March 15, 2025

May 13-15, 2011
Conference on Connections in
eometry and Physics
GAP 2011
at the Fields Institute, Toronto

Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto), Spiro Karigiannis (University of Waterloo)
Rob Myers (Perimeter Institute), Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo)
McKenzie Wang (McMaster University)

Conference Overview

The 3 themes for GAP 2011 are:

1) advances in Floer theory
2) geometric flows
3) the AdS/CFT correspondence

The primary objective of GAP is to bring together geometers, from Canada and around the world, who work at the interface between mathematics and physics. An important secondary objective is to further increase Canada's presence and visibility in geometry within the international mathematical community.

Each year, the format of the conference combines three separate but related themes in geometry and physics. This approach results in a very interesting mixture of talks. The aim of our conference is to present some of the exciting new developments in the areas of our chosen themes, as well as to expose local area graduate students and postdocs to these ideas. In fact, the previous two conferences involved heavy participation by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (over one third of all participants) from the universities of Toronto, Queen's, Waterloo, McMaster, and Western Ontario, the Perimeter Institute, as well as other institutions in Canada and around the world, and we expect that this will continue with GAP 2011.

Principal Speakers: (60 Minute Talks)

Michael Anderson (Stony Brook)
Octav Cornea (Montréal)
Robin Graham (Washington)
François Lalonde (Montréal)
John Lott (UC Berkeley)
Robert McCann (Toronto)
Tom Mrowka (M.I.T.)
Andre Neves (Imperial College)
Natasa Sesum (Rutgers)
Pedro Vieira (Perimeter)
Katrin Wehrheim (M.I.T.)
Xi Yin (Harvard)

Postdoctoral Speakers: (30 minute talks)

Ken Chan (Waterloo)
Dezhong Chen (University of Toronto)
Roman Golovko (Montreal)
Hongnian Huang (CRM-Montreal)

Ben Mares (McMaster)
Sinem Onaran (Waterloo)
João Penedones (Perimeter)


Friday, May 13 Audio and Slides of talks
8:00 - 8:30 Onsite Registration and Morning Coffee
8:30 - 9:30 Francois Lalonde (Montreal)
Homological Lagrangian monodromy
9:30 - 10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-11:00 Natasa Sesum (Rutgers)
Solitons in geometric flows
11:00-11:15 15 minute break
11:15-11:45 Hongnian Huang (CRM)
Symmetries of extremal metrics on projective bundles and stability
11:45-1:15 Lunch Break
1:15-1:45 Ken Chan (Waterloo)
Floer theory of cleanly intersecting immersed Lagrangians
1:45-2:00 15 minute break
2:00-3:00 Octav Cornea (Montreal)
Lagrangian Cobordism
3:00-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-4:30 Katrin Wehrheim (M.I.T.)
Functoriality for Lagrangian correspondences
4:30-4:45 15 minute break
4:45-5:45 Robert McCann (Toronto)
Optimal multidimensional pricing facing informational asymmetry
5:45-6:45 Reception (Fields Atrium)
Saturday, May 14 Audio and Slides of talks
8:00-8:30 Morning Coffee
8:30-9:30 Andre Neves (Imperial)
Singularities for Lagrangian mean curvature flow
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-11:00 Michael Anderson (Stony Brook)
The Dirichlet problem for Einstein metrics in AdS/CFT
11:00-11:15 15 minute break
11:15-11:45 Dezhong Chen (Toronto)
Examples of Einstein manifolds in odd dimensions
11:45-1:15 Lunch Break
1:15-2:15 Robin Graham (Washington)
Conformal geometry and metrics of holonomy split G2
2:15-2:30 15 minute break
2:30-3:00 Sinem Onaran (Waterloo)
Legendrian Knots and Contact Structures
3:00-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-4:00 Ben Mares (McMaster)
Some analytic aspects of Vafa{Witten twisted N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
4:00-4:15 15 minute break
4:15-5:15 John Lott (UC Berkeley)
Evolution of three-dimensional Ricci flow
Sunday, May 15 Audio and Slides of talks
8:00-8:30 Morning Coffee
8:30-9:30 Xi Yin (Harvard)
Higher spin gauge theories and holography
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-11:00 Pedro Vieira (Perimeter)
Integrability in/and AdS/CFT
11:00-11:15 15 minute break
11:15-11:45 Joao Penedones (Perimeter)
Writing CFT correlation functions as AdS scattering amplitudes
11:45-1:15 Lunch Break
1:15-1:45 Roman Golovko (Montreal)
The cylindrical contact homology of universally tight sutured solid tori
1:45-2:00 15 minute break
2:00-3:00 Tomasz Mrowka (M.I.T.)
Filtrations on Instanton Knot Homology
End of Conference

Travel Support

Funding application for student and postdoctoral fellows travel support, deadline to apply was March 31 .

List of Registered Participants

Full Name University/Affiliation
Anderson, Michael Stony Brook University
Anvari, Nima McMaster University
Baird, Tom Memorial University of Newfoundland
Bhuiyan, Md Abdus Samad Brock University
Cappadocia, Christopher McMaster University
Caviedes Castro, Alexander University of Toronto
Chan, Yin Kwan University of Waterloo
Charbonneau, Benoit St. Jerome's University in the University of Waterloo
Charette, Francois University of Montreal
Chen, Dezhong University of Toronto
Chiang, River National Cheng Kung University
Cornea, Octavian Université de Montréal
Crooks, Peter University of Toronto
D'Ambroise, Jennie University of Minnesota Morris
Dixon, Kael McGill University
Duncan, David Rutgers University
Durand, Philippe CNAM
Farooqui, Anusar McGill University
Fisher, Jonathan University of Toronto
Gao, Peng SUNY Stony Brook
Golovko, Roman Montreal/UQAM
Graham, C. Robin University of Washington
Grigorian, Sergey Stony Brook University
Gualtieri, Marco University of Toronto
Guo, Zhouhang McMaster University
Halacheva, Iva University of Toronto
Halevy, Itamar no affiliation
Huang, Hongnian CIRGET, UQAM
Hyvrier, Clément University of Montreal
Jain, Rohit University of Texas Austin
Jeffrey, Lisa University of Toronto
Jo, Jason The University of Texas at Austin
Karigiannis, Spiro University of Waterloo
Kolenderski, Piotr Institute for Quantum Computing
Lalonde, François Université de Montréal
Li, Travis S University of Toronto
Lott, John University of California, Berkeley
Makhmali, Omid McGill University
Marathe, Kishore CUNY Brooklyn College
Mares, Ben McMaster University
McCann, Robert University of Toronto
Momin, Al Purdue University
Moraru, Ruxandra University of Waterloo
Mrowka, Tomasz Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Neves, Andre Imperial College London
Nicas, Andrew J. McMaster University
Nikolaev, Nikita University of Waterloo
Odesski, Alexandre Brock University
Onaran, Sinem University of Waterloo
Park, Doug University of Waterloo
Penedones, João Perimeter Institute
Pinsonnault, Martin University of Western Ontario
Pym, Brent University of Toronto
Ravelomanana, Huygens Université du Québec à Montréal
Rowe, Daniel University of Toronto
Sagatov, Sergei University of Toronto
Selick, Paul University of Toronto
Sesum, Natasa Rutgers University
Smith, Aaron University of Pennsylvania
Smith, Benjamin McGill University
Smith, Kathleen University of Toronto
Spring, David Glendon College, York University
Vass, Jozsef University of Waterloo
Vieira, Pedro Perimeter Institute
Wang, McKenzie McMaster University
Wehrheim, Katrin Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yalcinkaya, Eyup McMaster University
Yin, Xi Harvard University
Young, Matthew Stony Brook University
Zhang, Lucy Liuxuan University of Toronto
Zhou, Qiao University of Toronto


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