, Cinzia Universita' della Calabria 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Biswas, Kingshook Stony Brook University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Bjerklov, Kristian The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Bjorklund, Michael Royal Institute of Technology ( KTH ) 04-Jan-06 12-Jan-06
Bjorklund, Michael Royal Institute of Technology ( KTH ) 14-Mar-06  
Blanchard, Paul Boston University 07-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Bochi, Jairo UFRGS 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Bonahon, Francis University of Southern California 22-May-06 28-May-06
Bonatti, Christian Universite de Bourgogne 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Bonifant, Araceli University of Rhode Island 06-Mar-06 13-Mar-06
Bonifant, Araceli University of Rhode Island 04-Jan-06 11-Jan-06
Bonk, Mario University of Michigan 22-May-06 28-May-06
Bonnot, Sylvain Stony Brook University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Bowditch, Brian University of Southampton 23-May-06 27-May-06
Branner, Bodil Technical University of Denmark 27-Feb-06 12-Mar-06
Braverman, Mark University of Toronto 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Brin, Michael University of Maryland 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Brock, Jeffrey F. Brown University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Brodskiy, Nikolay University of Tennessee 22-May-06 28-May-06
Bromberg, Ken University of Utah 14-May-06 27-May-06
Brydges, David University of British Columbia    
Bufetov, Alexander University of Chicago 01-Jan-06 10-Jan-06
Buff, Xavier Universite Paul Sabatier 07-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Bullett, Shaun Queen Mary, University of London 27-Feb-06 17-Mar-06
Burns, Keith Northwestern University 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Cabrera, Carlos The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Calegari, Danny California Institute of Technology 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Calta, Kariane Cornell University 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Canary, Richard Douglas University of Michigan 23-May-06 27-May-06
Carrasco, Pablo University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Chamanara, Reza The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Cheraghi, Davoud Stony Brook University 01-Jan-06 30-May-06
Cheritat, Arnaud Université Paul Sabatier 01-Mar-06 30-Mar-06
Cheung, Yitwah San Francisco State University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Cheung, Yitwah San Francisco State University 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Childers, Doug University of Alabama at Birmingham 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Choi, Suhyoung KAIST 22-May-06 28-May-06
Clark, Trevor University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Cooper, Daryl UCSB 22-May-06 28-May-06
Crane, Edward University of Bristol 06-Mar-06 15-Mar-06
Curry, Clinton University of Alabama at Birmingham 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Czarnecki, Maciej Uniwersytet Lodzki 11-May-06 28-May-06
Damanik, David California Institute of Technology 06-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Davis, Chandler University of Toronto 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
de Carvalho, Andre IME - Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) 21-Feb-06 11-Mar-06
De Simoi, Jacopo University of Maryland, College Park 23-May-06 27-May-06
DeMarco, Laura University of Chicago 27-Feb-06 11-Mar-06
Deroin, Bertrand Max Planck Institut fur Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften 06-Mar-06 20-Mar-06
Devaney, Robert L. Boston University 26-Feb-06 11-Mar-06
Diaz, Lorenzo J. PUC-Rio 04-Jan-06 13-Jan-06
Diller, Jeffrey University of Notre Dame 06-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Douady, Adrien Ecole Normale Superieure 02-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Dragomir, George McMaster University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Duchin, Moon UC Davis 22-May-06 28-May-06
Dujardin, Romain Universite Paris 7 28-Feb-06 11-Mar-06
Dunbar, William Simon's Rock College of Bard 24-May-06 27-May-06
Easson, Vivien Cambridge University 17-May-06 19-Jun-06
Elliott, George The Fields Institute 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Epstein, Adam University of Warwick 05-Mar-06 05-Apr-06
Falk, Kurt NUI, Maynooth 24-May-06 28-May-06
Farb, Benson University of Chicago    
Feler, Yoel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 17-Jan-06 30-May-06
Fenley, Sergio Florida State University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Fischer, Pal University of Guelph 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Fischer, Pal University of Guelph 04-Jan-06 11-Jan-06
Fisher, Todd University of Maryland 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Flexor, Marguerite University Paris Sud 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Forni, Giovanni University of Toronto 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Futer, David Michigan State University 22-May-06 27-May-06
Gabai, David Princeton University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Gaydashev, Denis The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Gilbert, William University of Waterloo 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Gilman, Jane Rutgers University at Newark 22-May-06 28-May-06
Glutsyuk, Alexey Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon 04-Jan-06 05-Feb-06
