March 15, 2025

Microlocal Methods Seminar 1997

September 18
Johannes Sjostrand (École Polytechnique)
Introduction to FBI transforms

September 24
Andrew Comech (University of Toronto)
Integral operators with degenerate canonical relations I

October 8
Victor Ivrii (University of Toronto)
Semiclassical local spectral asymptotics introduction.

October 15
Jan Philip Solovej (University of Copenhagen)
Spectral estimates and stability of matter

October 17
Pat McDonald (New College)
Exit time moments for diffusions in Euclidean space and overdetermined boundary value problems.

October 20
Christian Gerard (Ecole Polytechnique)
On scattering theory for N-particle systems in 2-D magnetic fields

October 22
Georgi Popov (Institute of Mathematics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Introduction to quasi-modes

November 12
Shu Nakamura (Nagoya University)
Tunneling estimates for magnetic Schroedinger operators

November 14
Vojkan Jaksic (University of Ottawa)
Surface waves

November 17
Bill Minicozzi (Johns Hopkins University)
Weyl type bounds for harmonic functions

November 24
Maciej Zworski (University of Toronto)
Resonances for convex bodies

November 28
Ruedi Seiler (Technische Univrsitat Berlin)
Quantum Hall Effect

December 8
Jean Michel Combes (Université de Toulon et du Var)
About the dynamics associated to Schrödinger operators with singular spectra