Ahmed Hossain
Department of Public Health Sciences (Biostatistics)
University of Toronto, and Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Ahmed Hossain is a PhD Candidate in the department of Public Health
Sciences (Biostatistics) at University of Toronto. His research
is supported by the Sick-Kids Research Institute. He earned his
MSc in Statistics from McMaster University in 2004. His research
interests include Gene Expression Analysis; Survival Analysis; Application
of Bayesian and Regression Methods in medical research.
Baisong Huang
Baisong Huang received Honour's Bachelor of Science degree from
University of Toronto in 2004 (Statistics, Computer Science) and Master
of Science degree also from University of Toronto in 2005 (Statistics).
Currently, Baisong Huang is a Research Biostatistician in Department
of Integrative Biology, Research Institute, Toronto Hospital for Sick
Children. He is also a PhD candidate in the Biostatistics Program,
Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto. His main
interests currently are in the area of Clinical Trials, Statistical
Computation, Longitudinal Data Analysis, and Human Genetics. |
Matthew Kowgier
Ph.D. Student
Research interests:
My current research interests are in cost-effectiveness analysis
for clinical trials,including, sample size estimation through a
decision theoretic approach; and Bayesian methods for latent class
analysis. I am also interested in data mining methods, particularly,
unsupervised learning techniques, and the statistical analysis of
DNA microarrays.
• M.Sc. Biostatistics. University of Toronto, 2005
• B.A. Statistics. York University, 2004
Gerald Lebovic
Gerald Lebovic is a second year PhD student in the Department
of Public Health Sciences at the University of Toronto. He has an
undergraduate degree in statistics from York University, Canada
and a Masters degree in statistics from the University of Toronto,
Canada. His current research interests are longitudinal data, polytomous
data, as well as clinical trials.
Sophia Lee
Sophia Lee is a PhD candidate in the Biostatistics Program at
University of Toronto’s Department of Public Health Sciences.
She is currently under the supervision of Drs. Shelley Bull and
Lei Sun. The focus of her thesis concerns the development of a statistical
methodology using a random forest of weighted trees to identify
complex disease genes in quantitative trait linkage analysis. Her
other research interests include multinomial logistic regression
with sparse data and data mining methods. Sophia Lee received her
BSc, BEd, and MA from York University. She presently holds a Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) doctoral fellowship.
Lucia Mirea
Lucia Mirea is a PhD student in Biostatistics, Department of Public
Health Sciences, University of Toronto, working under the supervision
of Dr. James Stafford and Dr. Shelley Bull. Her thesis research is
to develop statistical methods for family-based genetic association
analyses using longitudinal trait measurements that consider the interplay
between genetic and environmental factors through time. Additional
research interests include design approaches (one, two or multi-stage)
and analytic strategies (single SNPs, haplotypes, multiple testing)
for genome-wide genetic association studies. Lucia Mirea received
her BSc., BEd from Queen's University, MSc from University of Toronto
and presently holds a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Doctoral Research Award. |
Hadas Moshonov
Hadas Moshonov is a PhD candidate in the department of Statistics
at the University of Toronto. She received her B.A in statistics from
University of Haifa in Israel. Her PhD thesis research is about model
checking and methods for assessing model adequacy with main focus
on Bayesian models. |
Wei Wu
Master Student in the Biostatistics Program at Department of Public
Health Sciences, University of Toronto. Research interests: clinical
trials and statistical genetics. B.A. Statistics. Queen's University,
Summer Workshop Index