Goldstein, Avraham Stony Brook University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Guo, Hui Shenzhen University 27-Oct-05 31-May-06
Hakoyban, Hrant Stony Brook University 04-Jan-06 11-Jan-06
Halevy, Itamar   23-May-06 27-May-06
Halevy, Itamar   04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Halevy, Itamar   07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Hasselblatt, Boris Tufts University 04-Jan-06 10-Jan-06
Hayes, Sandra Technical University Munich 09-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Hee Cheol, Heo Seoul National University 22-May-06 27-May-06
Hillairet, Luc École Normale Supérieure de Lyon 04-Jan-06 25-Jan-06
Hinojosa, Gabriela Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos 22-May-06 28-May-06
Hirica, Iulia - Elena University of Bucharest, Fac. of Mathematics and Informatics 22-May-06 28-May-06
Hoefel, Andrew Dalhousie University 13-Jan-06 15-Jan-06
Huang, Zheng University of Michigan 22-May-06 27-May-06
Hubbard, John Cornell University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Imada, Mitsuhiko Tokyo Institute of Technology 05-Mar-06 15-Mar-06
Inou, Hiroyuki Kyoto University 20-Feb-06 19-Mar-06
Ito, Kentaro Nagoya University 22-May-06 28-May-06
Johansson, Fredrik The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm 24-Mar-06  
Judge, Chris Indiana University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Judge, Chris Indiana University 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-05
Kaffl, Alexandra International University Bremen 01-Jan-06 31-May-06
Kahn, Jeremy Stony Brook University 21-Feb-06 30-Jun-06
Karassev, Alexandre Nipissing University 22-May-06 27-May-06
Katok, Anatole Pennsylvania State University    
Kawahira, Tomoki The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 30-Jul-06
Keen, Linda CUNY 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Kent, Richard University of Texas 22-May-06 28-May-06
Kerckhoff, Steve Stanford University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Keyfitz, Barbara The Fields Institute 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Khanin, Konstantin University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Kim, Inkang Seoul National University 21-May-06 28-May-06
Kim, Jiae Seoul National University 22-May-06 27-May-06
Kim, Myong-Hi Nina SUNY College at Old Westbury 07-Mar-06 11-May-06
Kim, Young-Heon The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Kim, Young-Heon The Fields Institute 23-May-06 27-May-06
Kisaka, Masashi Kyoto University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Kleinbock, Dmitry Brandeis University 02-Jan-06 13-Jan-06
Kleiner, Bruce University of Michigan 23-May-06 27-May-06
Knezevic, Miljan University in Belgrade 22-May-06 26-May-06
Koch, Sarah Cornell University 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Kotus, Janina Warsaw University of Technology 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Lauer, Joe McGill University 22-May-06 27-May-06
Le Donne, Enrico Yale University 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Le Donne, Enrico Yale University 22-May-06 28-May-06
Lee, Juhyun Seoul National University 22-May-06 27-May-06
Lei, Tan Université de Cergy-Pontoise 06-Mar-06 15-Mar-06
Lenzhen, Anna University of Illinois at Chicago 22-May-06 28-May-06
Lipa, Chris Cornell University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNY at Stony Brook 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Maher, Joseph Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) 23-May-06 27-May-06
Makienko, Peter UNAM 04-Mar-06 26-Mar-06
Margulis, Gregory Yale University 09-Jan-06 11-Jan-06
Martinez, Matilde The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 30-Jun-06
Masters, Joseph SUNY at Buffalo 23-May-06 27-May-06
Masur, Howard University of Illinois at Chicago 23-May-06 26-May-06
Masur, Howard University of Illinois at Chicago 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Mayer, John University of Alabama at Birmingham 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
McCann, Robert University of Toronto 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
McDuff, Dusa SUNY Stony Brook 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Merkli, Marco McGill University 01-Jan-06 30-Aug-06
Mihalache Ciurdea, Nicolae Univ. of Paris Sud, Orsay 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Milnor, John State University of New York at Stony Brook 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Minsky, Yair Yale University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Minsky, Yair Yale University 26-Mar-06 30-Mar-06
Mishra, Chayan kumar Dr.RML Avadh university 23-May-06 27-May-06
Mizuma, Yoko Kyoto University 01-Apr-06 31-Jul-06
Mizuma, Yoko Kyoto University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Moreno Rocha, Mónica Tufts University 01-Jan-06 30-May-06
Morfin, Mario University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Morgan, John Columbia University    
Morosawa, Shunsuke Kochi University 06-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Mosher, Lee State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Newark 23-May-06 27-May-06
Muller, Gregory Cornell University 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Mummert, Phil Purdue University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Nakane, Shizuo Tokyo Polytechnic University 04-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Nekrashevych, Volodymyr Texas A&M University 07-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Nicas, Andrew J. McMaster University 23-May-06 27-May-06
Noonan, Matthew Cornell University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Ohshika, Kenichi Osaka University 22-May-06 28-May-06
Ohshika, Kenichi Osaka University 05-Jan-06 10-Jan-06
Okoh, Efua The City University of New York 23-May-06 27-May-06
Okuyama, Yusuke University of Helsinki 28-Feb-06 13-Mar-06
Oversteegen, Lex University of Alabama at Birmingham 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Penrose, Chris Queen Mary, University of London 05-Mar-06 14-Mar-06
Perez, Rodrigo The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Pesin, Yakov B. The Pennsylvania State University 04-Jan-06 13-Jan-06
Peters, Babatunde Samuel Advanced College of Sciences and Technology 04-Jan-06 10-Jan-06
Peters, Han University of Wisconsin at Madison 04-Mar-06 13-Mar-06
Petersen, Carsten Lunde Universitetsvej 1 27-Feb-06 31-Mar-06
Pettet, Alexandra University of Chicago 14-May-06 07-Jun-06
Pilgrim, Kevin Indiana University 04-Mar-06 10-Mar-06
Pollicott, Mark University of Warwick 22-May-06 27-May-06
Pollicott, Mark University of Warwick 04-Jan-06 08-Jan-06
Pugh, Charles University of Toronto 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Pugh, Charles University of Toronto 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Pujals, Enrique IMPA 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Rafi, Kasra University of Connecticut 22-May-06 28-May-06
Rao, Arni S.R. Srinivasa University of Guelph 05-Jan-05 09-Jan-06
Rees, S. Mary University of Liverpool 01-Apr-06 14-Apr-06
Rempe, Lasse University of Liverpool 06-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Ren, Guanshen College of St. Scholastica 23-May-06 28-May-06
Rodriguez Hertz, Federico J. Universidad de la Republica 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Rodriguez Hertz, Maria Alejandra IMERL 04-Jan-06 19-Jan-06
Roeder, Roland K. W. The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 08-Aug-06
Rueckert, Johannes International University Bremen 01-Jan-06 31-May-06
Saghin, Radu The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Sapir, Mark Vanderbilt University 22-May-06 29-May-06
Saprykina, Maria The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Saric, Dragomir SUNY 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Saric, Dragomir SUNY 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Schleicher, Dierk International University Bremen 01-Jan-06 30-Jun-06
Schleimer, Saul Rutgers, New Brunswick 22-May-06 28-May-06
Selinger, Nikita International University Bremen 01-Jan-06 31-May-06
Shalen, Peter B. University fo Illinois Chicago 23-May-06 27-May-06
Sharma, Bhanu Pratap Canadian Mathematical Society 23-May-06 27-May-06
Shishikura, Mitsuhiro Kyoto University 01-Jan-06 15-Aug-06
Short, Ian National University of Ireland, Maynooth 18-May-06 01-Jun-06
Shub, Michael University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 30-Jun-06
Sibony, Nessim Universite Paris-Sud 05-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Silva Santos, Carlos Matheus IMPA 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Sindelarova, Petra Auburn University 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Sindelarova, Petra Auburn University 28-Nov-06 03-Dec-05
Sirvent, Victor Universidad Simon Bolivar 05-Jan-05 02-Feb-05
Smillie, John Cornell University 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Smillie, John Cornell University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Souto, Juan University of Chicago 23-May-06 27-May-06
Stawiska, Malgorzata University of Illinois at Chicago 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Storm, Peter Stanford University 21-May-06 28-May-06
Su, Meiyu Long Island University at Brooklyn 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Sugiyama, Toshi Kyoto University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Sultana, Nahid Kobe university 22-May-06 28-May-06
Sutherland, Scott Stony Brook University 06-Mar-06 12-Mar-06
Teplinsky, Alexey The Fields Institute 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Thompson, Joshua University of Utah 15-May-06 27-May-06
Thurston, Dylan Barnard College, Columbia University 22-May-06 28-May-06
Tian, Chunli Tianjin University of Technology 05-Mar-06 13-Mar-06
Timorin, Vladlen SUNY at Stony Brook 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Timorin, Vladlen SUNY at Stony Brook 09-Apr-06 17-Apr-06
Tsemo, Aristide Ryerson University 09-Mar-06 09-Mar-06
Ueda, Tetsuo Kyoto University 07-Mar-06 11-May-06
Uhre, Eva Roskilde University 28-Feb-06 28-Mar-06
Ulcigrai, Corinna Princeton University 04-Jan-06 10-Jan-06
Ulitsky, Barbara McMaster University    
Upadhyay, Ashish Indian Institute of Science 23-May-06 27-May-06
Ures, Raul IMERL 04-Jan-06 19-Jan-05
Valdez, Rogelio Facultad de Ciencias, UAEM 06-Apr-06 28-Apr-06
Veerman, Peter Portland State University 07-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Viana, Marcelo IMPA 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Vougalter, Vitali University of Notre Dame 01-Jan-06 30-Jun-06
Waddington, Travis SUNY Stony Brook 05-Jan-06 28-May-06
Weiss, Barak Ben Gurion University of the Negev 05-Jan-06 16-Jan-05
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto 01-Jan-06 31-Jul-06
Zhang, Ke The Pennsylvania State University 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Zograf, Peter Steklov Mathematical Institute 17-Mar-06 25-Mar-06
Zorich, Anton Université de Rennes 1 23-May-06 27-May-06
Zorich, Anton Université de Rennes 1 05-Jan-06 09-Jan-06

January 5-9, 2006
Partially hyperbolic dynamics, laminations, and Teichmuller flow Workshop

Confirmed Partcipants

Fullname University/Affiliation
Almanza, German UNAM-Cuernavaca
Anosov, Dmitrii V. Steklov Mathematical Institute
Athreya, Jayadev University of Chicago
Baladi, Viviane Institut Mathématique de Jussieu
Batchourine, Pavel Princeton University
Bis, Andrzej University of Illinois at Chicago
Bjorklund, Michael Royal Institute of Technology ( KTH )
Bochi, Jairo UFRGS
Bonatti, Christian Universite de Bourgogne
Bonifant, Araceli University of Rhode Island
Brin, Michael University of Maryland
Bufetov, Alexander University of Chicago
Burns, Keith Northwestern University
Calegari, Danny California Institute of Technology
Calta, Kariane Cornell University
Cheraghi, Davoud Stony Brook University
Cheung, Yitwah San Francisco State University
Damanik, David California Institute of Technology
Diaz, Lorenzo J. PUC-Rio
Fischer, Pal University of Guelph
Fisher, Todd University of Maryland
Forni, Giovanni University of Toronto
Glutsyuk, Alexey Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Hakoyban, Hrant Stony Brook University
Halevy, Itamar  
Hasselblatt, Boris Tufts University
Hillairet, Luc École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Judge, Chris Indiana University
Katok, Anatole Pennsylvania State University
Kawahira, Tomoki The Fields Institute
Kleinbock, Dmitry Brandeis University
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNYSB
Masur, Howard University of Illinois at Chicago
McCann, Robert University of Toronto
Ohshika, Kenichi Osaka University
Pesin, Yakov B. The Pennsylvania State University
Pollicott, Mark University of Warwick
Pugh, Charles University of Toronto
Pujals, Enrique IMPA
Rao, Arni S.R. Srinivasa University of Guelph
Rodriguez Hertz, Federico J. Universidad de la Republica
Rodriguez Hertz, Maria Alejandra IMERL
Saric, Dragomir SUNY
Schleicher, Dierk International University Bremen
Silva Santos, Carlos Matheus IMPA
Sirvent, Victor Universidad Simon Bolivar
Smillie, John Cornell University
Ulcigrai, Corinna Princeton University
Ures, Raul IMERL
Viana, Marcelo IMPA
Waddington, Travis SUNY Stony Brook
Weiss, Barak Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto
Zhang, Ke The Pennsylvania State University
Zorich, Anton Université de Rennes 1

