March 15, 2025

May 5-8, 2005
7th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing

at the
Bahen Centre for Information Technology (BA)
40 St. George Street (Map)
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Sponsored by
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
Centre for Computational Mathematics in Industry and Commerce (U. Waterloo)
(International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation).

Christina Christara (Computer Science, Toronto)
Peter Forsyth (Computer Science, Waterloo)
Tamas Terlaky (Computing and Software, MacMaster )
Justin W.L. Wan (Computer Science, Waterloo)


Christina Christara
Peter Forsyth
Martin Gander
Philip Gill
Florian Jarre
David Kincaid
Esmond G. Ng
Kees Oosterlee
Michael Saunders
Weipai Tang
Tamas Terlaky
Justin W.L. Wan
Junping Wang

The conference will feature invited lectures, minisymposia, selected contributed papers and a paper competition for students and new PhDs. Topics targeted include but are not limited to:

  • nonlinear systems
  • large sparse linear systems
  • large scale eigenproblem computations
  • preconditioning
  • multigrid and multilevel methods
  • domain decomposition
  • Krylov subspace methods
  • linear and nonlinear optimization -- interior point methods -- complementarity and equilibrium problems
  • integer and combinatorial optimization -- distributed computing -- decomposition methods
  • high-performance and parallel computation
  • applications such as - network flows - protein folding - blood flow - energy minimization - financial computation - computational fluid dynamics - image processing - internet search engines

Of particular interest will be presentations on interdisciplinary research and open problems

An excursion is planned for Sunday May 8, further information will follow.


      Tony Chan (UCLA)
      Tom Coleman (Cornell)
      Andy Conn (IBM)
      Paul Fischer (Argonne)
      Ilse Ipsen (NCSU)
      Van Henson (LLNL)
      Tim Kelley (NCSU)
      Kees Oosterlee (Delft)
      Andy Wathen (Oxford)


  • MINISYMPOSIA Submit one-page theme abstract, list of 4 speakers and titles of their presentations by January 31, 2005 to Notification of acceptance by February 28, 2005

Note: Once a minisymposium is accepted, speakers of the minisymposium will be asked to submit their individual abstracts through

  • A typical minisymposium consists of four 25-minute presentations including questions, or three 30-minute presentations including questions. Prospective minisymposium organizers are asked to submit a proposal consisting of a title, an abstract (not to exceed 250 words), and a tentative list of speakers and titles of their presentations.

Please submit proposals by e-mail to
The proposal should be a single HTML file. Please see the example provided.

It is recommended that the minisymposium organizer make the first presentation. Each minisymposium speaker should submit a one page abstract to the minisymposium organizer. Contributed minisymposia will be refereed by the Program Committee. The number of minisymposia may be limited to retain an acceptable level of parallelism in the conference sessions. The abstracts of accepted minisymposia will appear in the Handbook of Abstracts.

The conference organizing committee will not be able to waive the registration fee for minisymposium organizers and speakers, or reimburse their expenses. Therefore, minisymposium organizers should make no financial commitments on behalf of the conference organizing committee to speakers when organizing their minisymposia.

    Contributed presentations in Lecture Format are invited in all areas consistent with the conference themes.
    Submit one-page abstract by February 15, 2005 Notification of acceptance by March 15, 2005

Each intended speaker must submit a title and a brief abstract not to exceed one page (approximately 250 words).. All abstracts will be refereed by the Program Committee. The abstracts of accepted contributed presentations will appear in the Handbook of Abstracts. Abstracts are limited to one page. Longer abstracts will be truncated to one page automatically. Expanded abstracts, complete papers and slides of talks may be submitted in pdf or ps format to the Virtual Proceedings.

    Student paper competition: Sumission deadline has now passed

    All students (and new PhDs whose degrees were awarded after January 1, 2004) are invited to submit a paper for competition. Thanks to funding from the Fields Institute, 10 or more winners will be selected to receive financial support for travel expenses, lodging, and conference registration fee waivers Notification of acceptance by March 15, 2005

    Any student (or new Ph.D., whose degree was awarded after January 1, 2004) is invited to submit a paper for a student paper competition. Thanks to funding from the Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 10 or more winners will be selected to receive financial support for travel expenses, lodging, and registration fee waivers.

