March 14, 2025


July-December 2012 Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications

September 10-14, 2012
Workshop on Applications to Operator Algebras

Organizing Committee: Ilijas Farah, Andrew Toms, Alexander S. Kechris

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This workshop will explore connections between set theory and C*-algebras, as well as the emerging connections with von Neumann algebras. Some long-standing problems from the theory of C*-algebras were recently solved by using increasingly sophisticated set-theoretic tools. Emphasis will be put on applications of forcing to still unsolved problems, such as the general Stone-Weierstrass problem or the consistency of a positive answer to Naimark's problem. Part of the workshop will be devoted to the emerging connections between the classication problems in operator algebras and the abstract classication program in descriptive set theory.

Affiliated Activities

September 8-9, 2012
Appalachian Set Theory Workshop on C*-algebras, Classification and Descriptive Set Theory

in Toronto, Canada

Schedule (speaker abstracts)

Monday, September 10
Nik Weaver,Washington University
Falsifying Kadison-Singer
Coffee Break
David Kerr,Texas A&M University
Independence, ultraproducts, and actions of sofic groups
Lunch break
N. Christopher Phillips,University of Oregon (presentation)
Coffee Break
Paul McKenney,Carnegie Mellon University
Automorphisms of Corona Algebras
Aaron Tikuisis,Universität Münster
Decomposition rank and Jiang-Su stability of C*-algebras
Wilhelm Winter,Universität Münster (presentation)
Dynamics, dimension and classification of C*-algebras
Tuesday, September 11
Adrian Ioana,UCLA
Cartan subalgebras in amalgamated free product II1 factors.
Coffee Break
Roman Sasyk,Instituto Argentino de Matematica
Analytic sets of von Neumann algebras
Lunch break
Mikael Rørdam,University of Copenhagen (presentation)
Central sequence C*-algebras and absorption of the Jiang-Su algebra
Coffee Break
Asger Törnquist,Kurt Gödel Research Center
Huaxin Lin,University of Oregon (presenttion)
Simple C*-algebras with generalized tracial rank one.
Wednesday, September 12
Julien Melleray,Université Lyon 1 (presentation)
Generic properties of measure preserving actions
Coffee Break
Robin Tucker-Drob,Caltech (presentation)
Shift Minimal Groups
Anush Tserunyan,UCLA (presentation)
Finite generators for countable group actions
Free afternoon.
Thursday, September 13
Bradd Hart,McMaster University
Coffee Break
Ilan Hirshberg,Ben Gurion University
Rokhlin dimension for automorphisms of C*-algebras.
Lunch break
Stuart White,University of Glasgow
Constructing tracially large order zero maps
Coffee Break
Tristan Bice,Fields Institute (presentation)
Traces and Ultrapowers
Pre-colloquium break

Andrew Toms,Purdue University Back2Fields Colloquium
Tensorial absorption and the structure of operator algebras

Reception to follow, cash bar

Friday, September 14
Bruce Blackadar,University of Nevada, Reno
The homotopy lifting theorem for semiprojective C*-algebras.
Coffee Break
Luis Santiago,University of Oregon
Joav Orovitz
Tracially Z-absorbing C*-algebras
Lunch break
George Elliott,University of Toronto


