March 14, 2025

RiskLab International Inaugural Meeting

Thursday, October 16 and Friday, October 17, 1997

Sponsored by Algorithmics, Inc.

Thursday, October 16
By invitiation only

Friday, October 17
Morning: By invitation only
Afternoon: Open to the Public

2:00 - 3:00
"Volitility Trading and Hedging" Peter Carr Morgan Stanley-New York
3:00 - 4:00
"Risk Management in Financial Institutions" Bob Mark CIBC-Toronto
4:00 - 4:30
Refreshments and Conversation
4:30 - 5:30
"Risk Management for Corporations" Mark Garman Financial Engineering Associates-Berkeley
5:30 - 6:30

All Participants are asked to make their own travel and hotel arrangements. Blocks of rooms under the name "Algorithmics"have been booked at the following hotels:

Quality Hotel by Journey's End
280 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V8
tel: 416/ 968 0010
fax: 416/ 968 7765
Toll Free Reservations: 1 800 228 5151

rate: $72.night single, $84/night double
Rooms will be released on October 12

Holidy Inn on King Street
370 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1J9
tel: 1 800 263 6364
fax: 416/ 599 4000
rate: $129 single or double