March 15, 2025

Symposium Celebrating New Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada
April 11, 2011

The Royal Society of Canada recently elected its new Fellows for 2010. The Fields Institute will host an event on April 11, 2011 to celebrate the achievements of this year's new Fellows in areas related to the mathematical sciences. Four of the newly elected Fellows will speak about their work. A reception will follow.
Listing of new Fellows elected to the Royal Society of Canada in 2010 in the Academy of Science

Audio & Slides of the Talks available here


1:00 p.m.

Introduction and acknowledgment of new Fellows of the Royal Society

1:10 p.m.

Sheila Embleton, Linguistics, York University

2:10 p.m.

Ian Goulden, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Waterloo
Algebraic combinatorics - algebra or combinatorics?

3:00 p.m.
Tea Break
3:30 p.m.
David Thomson, Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University
Multitaper Spectrum Estimates and Some Applications
4:30 p.m.


Sheila EMBLETON – Linguistics, York University
Sheila Embleton is a leading expert in mathematical methods in historical linguistics and dialectology. Her 1986 book on family tree reconstruction still anchors the field. Her revolutionary digital methods led to major advances in Finnish and Romanian dialectology. Archeologists and geneticists cite her innovative interdisciplinary research, a true marriage of mathematics and humanities. She also solved the elusive origins of Suomi and Bermuda

Ian GOULDEN, – Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Waterloo

Algebraic combinatorics - algebra or combinatorics?
This talk will feature a number of examples that illustrate what algebraic combinatorics means to the speaker. Throughout, the interplay between algebraic and combinatorial methods is emphasized. Examples include the algrbra of formal power series, matrix algebra and the enumeration of strings, symmetric functions, representations of finite groups, matrix integrals and embeddings of graphs in surfaces, branched covers of Riemann surfaces. The talk is intended for a general mathematics audience.
Ian Goulden is a superb algebraic combinatorialist. He has had a profound effect on an area of mathematics that increasingly has been seen to deal with structures central to many other parts of mathematics. Much of his research has now entered into standard use within the discipline itself, as well as in applications to the mathematical sciences.

David THOMSON, – Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University

Multitaper Spectrum Estimates and Some Applications
Multitaper spectrum estimation refers to a set of methods for estimating the power spectrum and, by extension, autocorrelations, coherences, and similar statistical descriptive functions of a time series by using several tapers on each data segment before taking Fourier transforms. The data tapers are usually discrete prolate spheroidal sequences now called Slepian sequences, the eigenvectors of the finite Fourier transform. In this talk I review the development of these methods, including history, and describe some applications.
David J. Thomson’s invention of multitaper spectrum analysis has enabled advances in space physics, climate, seismology, neuro informatics, and electrical engineering.

New Fellows elected to the Royal Society of Canada in 2010

Division of Applied Sciences and Engineering / Division des sciences appliquées et génie
AITCHISON, J. Stewart – Engineering, University of Toronto
ALTINTAS, Yusuf – Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia
GHANNOUCHI, Fadhel – Engineering, University of Calgary
LE-NGOC, Tho – Engineering, McGill University
RUDA, Harry – Applied Science, University of Toronto
VENETSANOPOULOS, Anastasios – Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ryerson University
YOVANOVICH, Michael – Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo

Division of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences / Division des sciences de la terre, de l’océan et de l’atmosphère
DINGWELL, Donald Bruce – Experimental Geosciences, University of Munich (LMU)
GIESY, John P. – Earth Science, University of Saskatchewan
NARBONNE, Guy – Earth Science, Queen’s University

Division of Life Sciences / Division des sciences de la vie
ANISMAN, Hymie – Medical Science, Carleton University
ARMSTRONG, Paul W. – Medical Science, University of Alberta
BERGERON, Yves – Forest Biology, Université du Québec à Montréal and Université du Québec
en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
BRINDLEY, David N. – Biochemistry, University of Alberta
CRESPI, Bernard Joseph – Animal Biology, Simon Fraser University
DESJARDINS, Michel – Microbiology and Biochemistry, Université de Montréal
DOSMAN, James – Medical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan.
HEKIMI, Siegfried – Molecular Biology and Genetic, McGill University.
JONES, Barbara E. – Medical Sciences, McGill University
LEES-MILLER, Susan P. – Medical Sciences, University of Calgary
LOREAU, Michel – Animal and Plant Biology, McGill University.
O'BYRNE, Paul M. – Medical Sciences, McMaster University
PITTMAN, Quentin J – Medical Sciences, University of Calgary
RIESEBERG, Loren H. – Plant Biology, University of British Columbia
ROBERTSON, Harold Arthur – Medical Sciences, Dalhousie University
RODER, John Carling – Life Sciences, University of Toronto (Mount Sinai Hospital)
ROOS, Leslie – Medical Sciences, University of Manitoba
ROZEN, Rima – Medical Sciences, McGill University

Mathematical and Physical Sciences / Mathématiques et sciences physiques
CLEVE, Richard – Mathematical and Computer Sciences, University of Waterloo
GAULIN, Bruce – Physics, McMaster University
GOULDEN, Ian – Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Waterloo
LE, Chris – Chemistry, University of Alberta.
ORVIG, Chris – Chemistry, University of British Columbia
PAWLISZYN, Janusz – Chemistry, University of Waterloo.
SMOLIN, Lee – Physics, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
SUTTON, Mark – Physics, McGill University
THOMSON, David – Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University
TSOTSOS, John K. – Computer Science and Engineering, York University
YEE, Howard – Astronomical Sciences, University of Toronto

Foreign Fellows
CASKEY, C. Thomas – Medical Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
COX, David – Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Oxford Universityy.
HOWELLS, Coral Ann – Literary Studies, University of Reading / University of London

Specially Elected Fellows
CHAMBERLAIN, Savvas – Engineering, DALSA Corporation
CORBO, Claude – Political Science, Université du Québec à Montréal

A complete listing of all new Fellows elected to the Royal Society of Canada in 2010 is available here.

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