Homological mirror symmetry for the genus 2 curve
In this talk, we first use the construction of SYZ mirrors for hypersurfaces in abelian varieties following Abouzaid-Auroux-Katzarkov. We obtain a Landau-Ginzburg model (Y,v0) that is "generalized SYZ mirror" to the genus 2 curve Σ2, thought of as a hypersurface in its Jacobian torus Jac(Σ2). We equip this Landau-Ginzburg model with a Fukaya category and then describe an embedding of the category DbLCoh(Σ2) generated by powers of the defining line bundle for Σ2 restricted to the hypersurface, into the cohomological Fukaya-Seidel category of the mirror LG model. While our fibration is one of the first nonexact, non-Lefschetz fibrations to be equipped with a Fukaya category, the main geometric idea in defining it is the same as in Seidel's construction for Fukaya categories of Lefschetz fibrations and work of Abouzaid-Seidel.
This work is the speaker's PhD thesis under advisor Denis Auroux. It was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-1264662, DMS-1406274, and DMS-1702049, and by a Simons Foundation grant (# 385573, Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry).