March 16, 2025

Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science and Engineering

Workshop on Computational Challenges in Dynamical Systems
December 3 - 7, 2001

Organizers: Klaus Böhmer (Marburg), Eusebius Doedel (Concordia),
John Guckenheimer (Cornell), Herb Keller (Caltech), Bill Langford (Guelph)

Rationale: In Dynamical Systems theory, often the objects which are of great interest to mathematicians have properties which make them very difficult to compute by standard numerical methods. This workshop will focus on these computational challenges, bringing together experts in dynamical systems and in numerical analysis. Examples of the problems to be addressed include: localization and unfoldings of bifurcation points of higher codimension, computation of global invariant manifolds including center manifolds and inertial manifolds for ordinary and partial differential equations, efficient computation of normal forms, symmetric dynamical systems, strange attractors, Liapunov exponents, heteroclinic cycles, stable long time integrators, phase space reconstruction.

To receive on-going information about this program please subscribe to the mail list.

Confirmed Participants (partial list):

Uri Ascher, University of British Columbia
Dwight Barkley, University of Warwick, UK
Klaus Boehmer, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Hermann Brunner, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Sue Ann Campbell, University of Waterloo
Walter Craig, McMaster University
Eusebius Doedel, Concordia University
Mitrajit Dutta, University of New Hampshire
Donald Estep, Colorado State University
Jorge Galan, University of Sevilla
Karin Gatermann, Berlin and ORCCA, London
Marty Golubitsky, University of Houston
Willy Govaerts, University of Gent
John Guckenheimer, Cornell University
Michael E. Henderson, TJ Watson Research Center
Tony Humphries, University of Sussex
Arieh Iserles, Cambridge University
Angel Jorba, Universitat de Barcelona
Oliver Junge, University of Paderborn
H.B. Keller, California Institute of Technology
Yannis G. Kevrekidis, Princeton University
Eric Kostelich, Arizona State University
Bernd Krauskopf, University of Bristol
Herb Kunze, University of Guelph
Rachel Kuske, University of Minnesota
Gregory Lewis, The Fields Institute
Andre Longtin, University of Ottawa
Kurt Lust, K.U.Leuven
Kirsten Morris, University of Waterloo
James Murdock, Iowa State University
N. Sri Namachchivaya, University of Illinois
Israel Ncube, York University
Dan Offin, Queens University
Bart Oldeman, University of Bristol
Hinke M. Osinga, University of Bristol
Randy Paffenroth, Caltech
Dirk Roose, K.U. Leuven
Andy Salinger, Sandia National Laboratories
Bjorn Sandstede, Ohio State University
Tim Sauer, George Mason University
Sam Shen, University of Alberta
John Stockie, University of New Brunswick
Emily Stone, Utah State University
Andrew Stuart, Warwick University
Edriss S. Titi, University of California
Erik S. Van Vleck, Colorado School of Mines
Weiguang Yao, University of Western Ontario
James Yorke, University of Maryland
Yuan Yuan, University of Western Ontario

(Speakers should submit abstracts to and

A block of rooms for participants have been arranged the hotels listed below. Please request the Fields Institute rate when booking . Rooms must be reserved before October 31, 2001 to receive the Fields rate.

Days Inn
30 Carleton Street,
Toronto, ON, M5B 2E9
Tel: 416 977-6655
Toll Free 1-800-367-9601 (8:30 am- 6pm)
(approx. $89/night CDN)
Quality Hotel
280 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON, M5S 1V8
Tel: (416) 968-0010
Fax: (416) 968-7765
(approx. $125/night CDN)

For additional accommodation resources, please see the Fields Housing page