March 15, 2025

June 9 to 11, 2011
International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis
Fields Institute, Toronto
Jointly held as a satellite meeting with the 39th Annual Meeting of the

Organizing Committee
S. Ejaz Ahmed (chair), University of Windsor
Peter X. K. Song, University of Michigan
Mu Zhu, University of Waterloo

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Registration on-site June 9.
Before May 15 $200, Grad students and PDF $150
After May 15 $275, Grad students and PDF $225
Audio & Slides of the Talks
Abstract Submission
for Keynote and Invited speakers
Schedule Registered Participants Keynote and Invited Speakers


Many modern scientific investigations require the analysis of high dimensional data. Examples include genomic and proteomic data, spatial-temporal data, network data, and many others. Simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation play a central role in such investigations. There is now an immense literature on variable selection, and penalized regression methods are becoming increasingly popular. Much new development has been published in recent years by leading statistical journals.

The application of linear regression models for high-dimensional data analysis is a challenging task. Regularization techniques, such as adaptive penalized least-squares, have attracted much attention in the literature. Penalized regression is a technique for mitigating difficulties arising from collinearity and high-dimensionality. This approach necessarily incurs an estimation bias, while reducing the variance of the estimator. A tuning parameter is needed to adjust the effect of the penalization so that a desirable balance between model parsimony and goodness-of-fit can be achieved. Different forms of penalty functions have been studied intensively over the last 10-15 years. Examples include the LASSO and its many variants (such as adaptive LASSO, group LASSO, relaxed LASSO, and so on), the SCAD, the Dantzig selector, and the elastic net, to name just a few. More recently, some of these penalization/regularization techniques have been extended to deal with the estimation of large covariance matrices, and the analysis of complex dependence structures such as networks and graphs.

The purpose of this workshop is to stimulate research in an informal setting, and to foster the interaction of researchers in the area of high-dimensional data analysis. It will provide a venue for participants to meet leading researches of this field in an intimate setting, providing maximal chance for interaction and discussion. The objectives include:

(1) to highlight and expand the breadth of existing methods in high-dimensional data analysis and their potential for the advance of both mathematical and statistical sciences;
(2) to identify important directions for future research in the theory of regularization methods, in algorithmic development, and in methodology for different application areas;
(3) to facilitate collaboration between theoretical and subject-area researchers; and
(4) to provide opportunities for highly qualified personnel to meet and interact with leading researchers from countries around the world.

The workshop is being jointly held as a satellite meeting ahead of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers (speaker abstracts)

Rudy Beran, University of California-Davis
Jiahua Chen, University of British Columbia
Xihong Lin, Harvard University

Confirmed Invited Speakers (speaker abstracts)

Pierre Alquier, Université Paris 7
Shojaeddin Chenouri, University of Waterloo
Kjell Doksum, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yang Feng, Columbia University
D. A. S. Fraser, University of Toronto
Xin Gao, York University
Xiaoli Gao, Oakland University,
Yulia Gel, University of Waterloo
Jiashun Jin, Carnegie Mellon University
Timothy D. Johnson, University of Michigan
Abbas Khalili, McGill University
Peter Kim, University of Guelph
Samuel Kou, Harvard University
Hua Liang, University of Rochester
Yufeng Liu, North Carolina University
Jinchi Lv, University of Southern California
Bin Nan, University of Michigan
Annie Qu , University of Illinois UC
Sunil Rao, University of Miami
Enayet Raheem, Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Xiaotong Shen, University of Minnesota
Christopher G. Small, University of Waterloo
Hao Helen Zhang, North Carolina State University
Hongtu Zhu, University of North Carolina

Poster Session (poster abstracts)

S. Ejaz Ahmed and Saber Fallahpour, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Windsor
Billy Chang, (Biostatistics), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Abdulkadir Hussein, Ejaz Ahmed and Marwan Al-Momani, U of Windsor
Azadeh Shohoudi, McGill
Xin Tong, Princeton University
Chen Xu (Dept.of Stat, UBC), Song Cai (Dept.of Stat, UBC)

Poster Session
Please email your abstract to S. Ejaz Ahmed, Program Chair <seahme<at>> by May 15, 2011 for the acceptance.

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Application for Travel Support for Students
Travel support (up to $400) will be provided for 10 graduate students. Deadline to apply was May 1, 2011

Schedule ( speaker abstracts)

Thursday June 09
08:15 - 08:45 Registration and Coffee
08:45 - 09:00 Welcome
09:00 - 10:00

Plenary talk: Session Chair Ejaz Ahmed
Jiahua Chen, University of British Columbia
Advances in EM-test for Finite Mixture Models

10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Invited talks: Session Chair Mu Zhu
D.A.S. Fraser, University of Toronto
    High-Dimensional: The Barrier and Bayes and Bias
Samuel Kou, Harvard University
     Multi-resolution inference of stochastic models from partially observed data
Jiashun Jin, Carnegie Mellon University
     UPS delivers optimal phase diagram in high dimensional variable selection
12:00 - 13:15 Lunch at Fields
13:15 - 15:15

Invited talks: Session Chair Abbas Khalili
Yang Feng, Columbia University
    Loss Adaptive Modified Penalty in Variable Selection
Jinchi Lv, University of Southern California
    Non-Concave Penalized Likelihood with NP-Dimensionality
Pierre Alquier, Université Paris 7
    Bayesian estimators in high dimension: PAC bounds and Monte Carlo methods
Yulia Gel, University of Waterloo
    Banded regularization of autocovariance matrices in application to parameter estimation and forecasting of time series

