March 15, 2025

Thematic Program on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
July - December 2010

Seminars held at the Fields Institute
September - December, 2010

All courses will be held at the Fields Institute, Room 230 unless otherwise noted.

Program Visitors Seminars:

Wednesday September 22
11:00 - 12:00 pm
Room 230
Rafal Latala
Gaussian approximation of moments of sums of independent subexponential random variables
Monday September 27
11:00 - 12:00 pm
Room 230
Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz
A convolution inequality which implies Khinchine inequality with optimal constants (joint with Piotr Nayar)
Wednesday October 6
11- 12 pm
Room 230
Carsten Schuett (Kiel)
A note on Mahler's conjecture
Thursday October 7
3:30 - 4:45 pm
Room 230

Eli Glasner (Tel Aviv)
Representations of dynamical systems on Banach spaces
I will discuss a the following trinity: (i) dynamical systems, (ii) their enveloping semigroups and (iii) their representations on Banach spaces.

Special Meeting
Friday October 8
3:30 - 4:30 pm
Room 230
Norbert Sauer (Calgary)
Introduction to homogeneous structures and their partitions
The first part of the talk will be a basic introduction to Fraisse limits and their partition problems. Then the partial order of type sets, orbits, of their automorphism groups will be introduced and its connection to partitions of the structures explained.  The connection to more recent work of Pestov and Kechris, Pestov, Todorcevic will touched on and the special case of metric spaces discussed. In the talk some of the basic tools needed for work in partition theory  
will be introduced.
Wednesday October 20
11- 12 pm
Room 230
Leonid Pastur (Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
"YES" and "NO" for the validity of Cental Limit Theorem for spectral statistics of random matrices
Thursday October 21
3:30 - 4:30 pm
*3rd Floor Stewart Library*
Sergey Bezuglyi (Institute for Low Temperature, Kharkov)
Full groups in Cantor, Borel and measurable dynamics
Wednesday November 17
11:00 - 12:00 pm
Room 230

Vladimir Pestov (Universite d'Ottawa)
Non-locally compact Polish groups: some examples, techniques, results, and open problems, I

Topological groups which are not locally compact feature quite prominently in various parts of mathematics. Examples are the unitary groups of Hilbert spaces, infinite symmetric groups, groups of isometries of non locally compact metric spaces (such as the Urysohn space), groups of homeomorphisms, and so forth.

The properties of such groups are, predictably, not the same as of their locally compact counterparts, and quite often in the locally compact case they are either trivially true or trivially false. In this small survey we will try to paint the picture of the present state of the study of such groups, putting an emphasis on concrete examples. In tune with the topic of the thematic program, we will pay a special attention to the role played by concentration of measure, (finite) oscillation stability, and Ramsey theory.

Thursday November 18
3:30 - 4:30 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
Vladimir Pestov (Universite d'Ottawa)
Non-locally compact Polish groups: some examples, techniques, results, and open problems, II

Abstract: Topological groups which are not locally compact feature quite prominently in various parts of mathematics. Examples are the unitary groups of Hilbert spaces, infinite symmetric groups, groups of isometries of non locally compact metric spaces (such as the Urysohn space), groups of homeomorphisms, and so forth.

The properties of such groups are, predictably, not the same as of their locally compact counterparts, and quite often in the locally compact case they are either trivially true or trivially false. In this small survey we will try to paint the picture of the present state of the study of such groups, putting an emphasis on concrete examples. In tune with the topic of the thematic program, we will pay a special attention to the role played by concentration of measure, (finite) oscillation stability, and Ramsey theory.

Wednesday November 24, 2010 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Singular numbers of random matrices in asymptotic non-limit regime

Please visit the Math Department for location and more information.
Thursday November 25, 2010
3:30 - 4:30
Room 230
Radek Adamczak
Bernstein type inequalities for geometrically ergodic Markov chains
Wednesday December 1
11:00 - 12:00 pm
Room 230
Rafal Latala
Thursday December 2
Please see Young Researchers Seminar announcements.

Young Researchers Seminars: (3rd floor Stewart Library)

Tuesday September 21
10- 11:30 am
Room 230
Steven Taschuk (University of Alberta)
Milman's other proof of the Bourgain--Milman theorem
Tuesday September 28
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Room 230
Susanna Spektor (University of Alberta)
Bernstein-type inequality for independent random matrices
Tuesday October 5
4:30 - 6:00 pm
*Room 210*
Kei Funano (Kumamoto University)
Can we caputure the asymptotic behavior of lambda_k ?
Monday October 18
2-4 pm
*Room 230*
Yonatan Gutman (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée)
Universal minimal spaces
Tuesday October 19
4:30 - 6:00 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
Anastasios Zouzias (University of Toronto)
Low Rank Matrix-valued Chernoff Bounds and Approximate Matrix Multiplication
Tuesday October 26
4:30 - 6:00 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
Kostya Slutsky (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Ramsey Action of Polish Groups
Tuesday November 9
4:30 - 6:00 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
Alexander Segal (Tel-Aviv University)
Stability of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality
Tuesday November 16
4:30 - 6:00 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
Dominic Dotterrer (University of Toronto)
Triangles in a box
Abstract: If one is allowed to arrange n points in k-dimensional box, how big can the smallest d-simplex be?
Tuesday November 30
4:30 - 6:00 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
David Alonso-Guttierez
On the projections of polytopes and their isotropy constant
Thursday December 2
3:30 pm
Room 230
Peter Pivovarov
Isoperimetric problems for random convex sets
Tuesday December 7
4:30 - 6:00 pm
3rd Floor Stewart Library
Deping Ye
Additivity conjecture via Dvoretzky's theorem



Taking the Institute's Courses for Credit
As graduate students at any of the Institute's University Partners, you may discuss the possibility of obtaining a credit for one or more courses in this lecture series with your home university graduate officer and the course instructor. Assigned reading and related projects may be arranged for the benefit of students requiring these courses for credit.