March 15, 2025
Fall 2006
Thematic Program in Cryptography

Quantum Cryptography and Computing Workshop
October 2-6, 2006

Organizers: Richard Cleve, Claude Crépeau, Michele Mosca

Supported by

This workshop addresses the various ways quantum information processing affects cryptography.

Firstly, quantum information processing enables a fundamentally new kind of cryptography that takes advantage of the eavesdropper detectability that is intrinsic to quantum mechanics. Some of these new quantum cryptographic protocols can be implemented with technologies that are currently available, in particular, quantum key distribution. Others have more demanding technological requirements such as quantum memory or even a quantum computer.
Furthermore, quantum computing allows a broader range of cryptanalytic attacks. Although most optimists believe it will take many years to build large-scale quantum computers capable of implementing these attacks, these new quantum attacks need to be considered today when assessing the long-term security of information protected with existing cryptographic tools. These new algorithmic capabilities also need to be considered when designing a new cryptographic infrastructure secure against quantum attacks.
Topics to be covered in this workshop include:
• Security of quantum key distribution.
• Other quantum cryptographic protocols.
• Quantum algorithms and their impact on cryptography

Invited speakers include:

Andris Ambainis (IQC, Waterloo)
Michael Ben-Or (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Harry Buhrman (CWI, Amsterdam)
Daniel Gottesman (PI, Waterloo)
Patrick Hayden (McGill University, Montreal)
Debbie Leung (IQC, Waterloo)
Norbert Luetkenhaus (IQC, Waterloo)
Hoi-Kwong Lo (University of Toronto)
Dominic Mayers
Ashwin Nayak (IQC & PI, Waterloo)
Kenny Paterson (Royal Holloway, Egham)
Alexandre Pauchard (IDQuantique, Geneva)
Oded Regev (Tel-Aviv University)
Renato Renner (DAMTP, Cambridge)
Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)
Miklos Santha (LRI, Orsay)
Louis Salvail (BRICS, Aarhus)
Sean Hallgren (NEC, Princeton)
Adam Smith (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot)
Alain Tapp (IRO, Montreal)
John Watrous (IQC, Waterloo)
Gregor Weihs (IQC, Waterloo)

Schedule (Tentative):
** Banquet on Wednesday October 4 ($40 per person, 2 Alcoholic drinks included, tickets on sale Monday and Tuesday )

Monday, October 2  
8:30- 9:30 Registration/Coffee
9:30- 10:20 Patrick Hayden (McGill University, Montreal)
The power of forgetting
10:20- 11:10 John Watrous (IQC, Waterloo)
Quantum computational indistinguishability and zero-knowledge
11:10 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00- 2:50

Miklos Santha (LRI, Orsay)
An efficient quantum algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem in extraspecial groups

2:50- 3:40 Sean Hallgren (NEC, Princeton)
Quantum algorithms and cryptography
3:40- 4:10 Coffee break
4:10- 5:00 Oded Regev (Tel-Aviv University)
On Lattices, Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography
5:00 – 6:30 Cash Bar Reception
Tuesday, October 3  
9:00- 9:30 Morning coffee
9:30- 10:20 Alain Tapp (IRO, Montreal)
Private Quantum Channels
10:20- 11:10 Ashwin Nayak (IQC & PI, Waterloo)
Optimality of Approximate Encryption Schemes
11:10 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00- 2:50 Hoi-Kwong Lo (University of Toronto)
Decoy State Quantum Key Distribution: Theory and Practice
2:50- 3:40 Renato Renner (DAMTP, Cambridge)
How secure is quantum key distribution?
3:40- 4:00 Coffee break
4:00- 4:50 Gregor Weihs (IQC, Waterloo)
Experimental Quantum Key Distribution: Status and Directions
Wednesday, October 4  
9:00- 9:30 Morning coffee
9:30- 10:20 Norbert Luetkenhaus (IQC, Waterloo)
Challenges and directions in quantum key distribution
10:20- 11:10 Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)
Real-World Quantum Cryptography in Calgary
11:10 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00- 2:50 Alexandre Pauchard (IDQuantique, Geneva)
Integration of a commercial quantum cryptography appliance into metropolitan area networks
2:50- 3:40 Kenny Paterson (Royal Holloway, Egham)
What can Quantum Cryptographers learn from History?
3:40- 4:10 Coffee break
4:10- 5:00 Panel discussion
6:00 Banquet (Bright Pearl Restaurant)
Thursday, October 5  
9:00- 9:30 Morning coffee
9:30- 10:20 Michael Ben-Or (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Honest Private Computation with a Quantum Channel
10:20- 11:10 Daniel Gottesman (PI, Waterloo)
Secure multiparty quantum computation
11:10 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00- 2:50 Adam Smith (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot)
Techniques for Secure Distributed Computing with Quantum Data
2:50- 3:40 Debbie Leung (IQC, Waterloo)
QKD based on twisted ebits
3:40- 4:10 Coffee break
4:10- 5:00 Dominic Mayers
Self-Testing of Quantum Circuits
Friday, October 6  
9:00- 9:30 Morning coffee
9:30- 10:20 Andris Ambainis (IQC, Waterloo)
Multi-party coin-flipping
10:20- 11:10 Louis Salvail (BRICS, Aarhus)
A Tight High-Order Entropic Uncertainty Relation with Applications in the Bounded Quantum-Storage Model
11:10-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30- 12:20 Harry Buhrman (CWI, Amsterdam)
On the (Im)Possibility of Quantum String Commitment

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