March 15, 2025


July 7- August 1, 2014 Focus Program on

Workshop on Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD) and Related Neurological Phenomena,
July 7-11, 2014

Organizers: K. C. Brennan (Neurology,U Utah),
Markus A. Dahlem (Physics, Humboldt U, Berlin),
Huaxiong Huang (Math. & Statistics, York U),
Robert M. Miura (Math. Sci. and Biomedical Eng, NJIT)

Registration on site
Wrokshop fees: $100, Students and PDF: $50, Waived for invited speakers
Video of the talks of FieldsLive Information for speakers
Information for funded participants

Invited Speakers

Program Accommodation in Toronto Toronto


In this workshop, we will bring together a group of researchers from the areas of mathematical modeling and experimentalists in neuroscience to address some of the fundamental issues related to neurovascular coupling and cortical spreading depression (CSD) and related neurological phenomenon. CSD is a slow propagating wave of pathological elevation of extracellular potassium. It is linked to migraine with aura, stroke, and possibly other neurological disorders. The main objective of the workshop is to discuss and incorporate recent advances in experimental studies into mathematical models that are capable of reproducing observed phenomenon and to make predictions that can be verified by further experimental studies.

Draft Program (speaker abstracts)

Monday, July 7
TIME Cortical Spreading Depression: History - Medicine - Mathematics




Bernice Grafstein
Spreading depression as a holistic process: A historical perspective (slides)


Cenk Ayata
Spreading depression and the biological heterogeneity of cerebral blood flow response: clues for modeling


Coffee break


Huaxiong Huang
Modeling cortical spreading depression and related phenomena


Lunch break


Steven Schiff
Unification in the Observation and Control of Spikes, Seizures, and Spreading Depression


Tea break
3:30-4:00 Jess Seidel (slides)


Defining workshop topics. Suggestions:

  • CSD related phenomena - peri-infarct and anoxic depolarization, brain injury depolarization
  • Incorporating dynamic structure into the modeling of CSD
  • CSD aftermath -`second phase' of CSD and other consequences
  • Minimum conditions for elicitation of CSD
  • Can CSD explain the clinical symptomatology of migraine (prodrome, ictus,postdrome)?
  • What is a realistic/plausible model?
  • Other?
Tuesday, July 8
  CSD related phenomena
9:00-9:45 David Terman
Blocking spreading depolarizations in a neuron/astrocyte network model
10:00-10:45 Jed Hartings
Spreading depolarizations in acute brain injury: mathematical dynamic instability of cerebral cortex?
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:15 Béla Joós
The Nav coupled left shift model of axon damage: how minor damage can cause major grief
12:30-2:00 Lunch break
2:00-2:45 Ghanim Ullah
Towards a model-based control of neuronal systems
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-4:00 Jorge Mendez
4:00-6:00 Workshops (single or parallel, presented on Thursday)
Wednesday, July 9
  Simplifying models
9:00-9:45 Ernest Barreto
Ion Concentration Dynamics and its Effects on Neuronal Excitability and Bursting
10:00-10:45 Bas-Jan Zandt
Dynamics of single neurons and populations during spreading depolarization
11:00-11:30 Coffee break

Niklas Hübel
Dynamics from seconds to hours in HodgkinHuxley model with time- dependent ion concentrations and buffer reservoirs (slides)

12:30-2:00 Lunch break
2:00-2:45 Markus A. Dahlem
Ghost behavior: Transient localized patterns of CSD in the gyrified human cortex (slides)
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-4:00 KC Brennan
4:00-6:00 Workshops (single or parallel, presented on Thursday)
Thursday, July 10
  Minimal conditions: from nucleation to thresholds and susceptibility
9:00-9:45 Frederike Kneer (ABSTRACT)
Nucleation, front and pulse propagation in reaction-diffusion models
10:00-10:45 K.C. Brennan
Minimum conditions for the induction of CSD
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:15 David Andrew
Spreading depolarization strength during ischemia determines higher brain susceptibility and lower brain resistance to acute injury
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 Edward Dudek
3:00-3:30 Tea break
3:30-4:00 Yoichiro Mori
4:00-6:00 Workshop teams
Presentation of main workshop resolutions (continued)
Friday, July 11
9:00-10:00 Late breaking news
Open slot
10:00-10:45 Closing session 1: Where do we go from here - Special issue and next workshops
11:00-12:00 Closing session 2: Funding - Canada, USA, Europe, and other
12:00 Farewell and goodbye

Frederike Kneer

Nucleation, front and pulse propagation in reaction-diffusion models

To describe CSD by an effective model that also allows for analytical approximations, we study reaction-diffusion waves on curved two-dimensional surfaces and determine the influence of curvature upon the nucleation and propagation of spatially localized waves in an excitable medium modelled by the generic FHN model. We show, that the stability of propagating wave segments crucially depends on the curvature of the surface. Besides, to get deeper insight in biophysical processes involved in CSD, an ion-based Hodgkin-Huxley-type model is used. Focussing on propagation of CSD, we describe spatial coupling by the assupmtion of extracellular diffusing potassium. We find, that this bistable model provides coexisting wave fronts and backs propagating with different velocities. Introducing glial potassium uptake into the model, phasespace structure changes. The hence monostable model has propagating pulse solutions.


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