March 7-11, 2006
Holomorphic dynamics Workshop

Confirmed Participants

Fullname University/Affiliation
Anagnostopoulou, Vasso Queen Mary, University of London
Aspenberg, Magnus The Fields Institute
Bakhtin, Yuri The Fields Institute
Bedford, Eric Indiana University
Binder, Ilia University of Toronto
Bisi, Cinzia Universita' della Calabria
Biswas, Kingshook Stony Brook University
Blanchard, Paul Boston University
Bonifant, Araceli University of Rhode Island
Bonnot, Sylvain Stony Brook University
Branner, Bodil Technical University of Denmark
Braverman, Mark University of Toronto
Buff, Xavier Universite Paul Sabatier
Bullett, Shaun Queen Mary, University of London
Cabrera, Carlos The Fields Institute
Carrasco, Pablo University of Toronto
Chamanara, Reza The Fields Institute
Cheraghi, Davoud Stony Brook University
Cheritat, Arnaud Université Paul Sabatier
Childers, Doug University of Alabama at Birmingham
Crane, Edward University of Bristol
Curry, Clinton University of Alabama at Birmingham
de Carvalho, Andre IME - Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
DeMarco, Laura University of Chicago
Deroin, Bertrand Max Planck Institut fur Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften
Devaney, Robert L. Boston University
Diller, Jeffrey University of Notre Dame
Douady, Adrien Ecole Normale Superieure
Dujardin, Romain Universite Paris 7
Elliott, George The Fields Institute
Epstein, Adam University of Warwick
Feler, Yoel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Fischer, Pal University of Guelph
Flexor, Marguerite University Paris Sud
Gaydashev, Denis The Fields Institute
Gilbert, William University of Waterloo
Goldstein, Avraham Stony Brook University
Hayes, Sandra Technical University Munich
Hubbard, John Cornell University
Imada, Mitsuhiko Tokyo Institute of Technology
Inou, Hiroyuki Kyoto University
Kaffl, Alexandra International University Bremen
Kahn, Jeremy Stony Brook University
Kawahira, Tomoki The Fields Institute
Keen, Linda CUNY
Keyfitz, Barbara The Fields Institute
Khanin, Konstantin University of Toronto
Kim, Myong-Hi Nina SUNY College at Old Westbury
Kim, Young-Heon The Fields Institute
Kisaka, Masashi Kyoto University
Koch, Sarah Cornell University
Kotus, Janina Warsaw University of Technology
Le Donne, Enrico Yale University
Lei, Tan Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Lipa, Chris Cornell University
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNY at Stony Brook
Makienko, Peter UNAM
Martinez, Matilde The Fields Institute
Mayer, John University of Alabama at Birmingham
McDuff, Dusa SUNY Stony Brook
Mihalache Ciurdea, Nicolae Univ. of Paris Sud, Orsay
Milnor, John State University of New York at Stony Brook
Mizuma, Yoko Kyoto University
Moreno Rocha, Mónica Tufts University
Morfin, Mario University of Toronto
Morosawa, Shunsuke Kochi University
Muller, Gregory Cornell University
Mummert, Phil Purdue University
Nakane, Shizuo Tokyo Polytechnic University
Nekrashevych, Volodymyr Texas A&M University
Noonan, Matthew Cornell University
Okuyama, Yusuke University of Helsinki
Oversteegen, Lex University of Alabama at Birmingham
Penrose, Chris Queen Mary, University of London
Perez, Rodrigo The Fields Institute
Peters, Han University of Wisconsin at Madison
Petersen, Carsten Lunde Universitetsvej 1
Pilgrim, Kevin Indiana University
Pugh, Charles University of Toronto
Rempe, Lasse University of Liverpool
Roeder, Roland K. W. The Fields Institute
Rueckert, Johannes International University Bremen
Saghin, Radu The Fields Institute
Saric, Dragomir SUNY
Schleicher, Dierk International University Bremen
Selinger, Nikita International University Bremen
Shishikura, Mitsuhiro Kyoto University
Shub, Michael University of Toronto
Sibony, Nessim Universite Paris-Sud
Sindelarova, Petra Auburn University
Smillie, John Cornell University
Stawiska, Malgorzata University of Illinois at Chicago
Su, Meiyu Long Island University at Brooklyn
Sugiyama, Toshi Kyoto University
Sutherland, Scott Stony Brook University
Teplinsky, Alexey The Fields Institute
Timorin, Vladlen SUNY at Stony Brook
Ueda, Tetsuo Kyoto University
Uhre, Eva Roskilde University
Veerman, Peter Portland State University
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto
back to Workshop