15:15 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 17:45 Invited talks: Session Chair Shoja Chenouri
Christopher G. Small, University of Waterloo
    Multivariate analysis of data in curved shape spaces
Peter Kim, University of Guelph
    Testing Quantum States for Purity
Timothy D. Johnson, University of Michigan
    Computational Speedup in Spatial Bayesian Image Modeling via GPU Computing
Hongtu Zhu, University of North Carolina
    Smoothing Imaging Data in Population Studies (slides)
17:45 - 19:00 Reception at Fields - cash bar & poster session
Friday June 10
08:30 - 09:00 Coffee
09:00 - 10:00 Plenary talk: Session Chair Peter Song
Xihong Lin,
Harvard University
Hypothesis testing and variable selection for Studying Rare Variants in Sequencing Association Studies
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Invited talks: Session Chair Sijian Wang
Xiaotong Shen, University of Minnesota
    On simultaneous supervised clustering and feature selection
Hao Helen Zhang, North Carolina State University
    On Sparse Estimation for Semiparametric Linear Transformation Models
Yufeng Liu, North Carolina University
    Automatic Structure Selection for Partially Linear Models
12:00 - 13:15 Lunch at Fields
13:15 - 15:15 Invited talks: Session Chair Yang Feng
Hua Liang, University of Rochester
    Profiled Forward Regression for Ultrahigh Dimensional Variable Screening in Semiparametric Partially Linear Models
Annie Qu , University of Illinois UC
    Conditional Inference Functions for Mixed-Effects Models with Unspecified Random-Effects Distribution
Xin Gao, York University
    Model selection for high-dimensional data with applications in feature selection and network building
Abbas Khalili, McGill University
    Regularization in finite mixture of regression models with diverging number of parameters
15:15 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 17:45 Invited talks: Session Chair Jinchi Lv
Sunil Rao, University of Miami
    Mixing Generalized Ridge Regressions
Shojaeddin Chenouri, University of Waterloo
    Comparison of Two Populations of Curves with an Application in Neuronal Data Analysis
Xiaoli Gao, Oakland University
    LAD Fused Lasso Signal Approximation
Enayet Raheem, Windsor Essex County Health Unit
    Absolute Penalty and B-spline-based Shrinkage Estimation in Partially Linear Models
18:00 - 20:00 Conference Banquet at the Faculty Club
Saturday June 11
08:30 - 09:00 Coffee
09:00 - 10:00 Plenary talk: Session Chair Ejaz Ahmed
Rudy Beran,
University of California-Davis
Estimating Many Means: A Mosaic of Recent Methodologies
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00

Invited talks: Session Chair Qian Zhou
Kjell Doksum, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Biomedical large scale inference
Bin Nan, University of Michigan
    Sparse 3D Functional Regression via Haar Wavelets
Ejaz Ahmed, University of Windsor
System/Machine Bias versus Human Bias: Generalized Linear Models

12:00-12:15 Concluding Remarks

Final List of Participants:

Full Name University Name
Ahmed, Ejaz University of Windsor
Al-Momani, Marwan University of Windsor
Alquier, Pierre Université Paris 7
Beran, Rudolf University of California, Davis
Bickis, Mikelis University of Saskatchewan
Briollais, Laurent Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
Cai, Song University of British Columbia
Camacho, Fernando DAMOS Inc
Chang, Billy University of Toronto
Chen, Jiahua University of British Columbia
Chenouri, Shojaeddin University of Waterloo
Chitsaz, Shabnam University of Windsor
Doksum, Kjell University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fallahpour, Saber University of Windsor
Feng, Yang Columbia University
Fraser, D.A.S. University of Toronto
Gao, Xiaoli Oakland University
Gao, Xin York University
Gel, Yulia University of Waterloo
Hussein, Abdulkadir University of Windsor
Jin, Jiashun Carnegie Mellon University
Johnson, Timothy University of Michigan
Khalili, Abbas McGill University
Kim, Peter University of Guelph
Kou, Samuel Harvard University
Li, Longhai University of Saskatchewan
Li, Xiao Queen's University
Liang, Hua University of Rochester
Lin, Chunfang Devon Queen's University
Lin, Eric University of Windsor
Lin, Xihong Harvard School of Public Health
Liu, Yufeng University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Liu, Zi Zhen University of Western Ontario
Lou, Wendy University of Toronto
Lv, Jinchi University of Southern California
McLeod, Ian A. University of Western Ontario
Mojirsheibani, Majid Carleton University
Monette, Georges York University
Nan, Bin University of Michigan
Pichika, Sathish Chandra McMaster University
Qu, Annie University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Raheem, Enayetur University of Windsor
Rao, J. Sunil University of Miami
Reid, Nancy University of Toronto
Ryan, Dan University of Northern British Columbia
Scollnik, David University of Calgary
Shen, Xiaotong University of Minnesota
Shohoudi, Azadeh McGill University
Shum, Marco University of Western Ontario
Singh, Radhey University of Guelph
Small, Christopher University of Waterloo
Song, Peter University of Michigan
Sun, Lei University of Toronto
Tong, Xin Princeton University
Xu, Chen University of British Columbia
Zaihra, Tasneem University of New Brunswick, Saint John
Zhang, Helen North Carolina State University
Zhou, Qian Harvard School of Public Health
Zhu, Hongtu The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Zhu, Mu University of Waterloo

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