March 15, 2025

Microlocal Methods in Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics

August 1997 to December 1997

In the fall of 1997 The Fields Institute will be sponsoring a semester long programme in Microlocal Analysis (from August 15 until Christmas). The programme will include international workshops, graduate courses and several lecture series and seminars. The participation of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows will be an integral part of the activities. All activities of the Fields Institute are subject to availability of funds.

Organizing Committee

Peter Greiner, Victor Ivrii, Maciej Zworski (Dept. of Math., University of Toronto), Johannes Sjoestrand (Centre de Mathematique, Ecole Polytechnique), Steven Zelditch (Dept. of Math., John Hopkins University),

The main purpose of the programme is to facilitate interaction between various areas of mathematical physics and linear and non-linear partial differential equations. The use of phase space techniques, that is, of microlocal methods, in the study of solutions to partial differential equations is intended as the underlying motif. Specific topics will include:

  • Large energy and semi-classical asymptotics
  • Large Coulomb systems
  • Resonances
  • Periodic structures and random potentials
  • Geometric scattering theory
  • Degenerate elliptic boundary value problems
  • Existence and regularity of solutions to non-linear hyperbolic equations


Distinguished Lecture Series

Professor Richard B.Melrose of Massachusetts Institute of Technology will deliver a series of lectures as part of The Fields Institute Distinguished Lecture Series.

Coxeter Lecture Series

Professor Vladimir Buslaev of St.Petersburg University will deliver a series of lectures as part of The Fields Institute Coxeter Lecture Series.

Blyth Lecture Series

Professor Johannes Sjostrand of Ecole Polytechnique will deliver a series of lectures as part of The Department of Mathematics (University of Toronto) Blyth Lecture Series.

Seminar "Microlocal Methods"