May 23-27, 2006
Hyperbolic geometry Workshop

Fullname University/Affiliation
Agol, Ian University of Illinois at Chicago
Basmajian, Ara University of Oklahoma
Benini, Anna University of Toronto
Biringer, Ian University of Chicago
Bis, Andrzej University of Lodz, Poland
Bonahon, Francis University of Southern California
Bonk, Mario University of Michigan
Bowditch, Brian University of Southampton
Brock, Jeffrey F. Brown University
Bromberg, Ken University of Utah
Canary, Richard Douglas University of Michigan
Chamanara, Reza The Fields Institute
Cheraghi, Davoud Stony Brook University
Choi, Suhyoung KAIST
Cooper, Daryl UCSB
Czarnecki, Maciej Uniwersytet Lodzki
De Simoi, Jacopo University of Maryland, College Park
Duchin, Moon UC Davis
Dunbar, William Simon's Rock College of Bard
Easson, Vivien Cambridge University
Falk, Kurt NUI, Maynooth
Farb, Benson University of Chicago
Fenley, Sergio Florida State University
Fernandes, Praphat McMaster University
Futer, David Michigan State University
Gabai, David Princeton University
Gilman, Jane Rutgers University at Newark
Guo, Hui Shenzhen University
Halevy, Itamar  
Hee Cheol, Heo Seoul National University
Hinojosa, Gabriela Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos
Huang, Zheng University of Michigan
Ito, Kentaro Nagoya University
Judge, Chris Indiana University
Kent, Richard University of Texas
Kerckhoff, Steve Stanford University
Kim, Inkang Seoul National University
Kim, Jiae Seoul National University
Kim, Young-Heon The Fields Institute
Kim, Youngju University of Oklahoma
Kleiner, Bruce University of Michigan
Lauer, Joe McGill University
Le Donne, Enrico Yale University
Lee, Juhyun Seoul National University
Lenzhen, Anna University of Illinois at Chicago
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNY at Stony Brook
Maher, Joseph Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Masters, Joseph SUNY at Buffalo
Masur, Howard University of Illinois at Chicago
Minsky, Yair Yale University
Mizuma, Yoko Kyoto University
Mosher, Lee State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Newark
Nicas, Andrew J. McMaster University
Ohshika, Kenichi Osaka University
Okoh, Efua The City University of New York
Pettet, Alexandra University of Chicago
Pollicott, Mark University of Warwick
Rafi, Kasra University of Connecticut
Roeder, Roland K. W. The Fields Institute
Sapir, Mark Vanderbilt University
Schleimer, Saul Rutgers, New Brunswick
Shalen, Peter B. University fo Illinois Chicago
Sharma, Bhanu Pratap Canadian Mathematical Society
Shishikura, Mitsuhiro Kyoto University
Short, Ian National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Souto, Juan University of Chicago
Storm, Peter Stanford University
Tao, Jing University of Illinois at Chicago
Taylor, Edward Wesleyan University
Thompson, Joshua University of Utah
Thurston, Dylan Barnard College, Columbia University
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto
Zorich, Anton Université de Rennes 1

