March 15, 2025
May 1-2, 2014
Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days
to be held at
Carleton University, Room HP4351(map)

Vida Dujmovic, University of Ottawa
Daniel Panario, Carleton University


Discrete mathematics is a broad research area involving the study of properties, algorithms, and applications of mathematical structures built on discrete objects. The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from the Ontario/Quebec area and beyond working in various fields of discrete mathematics in order to stimulate research collaboration in this vibrant interdisciplinary area.

The 2014 Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days will consist of invited talks and several sessions of contributed talks, while leaving time for informal discussion. The proposed invited speakers are distinguished for excellence in research in finite geometry, combinatorial designs, random graphs, graph theory, finite fields and combinatorial optimization. They have been involved in theoretical, applied, and algorithmic aspects of discrete mathematics.

FORMAT: The 2014 Carleton-Ottawa Discrete Mathematics Days will be a two-day event consisting of 6 invited talks and several sessions of contributed talks, while leaving time for informal discussion. Students and postdoctoral fellows are particularly encouraged to present their work at the meeting.


Robert Coulter, The University of Delaware
Peter Danziger, Ryerson University.
Pu Gao, University of Toronto
Luke Postle, Emory University
Ivelisse Rubio, University of Puerto Rico
Adrian Vetta, McGill University

SCHEDULE revised April 16 (speaker abstracts)

Thursday, May 1, 2014
08:30-09:00 Registration and Welcome

Luke Postle, Emory University
On the minimum density of 4-critical graphs of girth five

10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break
10:30-12:00 Amin Bahmanian, University of Ottawa
Eulerian Hypergraphs
Shonda Gosselin, University of Winnipeg
Metric Dimension of circulant graphs and Cayley hypergraphs
Antoine Poirier, University of Ottawa
Graph contraction reconstruction
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Peter Danziger, Ryerson University.
Orthogonally Resolvable Designs
14:30-15:30 Lucia Moura, University of Ottawa
An adaptive algorithm for group testing for complexes
Elizabeth Maltais, University of Ottawa
Bounds for graph-intersecting packings
15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00-16:30 Eugene Zima, Wilfrid Laurier University
Direct approach to the indefinite hypergeometric summation
16:30-17:30 Pu Gao, University of Toronto
Random graphs: spanning tree packing, arboricity, the densest subgraph problem and beyond
19:00 Reception
Friday, May 2, 2014
09:00-10:00 Robert Coulter, The University of Delaware
Permutation polynomials, representation theory, and projective planes
10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break

Tony Nixon, York University
Symmetry adapted Assur graphs
Christino Tamon, Clarkson University
Universal state transfer on graphs
Georgios Tzanakis, Carleton University
Construction of covering arrays of strength 4 from m-sequences

12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Ivelisse Rubio, University of Puerto Rico
Construction of systems of polynomial equations with exact p-divisibility via the covering method
14:30-15:30 Malihe Aliasgari, Amirkabir University of Technology
$\mathbb{Z}$-module associated to integer programming for decoding $q$-ary codes
Mufutau Akinwande
Correlation of pseudorandom sequences obtained from de Bruijn graphs
15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00-17:00 Adrian Vetta, McGill University
A discrete view of economics

Participants as of April 24, 2014

Full Name University/Affiliation
Akinwande, Mufutau  
Aliasgari, Malihe Amirkabir University
Bahmanian, Amin University of Ottawa
Bailey, Robert Grenfell Campus, MUN
Bardini Idalino, Thaís Federal University of Santa Catarina
Bose, Prosenjit Carleton University
Burgess, Andrea Ryerson University
Chan, Ada York University
Cheung, Kevin Carleton University
Coulter, Robert The University of Delaware
Danziger, Peter Ryerson University
Dujmovic, Vida University of Ottawa
Gao, Pu University of Waterloo
Gao, Zhicheng Carleton University
Garner, Cyril W. L. Carleton University
Gorzny, Jan University of Victoria
Gosselin, Shonda University of Winnipeg
Maltais, Elizabeth University of Ottawa
Marquis, David Carleton University
Martins, Rodrigo
Carleton University
Mastromattei, Christian Queen's University
Moazzez, Babak Carleton University
Morneau-Guerin, Frederic Universite Laval
Moura, Lucia University of Ottawa
Newman, Mike University of Ottawa
Nixon, Anthony York University
Panario, Daniel Carleton University
Poirier, Antoine University of Ottawa
Postle, Luke Emory University
Qureshi, Claudio Campinas University
Rashtchi, Marjan L'Université du Québec à Montréal
Rioux-Maldague, Lucas Carleton University
Rubio, Ivelisse University of Puerto Rico
Sadeghi, Mohammad Amirkabir University of Technology
Sajna, Mateja University of Ottawa
Tamon, Christino Clarkson University
Tang, Zongzhi University of Ottawa
Thomson, David Carleton University
Tzanakis, Georgios Carleton University
Verdonschot, Sander Carleton University
Vetta, Adrian McGill University
Wang, Qiang Carleton University
Zare, Ebrahim UQAM
Zima, Eugene Wilfrid Laurier University

The Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days are the of fspring of the Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days, which began in 1978. Since 2002, the Ottawa - Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days have been held annually in the spring, alternating its location between Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, and have been (usually) supported by the Fields Institute. For more information on recent Discrete Mathematics Days please visit:





