March 15, 2025

Fall 2005
Renormalization and Universality in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

Spring 2006
Holomorphic Dynamics, Laminations, and Hyperbolic Geometry

Young People Dynamics Seminar

Friday 5PM James Stewart Library
April 28 Davoud Cheraghi
Combinatorial rigidity for some infinitely renormalizable unicritical polynomials
I will explain a proof of combinatorial rigidity for some class of
infinitely renormalizable unicritical polynomials, by assuming a priori
bounds for the class.
April 21 Trevor Clark
Dimensions in holomorphic dynamics
I will discuss a few notions of dimension that arise in the study of Julia
sets and describe some of the cases where they coincide.
April 7 Mark Braverman
Computability of Julia Sets
March 24 Jacopo De Simoi (University of Maryland)
Hierarchical models and Complex Dynamics
Joint work with Prof. Stefano Marmi, SNS, Pisa

Following an observation made more than 20 years ago by Derrida, De Seze & Itzykson we show that it is possible to get from a map (decoration) acting on the space of hypergraphs to a rational map acting on a proper complex manifold that turns out to be a complex multiprojective space of suitable (multi)dimension. We will show some relationships between the decoration map and dynamical properties of the related rational map such as algebraic stability, distribution of indetermination set.

We will focus on examples as general statements are still lacking the proper sharpness.

March 22** note change of day ** Adam Epstein (Warwick)
Matings in holomorphic dynamics, part II
March 17

Adam Epstein (Warwick)
Matings in holomorphic dynamics

March 3


Alexandra Kaffl
Hubbard Trees and kneading sequences, part II
Feb 17 Alexandra Kaffl (I. U. Bremen)
Hubbard trees and kneeding sequences of degree 2
Feb 10

Anna Miriam Benini, Fields Institute
Straitening Theorem for polynomial-like maps

Feb 3

Rodrigo Perez, Fields Institute
Combinatorics of the Mandelbrot set, part 2

Jan 27

Rodrigo Perez, Fields Institute
Combinatorics of the Mandelbrot set