March 15, 2025

Thematic Program on Mathematical and Quantitative Oncology
July -August 2008

July 2-4, 2008,
Workshop on Growth and Control of Tumors: Theory and Experiment

Organizing Committee: M. Kohandel, P. Maini, S. Sivaloganathan, K. Swanson

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Cancer is a class of diseases characterised by the three traits of uncontrolled growth, invasion and metastasis. Once diagnosed, the standard treatment is some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. With more recent research developments, treatments are becoming more specific for different types of cancer. There have been significant advances in the development of targetted drug therapies that hone in on detectable molecular abnormalities (thus minimising damage to normal cells), development of novel drug delivery systems, optimization of combination therapies and in numerous other directions. Hand in hand with the significant advances in experimental cancer biology and clinical oncology, the last decade has witnessed an increasing interaction between oncology and the mathematical sciences. This has resulted in an interdisciplinary field of research nowadays referred to as "mathematical oncology". This synergistic interaction between oncology and mathematics heralds an era (in the not-too-distant future) where mathematical oncology will become an integral part of the study of cancer. This workshop brings together cancer biologists, clinical researchers and mathematical scientists, to provide stimulus and impetus to this interdisciplinary approach which will, no doubt, be central to the conquest of cancer.

Invited Speakers (speaker abstracts)

Davide Ambrosi (Torino)
Robyn Araujo (George Mason University)
Khalid Boushaba (Iowa State)
Lloyd Demetrius (Harvard)
James Glazier (Indiana)
Richard Hill (PMH)
David Hodgson (PMH)
Yi Jiang (Los Alamos)
Philip Jones (Cambridge Cancer Ctr. , UK)
Rama Khokha (Ontario Cancer Institute)
Mike Milosevic (PMH)
Lance Munn (Harvard)
Leonard M. Sander (Michigan)
Shiladitya Sengupta (MIT)
Jack Tuszynski (Cross Cancer Inst., AB)
Zhihui Wang (Harvard-MIT,HST)
Glenn F. Webb (Vanderbilt)

Workshop Schedule

Wednesday July 2
8:30- 9:00 Welcome and Introduction
Siv Sivaloganathan
9:00- 9:40 Rama Khokha
Functional and Biological Variables in Metastasis
9:45- 10:25 Leonard Sander
Micromechanics of collagen-gels and invasion by glioma cells
10:30- 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50- 11:30 Richard Hill
Cancer stem cells in tumours
11:35- 12:15 Jack Tuszynski
MD and QMMM modeling successfully predict binding and effectiveness of novel colchicine derivatives against multiple cancer cell lines
12:20- 2:00 Lunch Break
2:00- 2:40 Shiladitya Sengupta
Spatiotemporal targeting of tumor parenchyma and stroma by hybrid nanoparticles
2:45- 3:25 Davide Ambrosi
Adhesion forces in T24 cell migration
3:30- 3:50 Coffee Break
3:50- 4:30 Mike Milosevic
Angiogenesis, Interstitial Fluid Dynamics and Hypoxia in Tumors
4:35- 5:15 Lance Munn
Multi-scale analyses of tumor physiology and blood vessel dynamics
5:30- 7:30 Reception
Fields Institute
Thursday July 3
9:00- 9:40 Philip Jones
The self assembling stem cell niche: a new model of epidermal homeostasis
9:45- 10:25 Lloyd Demetrius
Cancer in Mice and Men: a comparison
10:30- 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50- 11:30 David Hodgson
Learning from the Fat Man: Modeling Radiation-related Second Cancer Risk for Clinical Use
11:35- 12:15 Glenn F. Webb
Models of Tumor Growth in vitro
12:00- 2:00 Lunch Break
2:00- 2:40 Yi Jiang
Multiscale modeling for tumor angiogenesis
2:45- 3:25 Zhihui Wang
Multiscale Lung Cancer Modeling
3:30- 3:50 Coffee Break
3:50- 4:30 Robyn Araujo
Combination Therapies: Insights from Mathematical Modeling
Friday July 4
9:00- 9:40 James Glazier
Simple Modeling of Avascular and Vascular Tumors Using the GGH Model and CompuCell3D
9:45- 10:25 Khalid Boushaba
Mathematical modeling of angiogenesis in the zebrafish embryo
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break

Confirmed Participants

Fullname University/Affiliation
Ambrosi, Davide Politecnico di Torino
Araujo, Robyn George Mason University
Belinschi, Serban University of Saskatchewan
Boushaba, Khalid Iowa State University
Calvo, Gabriel ETSI Industriales, UCLM-Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Cerezo, Richard University of Toronto
Demetrius, Lloyd Harvard University
Ebrahimi, Mehran University of Waterloo
Fatehi, Ali University of Prince Edward Island
Geraci, Joseph University of Toronto
Glazier, James Indiana University
Gollinger, William University of Waterloo
Gunawan, Rudy University of Waterloo
Gupta, Manish Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Gupta, Shubhra  
Haselwandter, Christoph Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hill, Richard University of Toronto
Hodgson, David Princess Margaret Hospital
Jiang, Yi Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jones, Philip Cancer Cell Unit
Khain, Evgeniy Oakland University
Khokha, Rama University Health Network
Kohandel, Mohammad University of Waterloo
Lawniczak, Anna University of Guelph
Liu, Cheng York University
Luo, Biyong College of Toronto
Milosevic, Michael University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Hospital
Mistry, Shilan Oxford University
Mojirsheibani, Majid Carleton University
Movahed, Seyed M. S. Institute for Studies in theoretical Physics and Mathematics
Munn, Lance Harvard University
Powathil, Gibin University of Waterloo
Pressman, Irwin Carleton University
Rohlf, Katrin Ryerson University
Sanchez, Antonio University of Waterloo
Sander, Leonard University of Michigan
Schneider-Mizell, Casey University of Michigan
Sengupta, Shiladitya Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shakourifar, Mohammad University of Toronto
Singh, Murari University of Toronto
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal University of Waterloo
Tang, Herbert University of Waterloo
Tang, Xiongwen University of Iowa
Turner, Colin University of Waterloo
Tuszynski, Jack University of Alberta
Wang, Zhihui Harvard-MIT (HST) Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Webb, Glenn Vanderbilt University
Wilkie, Kathleen University of Waterloo
Zivari Piran, Hossein University of Toronto


Apply to the Program

All scientific events are open to the mathematical sciences community. Visitors who are interested in office space or funding are requested to apply by filling out the application form. Additional support is available (pending NSF funding) to support junior US visitors to this program. Fields scientific programs are devoted to research in the mathematical sciences, and enhanced graduate and post-doctoral training opportunities. Part of the mandate of the Institute is to broaden and enlarge the community, and to encourage the participation of women and members of visible minority groups in our scientific programs.

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