Definable versions of theorems by Kirszbraum and Helly
Andreas Fischer, TU Dresden
Date and Time:
Monday, June 22, 2009 - 10:30am to 11:30am
Fields Institute, Room 230
Kirszbraun's Theorem states that every Lipschitz map form S to Rn, where S⊆Rm, has an extension to a Lipschitz map defined on ämathbb{R^m} with the same Lipschitz constant. Its proof relies on Helly's Theorem: every family of compact subsets of \mathbb{R}^n, having the property that each of its subfamilies consisting of at most n+1 sets share a common point, has a non-empty intersection.
We sketch the proof of versions of these theorems valid for definable maps and sets in arbitrary definably complete expansions of ordered fields.