The student or new Ph.D. must be the primary or sole author. Sending only an abstract is unacceptable. Student papers should meet the requirements of the Instructions for Preparation of Papers and are accepted as e-mail attachment in PostScript or PDF format The e-mail body should include a request to consider the paper for the student competition. If e-mailing is not possible, a hard copy of the paper may be submitted by regular post to:
Prof. Christina Christara
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4

All papers submitted must follow the guidelines provided here.
All student papers submitted will be considered for oral presentation (as contributed talks).

ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT -Deadline for requesting financial support was January 31, 2005. Notification of acceptance by March 15, 2005.

Depending on availability of funds, limited financial support may be available for students upon request, with a special effort to encourage women and minority students. To apply for this financial support, you do not have to submit a paper. However, please note that those who submit papers will be considered first.

Applications for travel support are also encouraged from new researchers (recent Ph.D.s, post-doctoral students, and junior faculty who do not have adequate funds), however, supporting students will be the main priority.

Submission deadline for journal publication: July 15, 2005.

Each speaker (including student paper contributors) will be invited to submit a paper to a special issue of the IMACS Journal Applied Numerical Mathematics devoted to the meeting. These papers will be subjected to the same rigorous refereeing process as regular submissions to this journal.

Papers should be prepared in LaTeX according to the journal's instructions.
For review purposes, please prepare a PostScript or PDF file and e-mail it as an attachment to
The e-mail body should include a request to consider the paper for publication in the special issue of the Applied Numerical Mathematics and it should list the authors, the title, and the total number of pages of the paper. The e-mail should come from the corresponding author of the submitted paper.

All abstracts accepted for contributed presentations, minisymposia or student paper competition, will be collected, printed, distributed at the conference, as a handbook of abstracts.

REGISTRATION AND FEES (all amounts in Canadian dollars; 1 CAD ~ 0.83 USD ~ 0.64 Euro)

$240 regular registration for IMACS members before March 28, 2005
(240 CAD ~ 192 USD ~ 150 Euro)
$290 regular registration for IMACS members after March 28, 2005
$270 regular registration for non-members before March 28, 2005
$320 regular registration for non-members after March 28, 2005
$50 student registration
***"All registration fees include admission to the scientific sessions, coffee/tea breaks and reception."***

EXCURSION Activities for Sunday
a) McMichael Gallery: The Galleries permanent exhibitions include a The Group of Seven, their contemporaries and successors including Emily Carr, David Milne, the Canadian Group of Painters and others.
Going to the gallery the public transit/cab way
Take the TTC to the Islington subway, and the Islington bus north (37) to the Martin Grove loop. At the Loop call Ace taxi at 905 8572002 for a cab to the Gallery (approx. $17, if a few people go together this is cheaper). You can also arrange a pick up back to the bus with the taxi service.
Hours: 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Adult entry $15

b) Art Gallery of Ontario: 317 Dundas Street West, Toronto (Dundas and
Current exhibit: Massive Change:The Future of Global Design now on until May 29 Art Gallery of Ontario
Saturday-Sunday: 10 am-5:30 pm m, Adults: $8, Specially Ticketed Exhibitions Adults: $18

c) Niagara Falls
Buses travel from Toronto to the Niagara Falls (approximately every two hours), fares approx. $55 same day ticket, $42 for advanced purchase, $30 for a companion ticket. The bus terminal in Toronto is at Dundas and Bay Street (15-min walk from the Univeristy):
Toronto Coach Terminal, 610 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario (416) 393-7855
Departures from Toronto Bus terminal May 1, 8:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.14:00 p.m.


The Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences
MITACS: Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems
IMACS: International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
McMaster University
The University of Toronto
The University of Waterloo
City of Toronto
More information on Toronto
Toronto weather


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