Fall - Winter 2005
Fullname University/Affiliation Arrival Date Departure Date
Agueev, Dmitri McMaster University 01-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
Avila, Arthur Université Paris VI - Tour 56 - 3éme étage 28-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Baladi, Viviane Institut Mathématique de Jussieu 27-Nov-05 11-Jan-06
Baniya Kshetri, DIP Bahadur Kathmandu Institute of Science 17-Oct-05 23-Oct-05
Bauer, Robert University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Beffara, Vincent UMPA - ENS Lyon 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Benini, Anna University of Toronto 20-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
Bergbauer, Christoph Freie Universitaet Berlin 17-Oct-05 23-Oct-05
Binder, Ilia University of Toronto 04-Oct-05 31-Dec-05
Binder, Ilia University of Toronto 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Biryuk, Andrey McMaster University 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Blé González, Gamaliel UJAT 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Bleher, Pavel Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis 29-Sep-05 27-Oct-05
Brydges, David University of British Columbia 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Cardy, John Oxford University 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Carrasco, Pablo University of Toronto 26-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
Chandramouli, V.V.M. Sarma University of Groningen 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Chen, Zhen-Qing University of Washington 20-Sep-05 25-Sep-05
Cheraghi, Davoud Stony Brook University 01-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
Childers, Doug University of Alabama at Birmingham 28-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Clark, Trevor University of Toronto 17-Oct-05 31-Dec-05
Curtis, Christopher University of Washington 17-Oct-05 23-Oct-05
de Carvalho, Andre IME - Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
de la Llave, Rafael University of Texas at Austin 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Deroin, Bertrand Max Planck Institut fur Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften    
Diaz Espinosa, Oliver Rodolfo University of Texas at Austin 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Dubédat, Julien New York University 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Duplantier, Bertrand Saclay 20-Sep-05 10-Oct-05
Eliasson, Hakan Université Paris 7 19-Nov-05 18-Dec-05
Farb, Benson University of Chicago    
Feigenbaum, Mitchell The Rockefeller University 21-Nov-05 28-Nov-05
Fischer, Pal University of Guelph    
Fisher, Michael E. University of Maryland 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Fokin, Vladimir IUPUI 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Forni, Giovanni University of Toronto 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Gracey, John The University of Liverpool 18-Oct-05 25-Oct-05
Guo, Li Rutgers University at Newark 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Guttmann, A.J. (Tony) University of Melbourne 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Hazard, Peter University of Groningen 27-Nov-05 06-Dec-05
Hollands, Stefan Universität Göttingen 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Hu, Jun CUNY-Brooklyn College & Graduate Center 29-Nov-05 01-Dec-05
Hubbard, John Cornell University    
Ilyashenko, Yulij Cornell University 22-Nov-05 27-Nov-05
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago 18-Oct-05 24-Oct-05
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago 13-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago 08-Nov-05 17-Nov-05
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Kang, Nam-Gyu Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Kelbert, Anna Oregon State University 18-Oct-05 24-Oct-05
Khanin, Konstantin University of Toronto 30-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
Khanin, Konstantin University of Toronto 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Koch, Hans University of Texas at Austin 13-Oct-05 08-Dec-05
Kocic, Sasa University of Texas at Austin 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Kocic, Sasa University of Texas at Austin 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Korepin, Vladimir State University of New York 18-Oct-05 20-Oct-05
Kozdron, Michael University of Regina 15-Sep-05 25-Sep-05
Kreimer, Dirk Institut des Hautes Études Scientiques 05-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Kuksin, Sergei Heriot-Watt University 03-Oct-05 09-Oct-05
Lawler, Gregory F. Cornell University 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Lind, Joan Cornell Univeristy 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Lopes Dias, Joao Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa 28-Nov-05 04-Dec-05
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNYSB 06-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
MacKay, Robert S. University of Warwick 03-Oct-05 26-Oct-05
Manalo, John   20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Marshall, Donald University of Washington 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Martens, Marco University of Groeningen 17-Oct-05 05-Dec-05
Martin, Richard University of Toronto 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Masson, Robert University of Chicago 18-Sep-05 25-Sep-05
Mayer, John University of Alabama at Birmingham 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Mayorov, Kirill McMaster University 06-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
McKeon, Gerry University of Western Ontario 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Mestel, Benjamin University of Stirling 28-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Moras, Mike York University 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Moreira, Carlos Gustavo IMPA 28-Nov-05 04-Dec-05
Morfin, Mario University of Toronto 30-Sep-05 31-Dec-05
Morris, Tim University of Southampton 18-Oct-05 21-Oct-05
Nakane, Shizuo Tokyo Polytechnic University 04-Mar-06 11-Mar-06
Palmer, John University of Arizona 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Petra, Sindelarova Auburn University 28-Nov-05 04-Dec-05
Rao, Arni S.R. Srinivasa University of Guelph 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Rao, Arni S.R. Srinivasa University of Guelph 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Rayskin, Victoria IU Bremen 04-Jan-06 09-Jan-06
Rohde, Steffen University of Washington 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Sabaye Moghaddam, Maria University of Toronto 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Salisbury, Thomas The Fields Institute 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Sapna Sachin, Somani The M.S.University of Baroda 23-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Schramm, Oded Microsoft Corporation 13-Sep-05 16-Sep-05
Sheffield, Scott University of California, Berkeley 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Shishikura, Mitsuhiro Kyoto University 22-Aug-05 31-Dec-05
Smania, Daniel ICMC-USP 23-Nov-05 05-Dec-05
Spencer, Thomas Institute for Advanced Study 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Sutherland, Scott Stony Brook University 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Todorov, Ivan Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Valdez, Rogelio UNAM 27-Nov-05 10-Dec-05
Valleau, John University of Toronto 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
van Strien, Sebastian University of Warwick 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Vougalter, Vitali University of Notre Dame 11-Aug-05 31-Dec-05
Wang, Wei-Min CNRS and U Mass 29-Nov-05 03-Dec-05
Watanabe, Nobuya Waseda University 27-Nov-05 01-Dec-05
Weinzierl, Stefan Universitaet Mainz 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Werner, Wendelin Université Paris Sud 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Whittington, Stuart University of Toronto 18-Oct-05 22-Oct-05
Whittington, Stuart University of Toronto 20-Sep-05 24-Sep-05
Winckler, Bjorn University of Groningen 22-Nov-05 06-Dec-05
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto 09-Aug-05 31-Dec-05
Yeats, Karen Boston University 17-Oct-05 23-Oct-05
Young, Lai-Sang New York University 22-Nov-05 26-Nov-05
Zinn-Justin, Jean CEA/Saclay 15-Oct-05 23-Oct-05
Zinsmeister, Michel CNRS 20-Sep-05 25-Sep-05

Sept. 20-24, 2005
Percolation, SLE, and related topics Workshop
Confirmed participants

