March 15, 2025




Conference on Mathematics
of Medical Imaging,
June 20-24, 2011
hosted by the Fields Institute, held at the University of Toronto

Organizing Committee:
Adrian Nachman , University of Toronto
Dhavide Aruliah, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Hongmei Zhu, York University


Special Sessions

S1 New Hybrid Modalities in Medical Imaging
Organizers: Guillaume Bal, Columbia University
John Schotland, University of Michigan.
S2 Computational Hemodynamic Imaging
Organizers: David Steinman, University of Toronto
Alessandro Veneziani, Emory University.
S3. Advances on Numerical Methods for Electrical Impedance Tomography
Organizer: Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki.
S4 Dynamic Image Analysis
Organizers:Anne Martel, Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Stephen Strother, Rotman Research Institute and University of Toronto.
S5 Medical Imaging: Mathematical Methods and Industrial Applications
Organizers: Siv Sivaloganathan, Centre for Mathematical Medicine and University of Waterloo
Edward Vrscay, University of Waterloo
Arsen Hajian, Tornado Medical Systems and Arjae Enterprises
S.6 Numerical Methods in Imaging
Organizer: Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia
S.7 Recent Progress on Tomography
Organizer: David Finch, Oregon State University
S.8 Cardiac image segmentation and registration
Organizers: Perry Radau, Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Graham Wright, Sunnybrook Health Sciences and U. of Toronto.
S.9 Imaging Electric Properties of Tissues
Organizers: Alexandru Tamasan, University of Central Florida
Michael Joy, University of Toronto.
S.10 Compressed Sensing in Medical Imaging
Hongmei Zhu, York University
Adrian Nachman, University of Toronto.
S.11 Mathematical Methods in Biophotonics: Charting a Course for New Opportunities
Alex Vitkin, University of Toronto
Brian Wilson, Ontario Cancer Institute and University of Toronto.
S.12 Statistical Methods in Medical Imaging
Organizer: Hanna Jankowski, York University.
S.13 Graph-Based Methods in Medical Imaging
Organizer: Paul Dufort, University Health Network.
S.14 Brain Imaging
Organizers: Adrian Crawley, Toronto Western Hospital
S.15 Magnetoencephalography
Organizer: Douglas Cheyne, SickKids and University of Toronto
S.C. Contributed Talks
Organizer: Dhavide Aruliah, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
S1 New Hybrid Modalities in Medical Imaging
Monday, June 20 (MS 3163)
2:10-2:35 Simon Arridge, University College London
Quantitative PhotoAcoustic Tomography using Diffusion and Transport Models
2:40-3:05 Claude Boccara, Institut Langevin ESPCI-ParisTech
Wavefront Control and Optical Tomography of Scattering Media
3:40-4:05 Kui Ren, University of Texas at Austin
Numerical Solution of Inverse Helmholtz Problems with Interior Data
4:10-4:35 Andreas Mandelis, University of Toronto
The Biomedical Photoacoustic Radar Imager: Principles, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Contrast and Resolution
4:40-5:05 Amir Moradifam, University of Toronto
Conductivity Imaging from One Interior Measurement in the Presence of Perfectly Conducting and Insulating Inclusions
5:10-5:35 Sarah Patch, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Thermoacoustic Imaging over Large Fields of View
Tuesday, June 21 (MS 3163)
2:10-2:35 Joyce McLaughlin, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Viscoelastic models for tissue: Theoretical results for the forward problem
2:40-3:05 Sergey Telenkov, University of Toronto
Frequency-Domain Photoacoustics: Specifics of Signal Processing and Image Reconstruction
S2 Computational Hemodynamic Imaging
Monday, June 20 (MS 4279)
2:10-2:35 Jean-Frederic Gerbeau, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
MagnetoHemoDynamics in MRI devices
2:40-3:05 Umberto Morbiducci, Politecnico di Torino
Visualization and Quantification of Blood Flow in the Human Aorta. From in vivo 4D
3:40-4:05 Jordi Alastruey-Arimon, Imperial College London
Reducing the Data: Analysis of the Role of Vascular Geometry on the Features of Blood Flow in Curve Vessels
4:10-4:35 Shawn Shadden, Illinois Institute of Technology
Transport Studies of Patient Specific Hemodynamics: Methods of Modeling and Characterization
