March 15, 2025
January - June 2011 (Winter/Spring)
Thematic Program on Dynamics and Transport in Disordered Systems

June 20, 2011
Workshop on Billiard Models in Classical Mechanics

Co-organized by N. I. Chernov and D. Szasz

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Tentative Workshop Schedule

Monday June 20 - Bahen Centre Room 6183
10:10 - 11:00 Igor Gorelyshev (Concordia University)
On the dynamics in the one-dimensional piston problem
11:10 - 12:00

Andras Nemedy Varga (Budapest University of Technology)
Statistical properties of the system of two falling balls

12:00 - 2:10 Lunch Break
2:10 - 3:00 Hongkun Zhang (Umass, Amherst. USA)
Spectral Analysis of the Transfer Operator for Sinai billiards
This is a join work with Mark Demers. We study the billiard map associated with both the finite and infinite horizon Lorentz gases having smooth scatterers with strictly positive curvature. A generalized function spaces is introduced on which the transfer operator is quasi-compact. And we then prove the existence of a spectral gap and related statistical properties including exponential decay of correlations, the central limit theorem and Invariance Principle.
3:00 - 3:20 Coffee Break
3:20 - 4:10 Peter Balint, Budapest University of Technology
Singularities in multidimensional dispersing billiards


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