March 16, 2025

May 5-8, 2005

7th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing

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Almendral, Ariel TUDelft
AL-Yakoob, Salem Kuwait University
Anand, Christopher McMaster University
Arbenz, Peter Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Aruliah, Dhavide University of Western Ontario
Azimi, Aziz Sharif University of Technology
Bader, Michael TU Muenchen
Bawa, Rajesh K. Punjabi University
Bridson, Robert University of British Columbia
Butler, Jeff University of Waterloo
Carrington, Tucker Université de Montréal
Chan, Tony University of California, Los Angeles
Chartier, Tim Davidson College
Chen, Zizhong University of Tennessee
Choi, Hae-Won University of Toronto
Christara, Christina C. University of Toronto
Coleman, Thomas Cornell University
Conn, Andrew R. IBM Watson
Cormier, Sarah University of British Columbia
Dahu, Wang Beijing jiaotong university,China
De Sterck, Hans  
Dollar, Hilary "Sue" Oxford University
Eberl, Hermann J. University of Guelph
Emet, Stefan Abo Akademi University
Fischer, Paul Argonne National Laboratories
Fischer, Rainer Technical University of Munich
Forsyth, Peter University of Waterloo
Greif, Chen University of British Columbia
Gutknecht, Martin ETH Zurich
Halabieh, Omar University of Waterloo
Hamdouni, Mohamed Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Hartmann, Judith TU Muenchen
Henson, Van LLNL
Hochstenbach, Michiel Case Western Reserve University
Hoemke, Lars Research Center Juelich
Hu, Jonathan Sandia National Laboratories
Ipsen, Ilse NCSU
Jalili-Kharaajoo, Mahdi University of Tehran
Jarre, Florian Du"sseldorf
Kelley, Tim NCSU
Kincaid, David University of Texas at Austin
Krop, Elliot University of Illinois at Chicago
Langou, Julien The University of Tennessee
Li, Zhongze Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lo, Shih-Ching National Centre for High-Performance Computing
MacLachlan, Scott University of Colorado at Boulder
Manteuffel, Thomas University of Colorado at Boulder
Melnik, Roderick Wilfred Laurier University
Monell, Victor Weyerhaeuser
Ng, Esmond G. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Olsen, Luke Brown University
Oosterlee, Kees Delft
Parks, Michael Sandia National Laboratories
Perminov, Valeriy Belovo Branch of kemerovo State University
Qaddouri, Abdessamad Meteorological Service of Canada
Rickard, Yotka McMaster University
Roummel, Marcia University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sadkane, Miloud University of Brest
Shen, Chi Kentucky State University
Stadler, Georg University of Graz
Stathopoulos, Andreas College of William and Mary
St-Cyr, Amik National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Strang, Gilbert Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Szyld, Daniel B. Temple University
Tanoh, Germain Universidad de Chile
Terlaky, Tamás McMaster University
Thomas, Stephen National Center for Atmospheric Research
Tougas, Jane Dalhousie University
van Geemert, Rene FGTC
Walker, Homer Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Wan, Justin W.L. University of Waterloo
Wang, Yinhua SAS Institute Inc.
Wathen, Andy - Speaker Oxford University
Wei, Hua University of Waterloo
Wong, Kwai University of Tennessee/ORNL
Zhang, Jingrui University of Toronto
Zhou, William SAS Institute Inc.

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