4:40-5:05 Elena S Di Martino, University of Calgary
Wall Stress and Flow Dynamics in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
5:10-5:35 Irene Vignol-Clementel, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
From Imaging and Hemodynamic Data to Patient-Specific Simulations of Glenn to Fontan Conversion
Tuesday, June 21 (MS 4171)
2:10-2:35 Leopold Grinberg, Brown University
Multi-Scale Patient-Specific Modeling of Brain Blood Flow
2:40-3:05 Alessandro Veneziani, Emory University
An Integrated Morphology+CFD Statistical Investigation of Parent Vessel in Cerebral Aneurysms
S3 Advances on Numerical Methods for Electrical Impedance Tomography
Monday, June 20 (MS 2173)
2:10-2:35 Jennifer Mueller, Colorado State University
Direct Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstructions of Nonsmooth Conductivities
2:40-3:05 Fabrice Delbarry, Technical University of Denmark
Electrical Impedance Tomography: 3D Reconstructions Using Scattering transforms
3:40-4:05 Ville Kolehmainen, University of Eastern Finland
Compensation of Modelling Errors Due to Unknown Domain Boundary in Electrical Impedance Tomography
4:10-4:35 Alexander Mamonov, University of Texas at Austin (talk presented by
Fernando Guevara Vasquez)
Resistor Networks and Optimal Grids for Electrical Impedance Tomography with Partial Boundary Measurements
4:40-5:05 Fernando Guevara Vasquez, University of Utah
Uncertainty Quantification in Resistor Network Inversion
Friday, June 24 (MS 2173)
2:10-2:35 Nuutti Hyvonen, Aalto University, Finland
Electrical Impedance Tomography with Two Electrodes
2:40-3:05 Armin Lechleiter, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Newton Methods for the Complete Electrode Model of Electrical Impedance Tomography
3:40-4:05 Mikyoung Lim, KAIST, South Korea
Optimization Algorithm for the Reconstruction of a Conductivity Inclusion
4:10-4:35 Janne Tamminen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Boundary Correction for d-bar EIT Reconstructions
S4 Dynamic Image Analysis
Monday, June 20 (HS 108)
2:10-2:35 Bojana Stefanovic, Sunnbrook Research Institute
In Vivo Imaging of Cerebral Hemodynamics with Two Photon Fluorescence Microscopy
2:40-3:05 Nathan Churchill, University of Toronto and Rotman Research Institute
Data-Driven Measurement and Removal of Physiological Noise in BOLD fMRI
3:40-4:05 John Sled, Hospital for Sick Children
Growth Dynamics in the Mouse
4:10-4:35 Hai-Ling Margaret Cheng, Hospital for Sick Children
Quantitative Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) of Tumor Angiogenesis
4:40-5:05 Hatef Mehrabian, University of Toronto
Application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to Identify and Separate Tumor Arterial Input Function (AIF) in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
5:10-5:35 John M.Hudson, University of Toronto
Functional Imaging of Cancer Using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
S5 Medical Imaging: Mathematical Methods and Industrial Applications
Tuesday, June 21 (Fields Institute Stewart Library)
2:10-2:35 Michael Sharpe, Princess Margaret Hospital & U. of Toronto
Advancements in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning and Optimization
2:40-3:05 Mehran Ebrahimi, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Mathematical Methods for Breast Image Registration
3:40-4:05 Oleg Michailovich, University of Waterloo
Fast and Accurate HARDI and its Application to Neurological Diagnosis
4:10-4:35 Kristy Brock, University of Toronto
The Role of Deformable Registration Algorithms in Adaptive Radiotherapy
4:40-5:05 Nataliya Portman, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal
The Modelling of Biological Growth: a Pattern Theoretic Approach
5:10-5:35 David Koff, McMaster University
Rewards and Challenges in Adoption of Diagnostically Acceptable Irreversible Compression
Friday, June 24 (MS 3171)
2:10-2:35 Stergios Stergiopoulos, Defence R&D Canada Toronto
Advanced Signal Processing for Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostic System Applications
2:40-3:05 Arsen Hajian, Tornado Medical Systems & University of Waterloo
An Algorithm's Journey Through Government, Academia, and Industry
S6 Numerical Methods in Imaging
Thursday, June 23 (MS 2158)

Lior Horesh, IBM Watson Research Center
Optimal Design in Medical Inversion

2:40-3:05 Prashant Athavale, University of California
Novel Techniques for Multiscale Representations
3:40-4:05 Christoph Schwarzbach, University of British Columbia
Computational Tools for Microwave Imaging - some Finite Element Aspects
4:10-4:35 Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia
Inverse Problems for Multi-source Experiments
4:40-5:05 Alessandro Veneziani, Emory University
4D Image-Based CFD Simulation of a Compliant Blood Vessel
5:10-5:35 Michal Holtzman Gazit, University of British Columbia
A Scale Consistent Approach to Image Completion
S7 Recent Progress on Tomography
Tuesday, June 21 (MS 3171)
2:10-2:35 Eric Ritman, Mayo Clinic
Spectral X-ray Imaging - Implications for Attenuation and Scatter-based Tomography
2:40-3:05 Nicholas Hoell, University of Toronto
Inversion of the Attenuated Ray Transform
3:40-4:05 Adel Faridani, Oregon State University
Numerical Aspects of Pi-line Reconstruction Algorithms in Tomography
4:10-4:35 Mark Anastasio, Washington University
Advances in photoacoustic tomography image reconstruction
S8 Cardiac image segmentation and registration
Tuesday, June 21 (MS 2173)
2:10-2:35 Marshall Sussman, Toronto General Hospital and U. of Toronto
A Novel Method for Motion Correction in Cardiac MRI
2:40-3:05 Xiahai Zhuang, University College London
A Registration-Based Atlas Propagation Framework for Automatic Whole Heart Segmentation
3:40-4:05 Shuo Li, GE Healthcare
Mathematics of Cardiac Image Segmentation and Registration
4:10-4:35 Yingli Lu, Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Automated Analysis of Infarct Heterogeneity on Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Images
S9 Imaging Electric Properties of Tissues
Thursday, June 23 (MS 3163)
2:10-2:35 Greig Scott, Stanford University
The Physical Basis of RF Electrical Properties Contrast Imaging by MRI
2:40-3:05 Jin Keun Seo, Yonsei University, Korea
Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging: Electrical Property Imaging using MRI
3:40-4:05 Eric Bonnetier, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Some Stability Results for Electric Impedance Tomography under Elastic Deformation
4:10-4:35 Rosalind Sadleir, University of Florida
Imaging conductivity changes deep in the brain
4:40-5:05 Dinghui Wang, Keller Center for Imaging Innovation, Phoenix, AZ (talk presented by Michael Joy)
Radio Frequency Current Density Imaging with a 180-Degree Sample Rotation
5:10-5:35 Weijing Ma, University of Toronto
Active B1 Imaging Using Polar Decomposition Method
Friday, June 24 (MS 3163)
2:10-2:35 Frédéric de Gournay, Université de Versailles
2:40-3:05 Yuan Xu, Ryerson University
Ultrasound methods to image the electrical/electrokinetic properties of biomaterials
S10 Compressed Sensing in Medical Imaging
Tuesday, June 21 (MS 3163)
3:40-4:05 Richard Frayne, University of Calgary
Potential for Compressed Sensing in Clinical MR Imaging
4:10-4:35 Jong Chul Ye, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Compressive MUSIC for diffuse optical tomography using joint sparsity

