Monday, March 17
Andrew Lewis (Queen's University)
Lecture 19 | Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Differential Geometry
Professor Mike Stillman (Cornell University)
Lecture 8
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 28 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
Jonathan Weitsman, Northeastern University
Reflection Positivity and Chern Simons Functional Integrals
Tuesday, March 18
Federico Galetto, Cleveland State University
Computing Gröbner bases of ideals of points
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Anibal Medina-Mardones (Western University)
Lecture 17 | Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Sasha Gasanova, University of Duisburg-Essen
Periodic lozenge tilings of the plane
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Kasra Rafi (University of Toronto)
Lecture 18 | Randomness in Groups
Wednesday, March 19
Andrew Lewis (Queen's University)
Lecture 20 | Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Differential Geometry
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 29 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
John Griffiths (University of Toronto)
Jérémie Lefebvre (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 06: Large Scale Simulations
Part of the Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Neuroscience
Maia Fraser (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 17 | Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning
Thursday, March 20
Anibal Medina-Mardones (Western University)
Lecture 18 | Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Kasra Rafi (University of Toronto)
Lecture 19 | Randomness in Groups
Friday, March 21
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 30 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
Joscelyn van der Veen University of Toronto
Time Dependence and Quantum Statistics in Ultrafast Optics
Leonid Hanin (Idaho State University)
Synergy Theories for the Joint Action of Radiations, Toxins and Medicines
Clement Yung, University of Toronto
Mad families of vector spaces
Maia Fraser (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 18 | Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning