21-23, 2014
15th Canadian Conference on General Relativity
and Relativistic Astrophysics (CCGRRA
University of Winnipeg

on-site May 21
Before April 15 Fees: $175 , Students $125
After April 15 Fees: $200, Students $150.
Banquet tickets will be $75 |
15th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
will be held at the University of Winnipeg, May 21-23, 2014. As with
other meetings in this series, its goal is to bring together both
Canadian and international relativists for scientific discussion and
exchange. These meetings are broadly based, covering the wide range
of research done in Canada including mathematical and numerical relativity,
quantum gravity, string-theoretic approaches to gravity, relativistic
astrophysics and cosmology.
In addition to the plenary lectures, time will be allotted in the
afternoons for contributed talks from members of the national and
international community. Post-docs and grad students are especially
encouraged to contribute talks.
Plenary Lecturers
Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State)
Latham Boyle (Perimeter)
Matthew Johnson (York & Perimeter)
Alex Maloney* (McGill)
John Moffat (Perimeter)
Levon Pogosian (Simon Fraser)
Joe Polchinski (UCSB)
Frans Pretorius (Princeton)
Samar Safi-Harb (U Manitoba)
Neil Turok (Perimeter)
Jorge Zanelli (CECs Chile)
* to be confirmed
Local Organizing Committe
Andrew Frey
Gabor Kunstatter
Dwight Vincent
Confirmed Particpants
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Abdolrahimi, Shohreh |
University of Oldenburg |
Akbar, Mohammed |
University of Texas at Dallas |
Alaee, Aghil |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Alexander, Murray |
University of Winnipeg |
Babb, James |
University of Winnipeg |
Birnholtz, Ofek |
Hebrew University |
Booth, Ivan |
Memorial University |
Buchel, Alex |
University of Western Ontario |
Cai, Yifu |
McGill |
Corbett, Brian |
University of Guelph |
Das, Saurya |
University of Lethbridge |
De Paepe, Karl |
Edery, Ariel |
Bishop's University |
Faraoni, Valerio |
Bishop's University |
Frey, Andrew |
University of Winnipeg |
Fukui, Takao |
Garfinkle, David |
Oakland University |
Gegenberg, Jack |
University of New Brunswick |
Green, Stephen |
University of Guelph |
Guariento, Daniel |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Guendelman, Eduardo |
Ben Gurion University |
Harada, Tomohiro |
Rikkyo University |
Harriott, Tina |
Mount Saint Vincent University |
Hobill, David |
University of Calgary |
Husain, Viqar |
University of New Brunswick |
Kalogeropoulos, Nikolaos |
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar |
Kubiznak, David |
Perimeter Institute |
Kunduri, Hari Krishna |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Kunstatter, Gabor |
University of Winnipeg |
Lupu, Gheorghe Adrian |
Technical College |
Martinez, Christian |
Centro de Estudios Cientificos |
Mikula, Paul |
University of Manitoba |
Quigley, Callum |
University of Alberta |
Rahmati, Shohreh |
University of New Brunswick |
Rogers, Adam |
University of Manitoba |
Schleich, Kristin |
University of British Columbia |
Seahra, Sanjeev |
University of New Brunswick |
Sierens, Todd |
Perimeter Institute |
Smerlak, Matteo |
Perimeter Institute |
Taves, Tim |
Centro de Estudios Científicos |
Tian, David W. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Tzounis, Christos |
University of Alberta |
Underwood, Bret |
Pacific Lutheran University |
Vincent, Trevor |
50 St. George Street |
Wang, Xun |
University of Victoria |
Williams, Jeff |
Brandon University |
Witt, Donald |
University of British Columbia |
Zambrano, Andres |
Bishop's University |
Zimmerman, Aaron |
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
Ziprick, Jonathan |
University of New Brunswick |