4:40-5:05 Gabriel Rilling, University of Edinburgh
Optimized Model-based Undersampling and Reconstruction for Dynamic MRI Based on Support Splitting. Application to Phase Contrast MRI Carotid Blood Flow Imaging
5:10-5:35 Mehmet Akcakaya, Harvard University
Compressed Sensing in Cardiac MRI
Friday, June 24 (MS 3163)
3:40-4:05 Christopher Kumar Anand, McMaster University
INADEQUATE Sparse Data and Carbon Skeletons
4:10-4:35 Julia Velikina, University of Wisconsin
Application of Temporally Constrained Compressed Sensing for High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging
4:40-5:05 Alexey Samsonov, University of Wisconsin
A Novel Iterative Thresholding Algorithm for Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of Quantitative MRI Parameters from Insufficient Data
5:10-5:35 Xiteng Liu, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
System compression: theory and application
S11 Mathematical Methods in Biophotonics: Charting a Course for New Opportunities
Thursday, June 23 (MS 3171)
2:10-5:35 Invited Participants
Michael Wood, University of Toronto
Polarized Light for Tissue Characterization
Invited Participants
Invited Participants
Invited Participants
Invited Participants
S12 Statistical Methods in Medical Imaging
Thursday, June 23 (MS 2173)
2:10-2:35 Hanna Jankowski,York University
Confidence Regions and Means of Random Sets using Oriented Distance Functions
2:40-3:05 Timothy Johnson, University of Michigan
Predicting Treatment Efficacy by Quantitative MRI via a Bayesian Joint Model
3:40-4:05 Alejandro Murua, Université de Montréal
Functional Connectivity Exploration with the Potts and Random Cluster Models
4:10-4:35 Z. Jane Wang, University of British Columbia
fMRI Signal Processing Methods for Brain Connectivity Modeling
S13 Graph-Based Methods in Medical Imaging
Friday, June 24 (MS 4279)
2:10-2:35 Dana Cobzas, University of Alberta
Random Walks for Deformable Image Registration
2:40-3:05 Paul Dufort, University of Toronto
Joint Segmentation and Deformable Registration of Fractured Vertebra Using a Synthesis of the Expectation Maximization and Belief Propagation Algorithms
3:40-4:05 Leo Grady, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton
Universal Models for Targeted Image Segmentation
4:10-4:35 Réne Donner, Medical University Vienna
3D Anatomical Structure Localization
4:40-5:05 Mona K. Garvin, University of Iowa
Use of 3D Graph-Theoretic Approaches in the Segmentation of Ophthalmic Structures
S14 Brain Imaging
Monday, June 20 (HS 106)
3:40-4:05 Jason Lerch, Hospital for Sick Children
Detecting small changes in the brain with structural MRI
4:10-4:35 Ragini Verma, University of Pennsylvania
Analyzing Diffusion MRI Based "Connectivity" for Diagnosis
4:40-5:05 Cheryl Grady, Rotman Research Institute
The Use of Multivariate Methods for the Analysis of fMRI Studies of Cognition
5:10-5:35 Rhodri Cusack, The Centre for Brain & Mind, U of Western Ontario
Characterizing Neural Representation with Multivariate Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data
S15 Magnetoencephalography
Tuesday, June 21 (HS 106)
2:10-2:35 John Mosher, Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center
Imaging and Localizing Neural Sources from MEG Data
2:40-3:05 Douglas Cheyne, Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto
Use of Adaptive Beamformers in MEG Source Modeling
3:40-4:05 Bernhard Ross, Rotman Research Institute and University of Toronto
Identifying Brain Networks of Coherent Oscillations with MEG
4:10-4:35 J.L. Perez Velazquez, Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto
The Clinical and Basic Significance of Studying Fluctuations of Brain Coordinated Activity
SC Contributed Talks
Monday, June 20 (HS 100)
2:10-2:35 Michael Smith, University of Calgary
Moving the Best Ideas from 1985's Constrained Reconstruction Techniques into 2011's Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
2:40-3:05 Lakshminarayan V. Chinta, Sunnybrook Research Institute
Quantitative Perfusion Estimation from Two Photon Fluorescence Microscopy Microvasculature Maps
3:40-4:05 Qiong Wu, McMaster University
A Semi-Definite, Nonlinear Model for Optimizing k-Space Sample Separation in Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
4:10-4:35 Yogesh Chinta Venkateswarao, McMaster University
Sparse Sampling of Velocity MRI
4:40-5:05 Jessica L. M. Pavlin, McMaster University
Determining a Flow Profile from Multi-Scale Phase Contrast Angiographic MRI Data



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