Fullname University/Affiliation
Aspenberg, Magnus The Fields Institute
Bakhtin, Yuri The Fields Institute
Bauer, Robert University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Beffara, Vincent UMPA - ENS Lyon
Binder, Ilia University of Toronto
Bleher, Pavel Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Cardy, John Oxford University
Chen, Zhen-Qing University of Washington
Cheraghi, Davoud Stony Brook University
Dubédat, Julien New York University
Duplantier, Bertrand Saclay
Gaydashev, Denis The Fields Institute
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago
Kang, Nam-Gyu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kim, Young-Heon The Fields Institute
Kozdron, Michael University of Regina
Lawler, Gregory F. Cornell University
Lind, Joan Cornell Univeristy
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNYSB
Manalo, John  
Marshall, Donald University of Washington
Masson, Robert University of Chicago
Moras, Mike York University
Perez, Rodrigo The Fields Institute
Roeder, Roland K. W. The Fields Institute
Rohde, Steffen University of Washington
Sabaye Moghaddam, Maria University of Toronto
Saghin, Radu The Fields Institute
Salisbury, Thomas The Fields Institute
Saprykina, Maria The Fields Institute
Sheffield, Scott University of California, Berkeley
Shishikura, Mitsuhiro Kyoto University
Srinivasa Rao, Arni S.R. University of Guelph
Teplinsky, Alexey The Fields Institute
Werner, Wendelin Université Paris Sud
Whittington, Stuart University of Toronto
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto
Zinsmeister, Michel CNRS

October 18-22, 2005
Renormalization and universality in mathematical physics Workshop
Confirmed participants

Fullname University/Affiliation
Bergbauer, Christoph Freie Universitaet Berlin
Bleher, Pavel Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Brydges, David University of British Columbia
Curtis, Christopher University of Washington
de Melo, Welington IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Di Francesco, Philippe CEA/DSM/SPhT
Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch I.H.E.S
Fisher, Michael E. University of Maryland
Fokin, Vladimir IUPUI
Gracey, John The University of Liverpool
Guo, Li Rutgers University at Newark
Guttmann, A.J. (Tony) University of Melbourne
Hollands, Stefan Universität Göttingen
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago
Koch, Hans University of Texas
Kocic, Sasa University of Texas at Austin
Korepin, Vladimir State University of New York
Kreimer, Dirk Institut des Hautes Études Scientiques
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNYSB
MacKay, Robert S. University of Warwick
Martens, Marco University of Groeningen
McCoy, Barry State University of New York
McKeon, Gerry University of Western Ontario
Morris, Tim University of Southampton
Palmer, John University of Arizona
Pinto, Alberto Universidade do Porto
Rej, Abhijnan Boston University
Sinai, Yakov Princeton University
Spencer, Thomas Institute for Advanced Study
Stasheff, James University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Todorov, Ivan Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Valleau, John University of Toronto
Vivas, Hernan University of Toronto
Weinzierl, Stefan Universitaet Mainz
Wetterich, Christof Universität Heidelberg
Whittington, Stuart University of Toronto
Wilczek, Frank Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Woolgar, Eric University of Alberta
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto
Yeats, Karen Boston University
Zinn-Justin, Jean CEA/Saclay

November 29 - December 3, 2005
Renormalization in dynamical systems Workshop

Confirmed Participants

Fullname University/Affiliation
Avila, Arthur Université Paris VI - Tour 56 - 3éme étage
Baladi, Viviane Institut Mathématique de Jussieu
Benini, Anna University of Toronto
Blé González, Gamaliel UJAT
Chandramouli, V.V.M. Sarma University of Groningen
Childers, Doug University of Alabama at Birmingham
de Carvalho, Andre IME - Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
de la Llave, Rafael University of Texas at Austin
Diaz Espinosa, Oliver Rodolfo University of Texas at Austin
Eliasson, Hakan Université Paris 7
Forni, Giovanni University of Toronto
Gaydashev, Denis The Fields Institute
Hazard, Peter University of Groningen
Hu, Jun CUNY-Brooklyn College & Graduate Center
Kadanoff, Leo University of Chicago
Khanin, Konstantin University of Toronto
Koch, Hans University of Texas at Austin
Kocic, Sasa University of Texas at Austin
Lopes Dias, Joao Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa
Lyubich, Mikhail University of Toronto & SUNYSB
Martens, Marco University of Groeningen
Mayer, John University of Alabama at Birmingham
Mestel, Benjamin University of Stirling
Moreira, Carlos Gustavo IMPA
Petra, Sindelarova Auburn University
Sapna Sachin, Somani The M.S.University of Baroda
Saprykina, Maria The Fields Institute
Shishikura, Mitsuhiro Kyoto University
Smania, Daniel ICMC-USP
Srinivasa Rao, Arni S.R. University of Guelph
Sutherland, Scott Stony Brook University
Valdez, Rogelio UNAM
van Strien, Sebastian University of Warwick
Wang, Wei-Min CNRS and U Mass
Watanabe, Nobuya Waseda University
Winckler, Bjorn University of Groningen
Yampolsky, Michael University of Toronto


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