March 14, 2025


Centre de recherches mathematiques-Fields Institute-Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
November 11, 2013 at 3:30 p.m.
2013 CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize Lecture

Bruce Reed, Université McGill
How I learned to do mathematics
Fields Institute,Room 230

How I learned to do mathematics (presentation)

I was exceedingly fortunate to have Vašek Chvátal as a professor when I was an undergraduate at McGill and as my supervisor as a graduate student. His instruction as to how to carry out mathematical research has stood me in good stead, ever since. I will discuss what I learnt from him and how I applied it throughout my career.

Prof. Bruce Reed has been awarded the CRM/Fields/PIMS Prize for 2013. The Prize recognizes exceptional achievement in the area of mathematical sciences and is considered one of the top honors in mathematics in Canada. The Prize carries a monetary award of $10,000 and the recipient presents lectures at each of the three Institutes.

Prof. Reed received his degrees in Mathematics and in Computer Science at McGill University. Following postdoctoral fellowships and faculty positions in Europe, Canada and the USA, he joined the faculty of McGill University in 2001: he currently holds the Canada Research Chair in Graph Theory and was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2009.

Prof. Reed has played a leading role in a broad range of research areas in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. He is best known for his work on a broad range of areas within graph theory, with many of his most important contributions being in random structures, graph minors, and graph colouring.

Prof. Reed was cited "For his profound contributions to difficult and important problems in the areas of graph minors, graph colouring, algorithmic graph theory, random graphs, and the probabilistic analysis of algorithms".

CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize
The CRM-Fields-PIMS prize is intended to be the premier mathematics prize in Canada. The winner receive a monetary award, and an invitation to present a lecture at each institute during the semester when the award is announced. The prize recognizes exceptional achievement in the mathematical sciences.
CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize - Call for Nominations


The Fields Institute, located in Toronto, is recognized as one of the world's leading independent mathematical research institutions. With a wide array of pure, applied, industrial, financial and educational programs, the Fields Institute attracts over 1,000 visitors annually from every corner of the globe, to collaborate on leading-edge research programs in the mathematical sciences. The Fields Institute is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, seven principal sponsoring universities, sixteen affiliate universities and several corporate sponsors.

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