Full Name University/Affiliation
Arisaka, Sohei Keio Univesity
Audrito, Giorgio Università degli Studi di Torino
Avilés, Antonio University of Murcia
Bartosova, Dana University of Toronto
Bartoszynski, Tomek National Science Foundation
Beros, Kostas University of Wisconsin
Bice, Tristan The Fields Institute
Blackadar, Bruce University of Nevada, Reno
Blackmon, Michael University of North Carolina Charlotte
Blass, Andreas University of Michigan
Brech, Christina University of São Paulo
Brenken, Berndt University of Calgary
Brodsky, Ari University of Toronto
Brown, Nate Pennsylvania State University
Burke, Maxim R. University of Prince Edward Island
Cancino-Manríquez, Jonathan UNAM-UMSNH
Chodounsky, David The Fields Institute
Clark, Lisa Orloff University of Otago
Cody, Brent The Fields Institute
Cox, Sean The Fields Institute
Dahya, Raj Københavns Universitet
Dobrinen, Natasha University of Denver
Doucha, Michal Charles University in Prague
Dow, Alan UNC Charlotte
Drucker, Ohad The Hebrew University
Eagle, Christopher University of Toronto
Effros, Edward University of California, Los Angeles
Elliott, George University of Toronto
Eskew, Monroe UC Irvine
Farah, Ilijas York University
Feng, Qi National University of Singapore
Fernández Bretón, David York University
Ferro, Leonardo University of Madrid Carlos III
Fischer, Vera Kurt Goedel Research Center for Mathematical Logic
Floricel, Remus University of Regina
Garcia Balan, Sergio Atayan FCFM - BUAP
Gardella, Emilio University of Oregon
Gaspar Arreola, Miguel Angel Posgrado Conjunto en Ciencias Matemáticas UNAM-UMSNH
Ghasemi, Saeed York University
Ghasemloo, Kaveh University of Toronto
Guzman, Osvaldo Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas
Hadwin, Don University of New Hampshire
Hart, Bradd McMaster University
Hay, Daniel University of Toronto
Hill, Aaron University of North Texas
Hrusak, Michael Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Ioana, Adrian University of California, Los Angeles
Kada, Masaru Osaka Prefecture University
Kania, Tomasz Lancaster University
Katsura, Takeshi Keio University
Kaur, Rupinderjit SLIET
Kechris, Alexander California Institute of Technology
Kerr, David Texas A&M University
Komjáth, Péter Eötvös Loránd University
Koszmider, Piotr Polish Academy of Sciences
Koutsoukou Argyraki, Angeliki University of Copenhagen
Kuhnle, Alan University of Florida
Larson, Paul Miami University
Li, Zhiqiang Fields Institute
Lin, Huaxin University of Oregon
Lindenhovius, Bert Radboud University Nijmegen
Lupini, Martino York University
Lutley, James University of Toronto
Magidor, Menachem Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Matharu, Jagjit Singh Guru Nanak Dev University College
McKenney, Paul Carnegie Mellon University
Melleray, Julien Université Lyon 1
Mildenberger, Heike Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Miller, Arnold W. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mitchell, William University of Florida
Moore, Justin Tatch Cornell University
Mota, Miguel Ángel The Fields Institute
Nashaat, Sherif McGill University
Nawata, Norio Chiba University
Ojeda Aristizabal, Diana Cristina Cornell University
Okayasu, Rui Osaka Kyoiku University
Orovitz, Joav Ben-Gurion University
Pachl, Jan Fields Institute
Peng, Yinhe National University of Singapore
Petzka, Henning University of Toronto
Phillips, N. Christopher University of Oregon
Pillai, Kripaini  
Rainone, Timothy Texas A&M University
Rawla, Mandeep Singh SLIET Longowal
Reznikoff, Sarah Kansas State University
Rinot, Assaf The Fields Institute
Robert, Leonel University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Rørdam, Mikael University of Copenhagen
Rosendal, Christian University of Illinois at Chicago
Sabok, Marcin Polish Academy of Sciences
Sako, Hiroki Kyoto University
Santiago Moreno, Luis University of Oregon
Sasyk, Roman Instituto Argentino de Matematica
Shani, Assaf Hebrew University
Shi, Xianghui Beijing Normal University
Smythe, Iian Cornell University
Soukup, Dániel Tamás University of Toronto
Steprans, Juris York University
Tajiri, Shohei Osaka Prefecture University
Tall, Franklin University of Toronto
Thomas, Simon Rutgers University
Tikuisis, Aaron Universität Münster
Todorcevic, Stevo University of Toronto and C.N.R.S., Paris
Toms, Andrew Purdue University
Tornetta, Gabriele University of Glasgow
Tornquist, Asger Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic
Tserunyan, Anush University of California, Los Angeles
Tucker-Drob, Robin California Institute of Technology
Veli?kovi?, Boban University of Paris - Diderot
Vignati, Alessandro York University
Watson, Nicola University of Toronto
Weaver, Nik Washington University
Weiss, William University of Toronto
White, Stuart University of Glasgow
Williams, Jay California Institute of Technology
Wilson, Trevor The Fields Institute
Winter, Wilhelm Universität Münster
Yorioka, Teruyuki Shizuoka University
Zacharias, Joachim University of Glasgow
Zapletal, Jindrich University of Florida

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