March 14, 2025

Activities July 1997-June 1998

THEMATIC PROGRAMS August - December 1997
Microlocal Methods in Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics Thematic Program

Workshop on Microlocal Methods in Geometric Analysis,Oct. 27 - Nov. 2, 1997
Workshop on Microlocal Methods in Pumpkin Carving, Oct. 31, 1997
Workshop on Microlocal Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Sept. 8 - 14, 1997

Coxeter lecture Series
November 3-7, 1997
Vladimir Buslaev, St. Petersburg University

January - June 1998
Complexity Theory

Workshop on Complexity Issues in Parallel and Distributed Computation, June 1-5, 1998
Workshop on Interactive Proofs, PCP's, and Fundamentals of Cryptography , May 10-15, 1998
Workshop on Complexity Lower Bounds, Feb. 23-27, 1998

Coxeter lecture Series

February 23-27, 1998
Alexander A. Razborov, Steklov Mathematical Institute

Distinguished Lecture Series

April 14-15, 1998
A. Wigderson, Institute for Advanced Study

October 27-31, 1997
R. B.Melrose, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


June 28 - July 2, 1998 --
Pacific Rim Geometry Conference
(Held at the University of British Columbia and co-sponsored with PIMS)

June 29-30, 1998 --
Workshop in Honour of E.J. Davison's 60th Birthday

June 14-19, 1998 --
10th Annual Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
or contact Nantel Bergeron, York University

June 13-15, 1998 --
Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting

June 8-12, 1998 --
AARMS Summer Workshop on Applications of Category Theory to Computer Science
(Held at Mount Allison University)

May 31- June 3, 1998 --
Statistical Scociety of Canada Annual Meeting

May 28-30, 1998--
19th Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society and 13th Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics

May 22-23, 1998 --
Canadian Celebration of Women in the Mathematical, Statistical and Computer Sciences
(Held at the University of Waterloo and co-sponsored with Cito, CMS, SRM, ICR, Maple, NORTEL and the University of Waterloo)

April 24, 1998 --
Royal Society Public Lectures by the New Fellows of the Academy of Science

April 21-25 --
The 1998 Canadian Operator Theory and Operator Algebras Symposium
(Held at University of Alberta and co-sponsored with CRM and University of Alberta)

October 24-26, 1997 --
(Held at the University of New Brunswick and co-sponsored with the CRM, University of New Brunswick and Dalhousie University)

October 17-19, 1997 --
Midwest Several Complex Variables Seminar (

October 16-17, 1997 --
RiskLab International Inaugural Meeting

Coordinator: John Chadam (University of Pittsburgh)

September 15 - 19, 1997 --
Blythe Lectures (Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto)
Johannes Sjostrand

August 19-28, 1997
First Vancouver Meeting on Probability
(Held at University of British Columbia and co-sponsored by the CRM and PIMS)

August 12-16, 1997 --
12th Summer conference on Topology and it's Applications and Workshop on Continuum Theory, Set-theoretic Topology and Applied Topology
(Held at Nipissing University and co-sponsored with Tembec, the CRM, Nipissing University, The Office of Naval Research (U.S.) and the Professional Engineers of Ontario)

July 25 - August 27, 1997 --
Set Theoretic Topology Seminar, B. Weiss

July 25 - 29, 1997 --
International Conference on Differential Equations with Applications to Biology
(Held at Dalhousie University and co-sponsored with the CRM an Dalhousie University)

July 20 - 26, 1997 --
Solitons: Properties, Dynamics, Interactions and Applications
(Held at Queen's University and co-sponsored with the CRM, Queen's University and the Canadian Association of Physicists)

July 15-19, 1997 --
Fields - Nortel Workshop: Mathematics Education for the 21st Century

July 13-19, 1997 --
Solitons: Properties, Dynamics, Interactions, and Applications
(Summer Workshop in Theoretical Physics), Queens University

Stochastic Seminars at the Institute

June 1998 -- A.D. Wentzell , Tulane University, New Orleans
Random Perturbations of Systems with Conservation Laws

June 22, 1998 -- Keith Worsley (McGill University)
The Geometry Of Random Images In Astrophysics And Brain Mapping,

June 15, 1998 -- Raj Srinivasan (University of Saskatchewan)
Analysis And Heavy Traffic Steady State Limits For Regulated Markov Chains,

June 4, 1998 -- Luis Gorostiza (Institute for Advanced Studies, Mexico City)
Nuclear Gelfand Triples In Stochastic Analysis

May 21, 1998 -- Klaus Fleischmann (Weierstrass Institute, Berlin)
Introduction to Catalytic Branching Processes

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