Conference in Honour of Vladimir Arnol'd
June 15-21, 1997

Vladimir Arnol'd will be 60 in 1997 and The Fields Institute
will celebrate the occasion by hosting a conference along the
lines of his research interests.
These interests include singularity theory, bifurcation theory,
mechanics (KAM theory, averaging, normal forms, geometric mechanics,
symmetry), wave front sets, Coxeter groups, fluid mechanics and
aperiodic order as well as the history of these subjects.
In addition to talks by the main speakers, V. Arnol'd will give
three one-hour lectures as a Fields Institute Distinguished Lecturer.
Main Speakers
- Edward Bierstone, University of Toronto
- Oleg Bogoyavlenskij, Queen's University
- David G. Ebin, SUNY Stony Brook
- Yakov Eliashberg, Stanford University
- Dimitry Fuchs, University of California at Davis
- Hermann Flaschka, University of Arizona
- Alexander Giventhal, University of California at Berkeley
- Martin Golubitsky, University of Houston
- Mikhael Gromov, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques
- John Harnad, Concordia University and CRM, Université de Montréal
- Philip Holmes, Princeton University
- Yulij Sergeevich Ilyashenko, Moscow State University
- Maxim E. Kazarian, Steklor Mathematical Institute
- Boris Khesin, University of Toronto
- Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto
- Rafael de la Llave, University of Texas
- Jerrold E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology
- John W. Milnor, SUNY Stony Brook
- Keith Moffatt, Isaac Newton Institute
- Robert V. Moody, University of Alberta
- Anatolii Neishtadt, Space Research Institute, Russia
- Tudor Ratiu, University of California at Santa Cruz
- Peter Slodowy, Universität Hamburg
- Stephen Smale, City University of Hong Kong
- Scott Tremaine, University of Toronto
- Clifford Taubes, Harvard University
- Victor A. Vasil'ev, Steklov Mathematical Institute
- Alexander Varchenko, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Anatoly Vershik, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Vladimir Vladimirov, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Stephen Wiggins, California Institute of Technology
- Yosef Yomdin, Wiezmann Institute of Sciences
- Victor I. Yudovich, Rostov State University
Organizing Committee
Jerrold E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology (Chair);
Edward Bierstone, University of Toronto; John Chadam, University
of Pittsburgh; Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto;
Robert V. Moody, University of Alberta; Tudor S. Ratiu, University
of California at Santa Cruz; William F. Shadwick, IMPA, Brazil;
Alexander Varchenko, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
Victor Vasil'ev, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow