Workshop Microlocal Methods in Geometric Analysis
October 27 - November 3, 1997
Monday, Oct 27 |
08.55-09.00 |
D.Dawson Director's Address Chair: R.Melrose |
09.00-09.50 |
V.Guillemin Traces on certain algebras of pseudodifferential
operators |
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
J.Bruening Heat asymptotics for singular problems
11.20-12.10 |
J.Derezinski Asymptotic completeness in nonrelativistic
quantum field theory Chair: W.Craig |
14.00-14.45 |
A.Comech Regularity properties of the Melrose-Taylor
Radon transform |
14.55-15.40 |
J.Tie The explicit solution of the `D-bar'-Neumann
problem in the non-isotropic siegel domain Chair: V.Ivrii |
14.00-14.45 |
B.Levitan Fourier analysis for vector-valued Sturm-Liouville
problems |
14.55-15.40 |
B.-W.Schulze Pseudo-differential calculus on manifolds
witha corners |
15.40-16.20 |
Tea break |
16.20-17.20 |
R.Melrose Fields Distinguished Lecture. I. |
Tuesday, Oct 28 |
Chair: B.Levitan |
09.00-09.50 |
C.Epstein Microlocal analysis and CR-manifolds |
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
D.Tataru Local and global results for semilinear hyperbolic
equations |
11.20-12.10 |
N.Dencker A new type of estimate on Hilbert spaces
Chair: P.Perry |
14.00-14.45 |
W.Craig Scattering and regularity of the Schroedinger
equation |
14.55-15.40 |
R.Froese Upper bounds for the resonance counting function |
15.40-16.30 |
Tea break |
16.30-17.15 |
D.Borthwick Scattering theory and deformations of
asymptotically hyperbolic metrics Chair: E.Leichtnam |
14.00-14.45 |
R.Brunetti Renormalization in quantum field theory
on curved backgrounds as extension of distributions throug microlocal
analysis |
14.55-15.40 |
P.Piazza On the Novikov conjecture on manifolds with
boundary |
15.40-16.30 |
Tea break |
16.30-17.15 |
C.Winfield Local solvability of some PDO's on the Heisenberg group |
Wednesday, Oct 29 |
Chair: S.Zelditch |
09.00-09.50 |
M.Taylor Progress in the use of layer potentials |
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
R.Mazzeo Nonlinear gluing via infinite dimensional
Lagrangian intersections |
11.20-12.10 |
G.Eskin Some inverse scattering problems Chair: J.Bruening |
14.00-14.45 |
E.Leichtnam About an index theorem for operators of Toeplitz type |
14.55-15.40 |
T.Paul Quasimodes associated to resonant elliptic periodic a trajectories
Chair: M.Taylor |
14.00-14.45 |
L.Parnovski Scattering matrix for scattering metrics |
14.55-15.40 |
L.Ji Sharp bounds on the Green functions and heat kernel for symmetric
spaces |
15.40-16.20 |
Tea break |
16.20-17.20 |
R.Melrose |
Thursday, Oct 30 |
Chair: B.-W.Schulze |
09.00-09.50 |
J.-M.Delort Second microlocal ellipticity and long
timea existence for semilinear Klein-Gordon equation |
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
N.Lerner Microlocal energy estimates |
11.20-12.10 |
A.Laptev Bounds on the eigenvalues of some partial
differential operators
Chair: J.Rauch |
14.00-14.45 |
M.Williams Highly oscillatory multidimensional shocks |
14.55-15.40 |
E.Schrohe Boundary value problems on manifolds with edges |
15.40-16.30 |
Tea break |
16.30-17.15 |
M.Rouleux Scattering and Wigner measures
Chair: Lizhen Ji |
14.00-14.45 |
T.Christiansen Spectral asymptotics for compactly
supported perturbations of the Laplacian on R^n |
14.55-15.40 |
L.Farhy Lower bounds on the number of resonances near
the critical line |
15.40-16.30 |
Tea break |
16.30-17.15 |
L. Guillope Resonances for Riemann surfaces |
Friday, Oct 31 |
Chair: M.Zworski |
09.00-09.50 |
G.Uhlmann Microlocal analysis and inverse problems
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
W.Mueller Scattering theory and locally symmetric
manifolds of finite volume |
11.20-12.10 |
P.Perry The scattering operator and quasi-conformal
deformations of Kleinian groups Chair: V.Guillemin |
14.00-14.45 |
J.Toth Holomorphic heat kernels and bounds for Hardya
functions |
14.55-15.40 |
C.Nolan Global solution of an inverse problem for
the acoustical wave equation
Chair: A.Laptev |
14.00-14.45 |
L.Kapitanski On some nonlinear problems of geometric
origin |
14.55-15.40 |
S.Zelditch Pair correlations measures for spectral
and scattering problems |
15.40-16.20 |
Tea break |
16.20-17.20 |
R.Melrose |
Pumpkin-carving! Treat-or-trick on your own! |
Saturday, Nov 1 |
Chair: W.Mueller |
09.00-09.50 |
M.Ikawa On poles of zeta functions for several convex
bodies |
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
D.Yafaev Singularities of the scattering amplitude
for the Schroedinger equation with a long-range potential |
11.20-12.10 |
A.Vasy Propagation of singularities in three-body scattering Chair:
G.Metivier |
14.00-14.45 |
A.Greenleaf Fourier integral operators with fold and
cusp singularities |
14.55-15.40 |
J.Wunsch Propagation of growth and singularities for Schroedinger
operators |
15.40-16.30 |
Tea break |
16.30-17.15 |
P.Guan Regularity of degenerate Monge-Ampere equations
Chair: V.Buslaev |
14.00-14.45 |
G.Rozenblioum On estimating the number of negative
eigenvalues of Schrodinger and other operators |
14.55-15.40 |
L.Rachele An inverse problem in elastodynamics |
15.40-16.30 |
Tea break |
16.30-17.15 |
A.Uribe Applications of Hermite FIOs to dispersionless
Toda and geometric quantization |
Sunday, Nov 2 |
Chair: D.Yafaev |
09.00-09.50 |
J.Rauch Diffractive nonlinear geometric optics |
09.50-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
G.Metivier Global solutions to Maxwell equations in
a ferromagnetic medium |
11.20-12.10 |
G.Popov Contribution of degenerate periodic orbits
to the wave trace Chair: G.Popov |
14.00-14.45 |
D.Geller Pseudodifferential and analytic pseudodifferential
operators on nilpotent groups |
14.55-15.40 |
C.Judge Large eigenvalues and short geodesics on hyperbolic
surfaces Chair: G.Uhlmann |
Sunday, Nov 3 |
14.00-14.45 |
G.Salomonsen APS boundary conditions for manifolds with corners
14.55-15.40 |
R.Novikov Scattering transform and its inversion for the N-body
Schroedinger equation at high energies |